Synastry between child and step father

Sweet Starz

Active member
Child is ary

Step father is les

What do you think about the charts?




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hi sweet starz

i won't even try to impartial.
this composite is extremely emotionally destructive to this child.

moon is square to saturn giving emotional distance and insensitivity.
sun is square to chiron giving an needless over critical attiutude between them.

venus is conjunct to mercury which on first glance shows a friendly and even joyful encounters, but the conjunction falls on the cusp of gemini/cancer which make them prone to nit picking and arguments.

the moon/sun midpoint is square to ixion which bodes a unsettled family with manipulative strings.this is an aspect or disregard for familial sensitivities.

lilth is conjunct juno with juno semisquare to jupiter and saturn opposed to jupiter.
this shows financial stabilty and could likely inherited wealth as the influnce of previous generations is strong.

most troubling is nessus conjunct eris on the descendant and square to eros. this is an extremely sexual pattern.nessus being associated with ........ improper relationships .

orcus is square to pluto and psyche again bring dark sexual overtones .

i would not trust this man with this child.

with nessus on the descendant then the child was in his mind as much as the mother when the marriage occurred.

i assume they are married by your post. if not then this mother should protect her daughter inspite of the riches this marriage would augur.


Sweet Starz

Active member
She is my daughter. Hes no where close to being rich. Wow thats crazy. Im shocked. He has two daughters and is a very good father to his daughters.

He is very good to her too.

We got together before he even knew i had a child.

I dont understand.

He feels sorry for her because her real father left her when she was 4. He buys her toys and plays with her.

Im having a panic attack.

Im shocked at the results.

He recently confided in me that he was molested as a child.
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hi sweet starz

this composite has 2 strata one between the 2 of them but the jun/ceres/jupiter pattern brings the vibration of marriage or commitment. this level is your reflection .
the eros/psyche midpoint is square to the juno/ lilth the effect of the symbols of romantic love are square to lilth and juno. this implies that there seems to be a greater joy when the focus is on the future family structure but this affectio is not necessarily between the two of them.

i looked at his chart briefly and noticed that saturn is conjunct to nessus.
eros and psyche are square with eros conjunct ixion. the midpoints of these symbols are square to saturn and nessus.

there is nothing here that would make me reconsider.
whenever extreme pleasure is crossed by extreme pain, whether emotional/physical or sexual, a dissassociative personality is likely to form.that is two sides to him or different personality and outlooks.

this is a brief incomplete look only.


Sweet Starz

Active member
Im just so disturbed by this. I actually told him about it and he was shocked and disgusted.

He said im a father i could never fo that. He was also disturbed. He was like what the hell.

I will always be careful with my child regardless.

Just like my mother was with my sister and i.

Rahu my daughter and i have nessus in the 8th house in the composite.

What could that mean?

She is ary
I am jenny


Thank u
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Lone Wolf

Active member
· His Neptune in her 1st. house can sometimes mean deception.

· Her moon in the 12th. Is often associated with Mother issues. You will have to watch that you do NOT let this girl down. All too often when the moon of a child is in the 12th. They can be let down or pushed aside by their own mother. Even abused.

· His Saturn conjunct her Sun is also another negative. He will definitely suppress or hold her back in some way. This is a very karmic aspect, and not easy to break in adults, but I’m not sure about children/adult?

· Pluto opposite Venus is often considered a violent and controlling aspect too.

Honestly, the fact that he is also a father, does not automatically exclude him of becoming a predator. With Neptune in her first house, there could be a great deal of exchange between the two, full of imaginative talks and so forth, especially with good Mercury/Venus aspects. What also worries me is his past. Sometimes the victims become the predators themselves?

I truly hope you will reconsider being with this man.

Sweet Starz

Active member
I am in no way abusive to my child. I love her to death and will give up my own life for her. So thats not true.

I was researching about a month ago. I wanted to see what moon in the 12th house meant. Lots of people had this natal placement and most if them were very close to their morhers and never experienced any abuse so its not always the same for everyone.

I think my daughter also has pluto opposite venus in her natal. I have had relationships with men who i had pluto opposite venus in synastry and composite. Never did any violence occur. He is the opposite of violent. Hes actually very soft and people tend to take advantage of him. Maybe his venus in cancer.

