Osamenor, you’ve nailed it!
I may have exaggerated a little to say I’ve got “lots” of mouths to feed but still, I’ve got three children and that feels plentiful. All our own offspring to phrase it like that and possibly a result of Jupiter in the 5th? Was having these children part of unlocking my North Node?
Probably. Up thread, you mentioned your responsibilities as a reason why you haven't lived
too dangerously.
I see that kind of responsibility in your chart for this life, and also past life if we read south node indicators as a past life. Mercury, as ruler of your south node, represents that past version of you (as does your south node itself). Conjunct Saturn, it suggests that past version of you had some significant responsibility. In Cancer, it suggests parental responsibility, taking care of a family, literally or symbolically or both.
Conjunct your MC, that conjunction suggests you were well known as a parental figure. Maybe literally--an activist mother advocating on behalf of her children and others', for instance--or maybe figuratively, as in a religious leader who is viewed as the mother or father of the community.
The way you've described yourself, it sounds like that parental responsibility has been your grounding influence in this life.
And I agree my Jupiter is quite comfortable in the sixth house…coming from the fifth…and you have it right. I have turned my “hobby” into work. A great way of explaining my Art/Design career. So I assume I’ve done the right thing and this career path is a good one for me?
It certainly fits with what your chart shows that you need. It also fits with that conversation a few posts back about service to others. The sixth house is about service to others, yes, but it's not necessarily the kind of heavy and direct service that your friend who works in hospice provides. Service to others can be anything we do well that provides something to the world. Art and design is a service to others. It provides something that others can use and enjoy.
Jupiter figures into your south node story in two ways: not only does it square the node, it trines the south node ruler. In the fifth house on the cusp of the sixth, it might represent an impulsive affair (fifth house) that led to children (also fifth) and the responsibilities of parenthood (sixth). That might have gotten in the way of you developing yourself in a certain way--what might you have done if you hadn't been weighed down by that responsibility?--but it also gave you an identity and purpose (trine to Mercury/Saturn, conjunct to MC indicating what you became known for within your society).
That your NN and SN rulers are trine, and that your sun is conjunct your SN, suggests a need for your current life to look a lot like that past one, just with the road not taken explored. You do have your children, you do have your responsibilities, and there's no going back on that, but with lifespans being what they are now, you may have a whole other lifetime's years after your children leave home, or at least become independent enough for you to have a lot of time to yourself. So you have more time and chance to explore things, which is what Sagittarius wants, and learn things, which is what both Sagittarius/Gemini and the third/ninth house want.
This looks like an exploratory lifetime for you.