Should I live or should I die...

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New member
Please give me some advices

First thing - Hi everyone, I've started learning astrology because one day I felt I must change something in my life and can't live this way anymore. So you know I'm newbie in this subject, please give me some advice from your experience in which direction should I pursue this lifetime because I'm lost as f#@k and few times really considered to end this hell. After graduation in 2010 i've become sleepy, weak, got terrible stomach problems (everyday bowel and stomach pain) and lost focus in life which few years ago was pretty clear. Now I'm wreck, lost all contacts with friends, my job is hell because I even forgot how to interact with other people, stress is eating me alive and I can't express my true emotions anymore. Now have tons of antidepressants and other meds but it it's not working and still feel lot of anxiety in daily matters. Every single day is just living hell. No social life, no nothing, after work just sitting alone in home with self-doubt.

So far i know I have few planets in 12th house in Leo (Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus). I have read also that current neptune transitting my 6th house in pisces might be partially responsible for this. Sorry for that shitty hard-luck story but for me almost 5 years of this is enough. Actually don't see any perspective for changing that, don't see them for love also (almost 30 yo and still unmarried single). Please any advice is higlhy appreciated. And sorry for my bad english. Thank you.

Born August 18, 1987, 7:20 AM
21e46, 49n42 (from

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Friend -

You don't need astrology right now as much as you need to discuss your thoughts of suicide with a psych trained expert, or a real human, ones who has first-hand experience in getting through the clouds of suicide.

Please choose to live!

and please seek out the help of the many wonderful people on the other lines of this phone number - people who will help folks in your chasm to realize there are many ways to live a different life than the one s/he feels trapped in.

I'm sorry you are feeling hopeless. I suggest you should live. Happiness is elusive at times, but it is still out there waiting for you to find it.

Suicide Hotline 1-800-273-8255

Peace Fingers and a Hug of Hope for encouragement, comin' at ya.
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New member
Thank you for your post. I have visited therapist few times but didn't help. Now I take few different pills. Despite my unhealthy thoughts I still want to know if all this burden is written in my chart or maybe there are some important heavy transits dunno...
It's time to throw away the medications and pills if they are not working. In fact, they might be making you sick!

If you are not happy in your work, start looking for a new job. Re-connect with your friends if you like.

Looks as if you are experiencing your first Saturn return, always an important time.
Time to grow up, focus on what you want and make concrete, positive plans to
achieve those goals. No more wallowing in 'self-pity' and thinking your life is so bad. Your chart is very good but you have to CHOOSE happiness no matter how good your chart is.

Start a journal, a diary with that 12th house stellium. Do you have any faith, any
family to confide in? Read books that inspire you and read about people who have
overcome many trials in their lives.

The Universe 'helps those that help themselves'.

Life is short enough. Why not choose to be happy?



Premium Member
Shattered, you said,

I've started learning astrology because one day I felt I must change something in my life and can't live this way anymore. So you know I'm newbie in this subject, please give me some advice from your experience in which direction should I pursue this lifetime because I'm lost as f#@k and few times really considered to end this hell.

This is NOT a suicide counseling station, it does not pretend to be, it does not have the right people, it is not staffed appropriately, it simply doesn't have the ability to give these "knife-edge" people the help they need. For that reason, the sooner you look AWAY from this forum, the sooner you can look for help in an area where people are going to give you the help they need.

But it CAN point people in the right direction. I saw these links on self-help for suicidal people suggested:

Wishing you well,


P.S. According to Forum policy, I am locking down this suicide thread

If you are NOT considering suicide at this moment, I suggest you start a new thread that does not suggest you are interested in ending your life. If you ARE considering suicide, then AW is not the place you should be consulting.

Closing thread,

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