hmm that's what I understand.... romance for 5th. Sex and Scorpios...they seem to go together. Sex is like a huge big taboo, has been for centuries. It is where you expose your deepest fears and can therefore release fear which is a death or transformation in itself. Maybe that is the word, sex is a transformative experience in deep long term relationships.
Leo is more about the begining stages of romance or even life, where you give birth to not just children but ideas, life structures, beliefs. 8th goes beyond that to the consequences of what you have manifested, how this ultimately changes you... I think it relates to the deeply transformative sex that happens after children have been brought into the world.
Of course there is overlap and boundary issues here, so it gets a bit fuzzy.
Anyway my 10cents... of what I understand to date...makes sense for me...
Love Light Flea