I have had rape and physical violence aspects with people and that also never occured.

I have an aspect in my natal that says i will be unfaithful and never commit.

Again wrong. I have never cheated and i am very loyal.

But like i said before i will be careful.

I am always careful with my daughter with men whether its at the park, in my home, or anywhere else.

Most people call me over protective because i am always suspicious of any man close to my child.

Lone Wolf

Active member
Hi Sweet Starz

Sorry, it was not my intention to insult or upset anyone, but sometimes, and in the case of a child I will risk that in order to keep her safe. I know that all the aspects I mentioned are only just potentially, however I do hope you you will be careful as you say you will.

A mother always knows when there is something wrong, so I do hope you heed any warnings no matter how big or small those flags are. Even if this guy is not a predator by nature, the chemistry between them is what concerns me most.

Good luck to you and your family!


Well-known member
His sun make good contact with her mercury. And saturn conj her sun and venus, so the kid may feel the stepdad as a little stiffling/suffocating in a protective way, maybe he can be a little to harsh but he is trying to help the kid being responsible.

The kid suns can kinda provoke unsettling emotions/intense emotions to the stepdad (sun and moon/pluto square). he helps the kid being creative though with his uranus supporting her mars of action. The moons are in sextile which is good for emotional support, plus her moon aspects well his mars, meaning he responds with actions (supposedly benefitially) to the kid emotions (like responding in a good action/way if the kid is sad, cries, etc, not ignoring the kid`s feeling).

On the bad side, his moon and pluto and mars bring tense energy to the venus and sun of the kid. Maybe he wont molest your daughter or anything, but the fact that he prob has his past like you said may impact the kid through bad emotional displays of the stepdad (too intense, too stiffling, suffocating) and maybe anger tempers (mars square venus and sun).

I wont say he is a monster and evil to the kid like everybody, but he has bad aspects that you have to keep in check. Are you a too submissive kinda of wife/partner? If you are, maybe is not good or he will dominate the situation and he can discount his unhappiness/anger on the kid. Probably the effect on your daugther wont be on emotional damage, but on her identity level (sun, venus). She might feel awkward, or unfitting, feel sick/bad physical health, or have self low esteem caused by the stepdad agressive/controlling actions to the kid.

Sweet Starz

Active member
He does get concerned when she cries. He has scolded me before for scolding her. If shes in a bad mood crying he will quickly cheer her up.

He is a single father to his 14 year old daughter. He has a 1 year old that he adores. His oldest daughters mother was on drugs and in and out of jail. He went to family court and fought hard to get custody of his daughter when she was born and he won. She has been with him since.

This is a man who texts and calls his daughter every morning to tell her he loves her. He is no pedophile.

Just because a step child is not related by blood doesnt mean anything bad. All because if some stupid asteroid.

Lots of people have step fathers and step mothers.

Uncles, brothers, and even friends abuse people too.

This man always wants to make sure i have milk and bread and food for my daughter. If we need he will go buy it.

Something her real father could care less for.

Im not submissive in relationships. I didnt grow up with a father and will not tolerate any man telling me what to do thats for sure.

None if my exs were ever dominant.

I have bad aspects in my chart too dont we all?

My friend told me he has the chart of a serial killer yet is the complete opposite.

I read an old post about a woman wanting to see her compatibility with her father and rahu again speaking about sexual feelings. Another astrologer had to warn him that he was going into dangerous territiry saying things like that and that he ought to be more careful.

Aspects play different roles in famy/relationship astrology.

According to my boyfriends natal he is a cold hearted abusive man.

He is the complete opposite. He is very affectionate and loving. Never says no to anyone. Hates when people are sad. Never raises his voice unless hes making a loud joke.

Maybe being abused as a child, losing his father at a young age, and watching his brother blow his brains out with a gun taught him to be a better person.

He gets sad sometimes because he feels bad for his 14 year old not having a mother anymore.

She died from cancer.

I get sad because my daughter doesnt have her real father.
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Lone Wolf

Active member
Hi Sweet Starz,

You and your daughter will most definitely benefit by reading up on what is known as the "Cinderella Effect". There are several books and articles on the subject. It all relates to step parenting issues, and involves all points of view.

I hope you will give it a try!


