Someone Who Hurt Me Badly


Well-known member

[anonymized chart - Moderator]


  • astro_w2gw_60_satan_hp.1885.9933.gif
    52.1 KB · Views: 53
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Well-known member
I can't interpret the chart but i would say to give this person a wide berth. Usually people like this, their oversoul wants you to be aligned with your true self, despite their mischief they guide our evolution, by making us seek out things to achieve our overall aims in life, unification with higher self. Sorry this has happened to you, I sense your pain, but it will bring good things for you. Say a prayer for this person if they are about to die, it is sad indeed they did not have the insights you had or come to know life fully in all its emanations and glory.


Well-known member
Anonymizing the chart, to Mia


EJ said,
Unless you have permission to post this chart Mia, AW's rules prevent us from discussing it on this public forum.

This isn't quite correct. Here are the rules for chart posting:
Astrological data are highly sensitive. We therefore ask you to take the protection of personal data of third persons very seriously. If you wish to post the chart of a person known to you, you must have their permission to do so or anonymize the name and all birth / personal data.

The chart you posted originally had birth data included. I have deleted all the birth data, so the chart is now completely anonymous.

