david starling
Well-known member
Tropically, using the Gaia's Trident method, the technology is this Age of (Tropical) Capricorn's culminating manifestation. Of course it's backfiring--it's under Saturnian rulership. The Age of (Tropical) Aquarius coming into view is when the problems caused by the technology will be solved, under Uranian rulership. It makes so much sense to me in terms of Western culture, I can't see it any other way. In the case of India, on the other hand, with its Sidereal, Vedic astrology, I can see that as an Age of (Sidereal) Pisces--notice its culture is much like one might expect from a Piscean Age under Neptunian rulership when you correct for Western interference: Spiritually, not technologically oriented. Two versions of the Ages occurring simultaneously and in different parts of the world, and both with an Aquarian Age coming up next. East is East and West is West and they'll meet in the Age of Aquarius! So many are (in my opinion) confusing the base-10, utilitarian technology of the Age of Tropical Capricorn here in the West with the Ages of Aquarius, which will manifest something quite different once they really begin exerting their full influence. The World as we now experience it really is Not all there Is! (In my own opinion).