Sweet Starz

Active member
Hi Sweet Starz,

You and your daughter will most definitely benefit by reading up on what is known as the "Cinderella Effect". There are several books and articles on the subject. It all relates to step parenting issues, and involves all points of view.

I hope you will give it a try!


Thanks lone wolf i will check it out.

[deleted attacking comments - Moderator]
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Well-known member
Knock it off NOW


In the last few posts this discussion has gone "off the rails" and become non-astrological and an abusive slug-fest. Knock it off NOW and go back to discussing astrology and giving rational feedback. If you hear an interpretation you don't like, you can respond IF you can keep your head in your reply. If you find that the interpretation upsets you so much that you can't do that, then you have two options. 1) If the interpretation is personally abusive and attacking, report it to the Moderator Team. 2) If the interpretation is simply something you REALLY disagree with, mention you disagree with that interpretation, give rational feedback, and ignore that interpretation. What is NOT allowed is being abusive to others or responding to abusive posts. That is grounds banning people from the Forum.

Warning strongly,

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Well-known member
Im just so disturbed by this. I actually told him about it and he was shocked and disgusted.......
One of the reasons why Astrology, or, more aptly said, our interpretation of what we see can result in upsetting people and may even cause disturbance in a relationship. Not everybody understands why we run to astrology aspirants.

We need to understand that we are all here to practice, and nobody's, absolutely nobody's, word should be taken to be 'written in stone'. All we have to go by is a chart and some excerpts, if shared by the querent. ALso, it is natural that the human mind mostly leans towards the negative more than the positive. Hence, if Nep of the stepfather is on the Asc of the step child, most of us will interpret it as deception or something shady, than kindness and sacrifice. From the way the stepfather has been described to be, perhaps his Nep on her Asc (early years) could be his kindness and care towards her in her childhood. His Saturn on her Sun could be his provision of stability and dependability to her. In fact, I even think that this could be true. Why? The child has Sun (male figure of authority) square Uranus (sudden action/instability), with Uranus on the IC (parental home), so let us take that to signify what her real dad did (leave her). The stepdad's Saturn (stability), however, being conjunct to the her Sun, also squares (or fights) that Uranus (instability).

With these examples, we should note that there are two sides to every coin, even to the likes of Saturn. Jupiter is not always good either. A strong connection that the two have is Moon sextile Moon. There are also many connections going out from his Moon (fostering) to her Sun and Moon. That is some good stuff.



Well-known member
He does get concerned when she cries. He has scolded me before for scolding her. If shes in a bad mood crying he will quickly cheer her up.

He is a single father to his 14 year old daughter. He has a 1 year old that he adores. His oldest daughters mother was on drugs and in and out of jail. He went to family court and fought hard to get custody of his daughter when she was born and he won. She has been with him since.

This is a man who texts and calls his daughter every morning to tell her he loves her. He is no pedophile.

Just because a step child is not related by blood doesnt mean anything bad. All because if some stupid asteroid.

Lots of people have step fathers and step mothers.

Uncles, brothers, and even friends abuse people too.

This man always wants to make sure i have milk and bread and food for my daughter. If we need he will go buy it.

Something her real father could care less for.

Im not submissive in relationships. I didnt grow up with a father and will not tolerate any man telling me what to do thats for sure.

None if my exs were ever dominant.

I have bad aspects in my chart too dont we all?

My friend told me he has the chart of a serial killer yet is the complete opposite.

I read an old post about a woman wanting to see her compatibility with her father and rahu again speaking about sexual feelings. Another astrologer had to warn him that he was going into dangerous territiry saying things like that and that he ought to be more careful.

Aspects play different roles in famy/relationship astrology.

According to my boyfriends natal he is a cold hearted abusive man.

He is the complete opposite. He is very affectionate and loving. Never says no to anyone. Hates when people are sad. Never raises his voice unless hes making a loud joke.

Maybe being abused as a child, losing his father at a young age, and watching his brother blow his brains out with a gun taught him to be a better person.

He gets sad sometimes because he feels bad for his 14 year old not having a mother anymore.

She died from cancer.

