Synastry Vs. Composite


Active member
Hi everyone!!

I'm trying to understand a conflicting aspect, and I can't find any information on what this means.

How does a Moon/Mercury aspect play out with a couple when in is Square in synastry, but Sextile in Composite...?? This is SO confusing to me!!!

I didn't post any chart, because I'm only interested in the differences and effect of this particular aspect with the synastry and composite.



Premium Member
In the synastry you have two moons and two mercuries.
So apparently they are not both in square, or are they?
Without a chart to reference it's very difficult to answer your question.


Active member
NO...they are NOT both squared, the other pair do not make any aspect. I didn't think I'd need a chart because I'm only trying to understand HOW a negative aspect in synastry while positive in composite would affect the relationship...I'm only looking for general information about how synastry and composite would show energies in an apparent conflict like this.

Do you still need the charts?

THANKS for answering!

Have you checked the sign placements of the planet's involved? Whether the square is between fire and earth , fire and water? And the sextile? This does matter in a way, as between signs and elements each get along or grate on each other differently.

Doing this may shed more light on how each aspect works within each chart.

Both of these aspects in each chart are equally as valid. Perhaps it's a matter to which degree.

Hope you find this helpful.


Active member
Thank you CapGoddess, that was a help!!

The square is between a Cancer Moon and Libra Mercury, and the sextile is between a Leo Moon and Libra Mercury.

So let me ask you this...are you saying that there will be times that the square will show up and then other times the sextile will do the same...? Can the sextile help with the square? Or the reverse, the square will block the sextile's more positive energy...?

Composite energy is hard for me to understand - I can always "feel" the synastry, but not the makes it confusing to try and interpret it!!


Well-known member
To OP:

Are you asking that why there can be a positive aspect in the composite chart when there is a negative aspect in the synastry chart (and vice versa)?


Well-known member
To be honest, I wonder about this myself, too.

You can have two synastry charts, and in one chart, there is a square between two planets, and in the other, there is a trine between the same planets. However, if you draw up a composite chart, you could get the same placement. But in actuality the natures of the relationship between said planets are vastly different. This is the main reason that I do not put too much stock in composite charts (although I do still look at them).
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Premium Member
Only chiming in to add my two cents - have looked at both synastry and composite charts as I get asked about these quite a bit and have tracked a number of them over time - the pattern that stands out is that a bad aspect in the composite matters more than the same aspect in a synastry (there is an explanation saying this is because we can change our behavior e.g. what the synastry suggests but we can't do anything about the resulting composite which just has what it has.)

So this suggests there is likely to be more trouble if the composite shows a square where the synastry might have trines or sextiles between the same planets - but also the composite may be more binding when a hard aspect is present whether the aspect is good or bad.

And as far as bad aspects - this doesn't necessarily refer to any square or opposition as some are fairly benign (Venus square Jupiter or Moon opposition Venus or the like) but rather ones that cause instability and prevent things from getting worked out - those would be the squares and oppositions to Uranus mainly with the other planets causing problems but not necessarily ones that cause things to explode.

(With the actual manifestation of a good aspect in composite + discordant aspect in a synastry between the same planets appearing as some degree of conflict in interactions that somehow don't seem to cause all that much trouble in the long term because they are ameliorated by the same aspect in the composite.)


Premium Member
Another point that puzzles me sometimes, is when a synastry involves two charts that are not very distant in time, so that the outer planets remain the same.
So, in a composite there could be contacts between the personal planets and the "generational" ones, but in aspects between the outer planets, how much does the aspect count, what weight does it have over all?
For example, a Neptune/pluto or Saturn/uranus, etc in the composite.
Any thought on this?


Premium Member
Well I've found Saturn-Uranus in a composite to definitely manifest and cause problems (assuming conjunction) even if these planets make no contact between the charts as in synastry but it seems they matter more if they are primarily connected to one of the personal planets (say Sun, Moon, Mars especially - though we know a chart with Venus square Saturn in composite form wouldn't be especially pleasant so unlikely to be a thing.)

Then going further maybe if the composite aspect cross-aspects something in one or two of the natals then either or both people would feel the energy and react depending on what kind of aspect it is being formed (composite Saturn-Uranus maybe squaring one person's sun within a decent orb, causing them to feel restricted or unsettled without really understanding why, going by the person's own account.)


Premium Member
Of course, if there are personal planets involved, it changes everything.
But if there are only the outer planets, do you find them relevant? For example a Neptune square or trine Saturn, that has no other aspects in the composite?


Premium Member
Assuming then no cross-aspects to the natals from the composite planet(s) - well then it might feel the worldview created by the composite starts to exemplify the nature of the composite aspect so long as the two are keeping their connection going (anything that is stable over time even if not necessarily a romantic relationship would fit) such that

if the aspect is Saturn-Neptune then they might notice they are much more concerned that their dreams are really solid and real to the point of lowering their dreams to Saturn's level or alternatively feeling unknowable bad things out there are interfering to sabotage their stability altogether (square between the two.)

This is in theory, I haven't seen either of those aspects specifically but have seen the conjunction which has some interesting effects.


Premium Member
I have come across it.
The outer planets are also called Generational. And the composite has to do with the relationship. I wonder if some of these outer planet aspects, that don't touch personal planets, might give indications in general about the tone of a relationship.
For example, if we think about a marriage that took place in the 1950s and compare it to a marriage in the 1990s or one today, basic concepts about the roles, and the organisation of the marriage can change.
So, these outer planet aspects in the composite that do not touch personal planets, might reflect "generational" themes.


Premium Member
Interesting idea - haven't thought about it extensively but it does rather seem supported by evidence so far.