- The age of Pisces began in the year 0 A.D the year supposely Jesus Christ was born. The fish respesents the Sun in the house of Pisces. From 2150 B.C to 1 B.C the Sun was in the age of Aries, the year of the Ram. That's way the Jews today still blows the Ram's horn. The age of Aries began at the time of Moses, (Minses, or however the prophet name) when he receviced the ten commandmend. Which was intruduce after the finishing age of Taurus 4300 B.C t0 2149 B.C. The beginning of the age of Aquarius starts on the year 2150 AD (I doubt anybody here will still be alive, who knows maybe.) "He who enter the house will find a man bearing a pitcher of water." So from 2150 AD to 4300 AD is the age of Aquarius. And the come forth the ae of Capricorn. 4300 AD. Every age is last 2150 years. The time for the Sun to go through all of the constellations is approximately 26,000 years, this is call the Great Year. This is due to the earth's wobble rotation.
First of all, what IS The age of Aquarius?
To begin at the beginning: the astronomical placement of the Spring Equinox is defined as being the point in the heavens where the Sun crosses the ecliptic. Due to the "precession of the equinoxes" this point moves backwards along (and around) the zodiac, spending approximately 2160 years in each "sign" (zodiacal constellation). The so-called "Ages" are therefore defined by the sign on the horizon at the time of the Spring Equinox. (Currently around 6deg Aries)
It appears that sometime around the 1860s to 1880s someone decided that we were coming to the end of the age of Pisces (ie Spring Equinox falling in Pisces). They then decided that since the image of Jesus was of the Fisherman (and early christians used the fish as a secret sign) the Age of Pisces must have begun with the birth of Jesus - and since the precession of the equinoxes meant that each "age" was approximately 2000 years we must be coming to the end of the Age of Pisces and thus the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
Then they discovered that they'd got their sums wrong. The equinox actually moved from Aries to Pisces in 310CE, which means that it crosses into Aquarius around 2500CE!
If only they'd stuck to their guns and checked things out a bit more they'd have realised that it actually did work quite well as the beginning of the christian era as well - since the Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire – one Galerius by name – who had been busy killing and persecuting Christians for their anti social, or at least anti imperial, behaviour suddenly contracted a disease which he believed was the retribution of the “God of the Christians” in the winter of 310. As he lay dying he issued an edict ending the persecution of Christians and asking them to pray for him. He died anyway in 311, and the Emperor of the combined Western and Eastern Empires - Constantine - officially converted to Christianity in 312CE.
Furthermore, if you look at decanates (10 degrees or one third of a sign) this would mean three periods of 720 years each. The decanates are said to represent different phases of the signs. If you look at history, you would see that this would mean the period from around 300-1020CE being the christian faith getting settled in and established. 1020 to around 1740 would be the period of the great Christian hegemony - or christianity as the established faith. And then from 1740 onwards the gradual decline, disintegration and fading away of same. I think that fits the basic outlines of European history quite well, don't you?? And you can subdivide the decanates again (giving periods of approximately 240 years) which would give you the high point of christian power and control as the period 1260-1500 CE - which I would say was roughly about right - especially if you're thinking about the Papal power. Of course this would only apply to European/Eurocentric history - but then we're talking about European or Eurocentric constellations anyway. Other civilisations use other groupings of stars with other names.
Anyway, instead of owning up to getting their sums wrong, they tried to cover up the mistake by saying that actually it didn't mean the precise moment when the equinox moved it meant .....(pick a date!!)...... There's a book called “the Book of World Horoscopes” by UK astrologer Nick Campion which has 8 (yes, eight) pages of possible starting points for the Age of Aquarius, and there have been more suggestions since it was published! These dates range from the 15th century CE to 3500CE - quite a spread. So it seems that the Age of Aquarius either hasn't started yet, or is well underway, or is just getting its socks on, or ...
To consider just a few of the more likely or interesting candidates (in my opinion!):
1781 “Discovery” of Uranus; Perrone "Astrology – A New Age guide"
19-1-1881 Sun’s entry into Aquarius.
Based on there being 1881 pyramid inches in the base of the Great Pyramid
1962 Birth of Anti-Christ – Gabriel Jogand (1890s)
5-2-1962 Solar eclipse in Aquarius, with all traditional planets as well!
12-1-1996 Ingress of Uranus into Aquarius
1997 Jung – The sign of the Fishes (Nostradamus)
Also the start of Native American New Age – apparently based on the appearance of the comet Hale Bopp.
Gandalf Slick-Mountain Astrologer Jan 1996
May 1998 “The Solstices coincide with the plane of the Galactic equator marking the halfway point of the precessional cycle and the gateway into the Age of Aquarius”
(UK) Rainbow Circle Astrology Camp!!!
2020 Jupiter/Saturn conj in Aquarius-Astrological Journal – Jan 2000
(for the next 200 yrs the Jup/Sat conjunctions are all in Air signs)
However, the Saturn/Jupiter conjunction of 2080 is also in Aquarius, and has Uranus wanting to play as well. If we have to choose a time when we could consider the cusp of the Age of Aquarius to have been crossed, I would suggest this is it!
2497 The “Triple Conjunction of Jupiter/Saturn in Aquarius?
According to my graphical ephemeris, there is no “Triple Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius” in 2497. There IS a tripartite conjunction (ie three hits) of Jupiter and NEPTUNE in Aquarius – in 2495-96. And there is a Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction in Aries in early March 2497. Someone appears to have conflated these two events into one, presumably because it is the closest major astrological event to the date given by astronomers for the movement of the Spring Equinox from Pisces to Aquarius – in 2500.
2500 Date from Greenwich Observatory