I get sad because my daughter doesnt have her real father.
Hi Sweet Starz, I never said he would be abusive and I think is a very steep thing to say without knowing his history and him personally. I give an example that I have 2 twins sisters, much older than me, their DNA is the same also. But one is kind, a Buddhist monk who dreams of going to a monastery, she donates money to everybody freely and without regrets, she doesnt judge people and she forgave and love my father when he divorced her mom. The other is a money grubber, judge her own daughter, judge based on how much money a person has, is prejudiced, racist, and never forgave my father when he divorced her mom and never wanted to come to talk to him or let him talk to her. She is a very sad, harsh person, and very unhappy with marriage, very tense and non spiritual person.

Both are good with making money, both are climbing the corporate world, with good jobs, but their approach to life couldnt be more opposite and they have the exact same chart for 2-5 min of difference, born in the same room and with the same genes. So I dont even think genetics alone can explain or predict if someone is abusive/murderer/evil/greedy, so on. That`s impossible.

What I said was in objective point of view on the limits of what astrology can give in my opinion and experience and personal experience too based on a neutral evaluation of aspects. I knew he was very attentive to your child emotion, and he has sun in 10th house conjunct saturn, indicates he is a serious responsible man, venus in cancer in 10th and mercury too conjunct is also means he can be a sweet person and care about home and family as important. My husband has this positioning and he is not a serial killer.

Venus in cancer, mars in pisces, moon in virgo, why would that mean a serial killer? My mom has mars in pisces, sun in pisces, moon in virgo, do you think she is a serial killer? She is a cute lady that prays everyday, very religious, but very tolerant, didnt even spanked kids when we were kid. She has pity of the dog that pees on wrong places, cant punish nobody, but herself and accepts all sufferings without anger of anyone. It makes me angry when I see it and I even said she should be more active and assertive, but is who she is, what can we do.

People shouldnt be so judgmental in such a serious matter. But also if something is possible to go wrong (POSSIBLE, not necessarily real) you should be aware of it too, for safety. He sounds like a man responsible man to his family and at least is the face he tries to show to the world, who passed/will pass for difficulties and intense emotions. He can be very critical when suffering emotionally, a control freak, and probably also manipulative, a little weak on action/ doesn't take action quickly when needed, but I wouldn't go to the limit of saying he is a serial killer. Just watch your kid and him, open your eyes and look to be not deluded but that`s valid for any stranger we open our doors too, like you said, be it a friend, a relative, a partner.

Is my opinion, of course. Good luck for you and your family. I hope you, your daughter and your partner be happy and solve your problems in the most emotional fulfilling way.
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Alice McDermott

Well-known member
Hi Sweet Starz

I am sorry you have had so much abuse in this thread, particularly as some of the most abusive posts have contained no astrology at all.

As several other posters have mentioned, one has to take with a grain of salt the opinions of the people who look at charts as sometimes these opinions are based on their own agendas rather than real astrology; in addition many of those who are serious about their astrological studies have never worked extensively with clients so have no experience as to how astrological energies work on an ordinary level.

However, as a struggling single mother who very nearly married a wealthy paedophile who wanted access to my three sons, I know how very careful a parent has to be. I had no idea he was homosexual, let alone a paedophile, I just felt unsettled about marrying him and said we would be better off as friends. A few years later he was jailed for a very long time for his offences against children.

After the considerable shock was over I thought I would do a small astrological study as to why people want to have sex with children as it is so unnatural and what signatures there are in a child's chart that indicate they might be vulnerable to these predators.

I have found several signatures that require caution:

* The sign Scorpio as it is a very magnetic energy indeed and children with this sign prominent are very vulnerable. The Moon in Scorpio is a particularly vulnerable position.

* The 12th house. I think this house is so prominent as the children are told they must keep these events secret. Alternatively they might have Neptune or the sign Pisces prominent.

* The Vertex or antiVertex in the 8th house and/or strongly afflicted by planets ruling the 8th house and/or Saturn or Pluto.

These three signatures are consistently in the charts of children I have studied who have had these experiences.

In addition I have found the planet Pluto on an angle or the 2nd or 8th cusp in several cases. I have also found the nodal axis quite prominent in many cases. Venus in hard aspect to Pluto is also fairly consistent.

As you can see, your little daughter has the Moon in Scorpio in the 12th house and ruler of the 8th house, so it is important to make sure she is always protected. Furthermore, the Moon is square Neptune, indicating the possibility of secrets or the possibility of the mother not seeing clearly what is happening.

By Solar Arc direction the Moon moves to the Ascendant in 2017 so I think this is a year you will need to be particularly careful.

Aryanna also has Pluto conjunct the Koch 2nd house cusp.

Interestingly she has Jupiter, the ruler of her Ascendant, conjunct the antiVertex, giving a destiny in this life and this planet could be very protective.

The Vertex is in the 8th house but carries no difficult aspects and has a nice trine from Uranus and the Moon so this will be helpful as well.

So she is at some risk, but proper vigilance and not trusting the wrong people will protect her.

Is Les one of these wrong people? We can see if his chart triggers any of the danger signals in Aryanna's as this would make it possible.

Is the 12.00 pm time because you don't have his time of birth? This could make a considerable difference.

* His Mars in Pisces is trine her Moon, one of her vulnerable placements.

* He has Mars square Saturn, describing the abuse he received himself as a child. Abused children can either become very gentle and never want to hurt anyone, or take out their abuse on those weaker or more vulnerable than themselves. Sometimes a trigger brings emotions flaring up from the unconscious that the person had no idea was coming and therefore no control over.

* His Saturn is in a wide quincunx to Aryanna's Moon

So his Mars-Saturn square is activating one of her vulnerable placements.

* His very nurturing Venus in Cancer is quincunx her Ascendant from her 8th house. This certainly indicates he wishes to care for her but as it is from the 8th house this activation could take a more sinister turn, particularly as his Neptune is conjunct her Ascendant as well.

* He has the Moon conjunct Pluto, which echoes her Moon in Scorpio. This would give them an affinity with each other. Notice his Moon conjunct Pluto also made him vulnerable to sexual abuse.

* He has his Mars conjunct her Uranus - this could be good for activities together but can also indicate sudden flares of anger or upsets, so you will need to watch when transits go over this point and make sure to take care of your daughter.

* He has Mars conjunct her IC and Neptune conjunct her Ascendant. This is a Mars-Neptune paran for her. It could be quite magical, but it also bears watching.

I think these are the most difficult positions between these two. His Saturn conjunct her Sun is usually not difficult in a parent-child relationship as the Saturn gives structure and often security. His Saturn in Gemini is not usually controlling. His own Sun-Saturn conjunction will give him quite a bit of self-discipline.

He doesn't have any planets activating her nodal axis other than the Sun-Saturn trine, which is a good thing; though his time of birth might give angles that do.

So I do think it is wise to take care. This doesn't mean that Les will ever harm your daughter, his Sun-Saturn trine her node gives him the desire to protect her, but it does mean there are times when you need to be vigilant in case the energy patterns take a more negative turn.


Sweet Starz

Active member
Thank u aq7

Emerald yes he can be critical but not as bad as my mother. They both have gemini sun, virgo moon, virgo asc, venus in cancer, and cancer mercury. They are twins.

Thanks em

Thank u alice. I will always protect her.

My friends dont call my an over protective psycho for a reason lol.

My mom always told my sister and i growing up to always be careful with our children. She only bought one man home after my father died and they were together 13 years.

She never left us alone with him ever.

Just to be safe.

My uncle is the only man she stays alone with.

He was great with my sister and my female cousins.

Hes a father to all of us.

Do you think u can check my chart one day when u get a chance?

June 19, 1982
New york, ny

I was researching moon conjunct pluto and many people with this aspect werent abused. Just had mother issues. It was moon square pluto people who suffered abuse more.

I read that moon conjunct pluto can be an unemotional mother or an over protective mother. Im afraid im too over protective. I think of her being a teenager and getting heart broken or a man causing her harm and i panick.

My boyfriend also has this aspect. His mother kicked him out when he was 15. He is 39 now.

He never went back. He does visit her though but barely talks to her.

He had 10 step kids. His ex of 20 years that died was 10 years older. His 14 year old daughter was there 11th child.

She would often go on drug binges leaving him alone with the kids up to 2 weeks. He told me he would be in the streets with the 11 kids looking for her. They use to call him grandpa.

Most of her kids are grown now. He doesnt like his daughter to close to them because they do drugs and hang out with weird people.

He has alot of patience.
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Well-known member
Wow, you two passed through a lot, specially him. You two could write a book together, sounds like a movie script!

Good luck and wish the best for all of you.