

Well-known member

So i was stating the fact that you son as jupiter being in cap (in his fall) is essentially debilitated and you cant expect miracles to happen and see a different child.In order for you to see substantial changes on your son, as i told you jupiter must leave cap (his fall) and enter aquarious...BUT THIS WONT HAPPEN CAUSE jupiter inst at the end of the sign and moreover will turn retrograde and as such we cant pass his current, forthcoming state etc..and say what would have happen if jupiter was in aquarious.

This is the part i needed to hear. So i assumed that Jupiter would enter aquarius and therefore beneficial. Now i can see you're saying that Jupiter wont change. That's a shame. But mercury did change and the changes have been great. Am happy to hear. Thanks for breaking that down for me again. It makes sense now.

Aria Venue

Well-known member

So i was stating the fact that you son as jupiter being in cap (in his fall) is essentially debilitated and you cant expect miracles to happen and see a different child.In order for you to see substantial changes on your son, as i told you jupiter must leave cap (his fall) and enter aquarious...BUT THIS WONT HAPPEN CAUSE jupiter inst at the end of the sign and moreover will turn retrograde and as such we cant pass his current, forthcoming state etc..and say what would have happen if jupiter was in aquarious.

This is the part i needed to hear. So i assumed that Jupiter would enter aquarius and therefore beneficial. Now i can see you're saying that Jupiter wont change. That's a shame. But mercury did change and the changes have been great. Am happy to hear. Thanks for breaking that down for me again. It makes sense now.[/QUOTE]

Hello Abby,

let me explain this thing once more since it troubles you to understand.

mercury was at the end of the sign, so yes we could say that soon mercury will be in a better state....if mercury was at 26* pisces or if mercury was to turn retrograde then we couldn't have said mercury will turn better...cause we cant pass his forthcoming station-retrogradation etc ....this happens only when there is an imminent change for a planet.... to leave one sign and enter to the next one.If jupiter was for example at the end of cap 29* cap and was about to enter aquarius soon , then we could say that jupiter soon will be in a better state(leaving his essential debility..that's why i mentioned this).for the same reason if jupiter was in sag at 29* and was about to enter cap, then we could say that jupiter's condition will deteriorate ...because jupiter will lose all his essential dignity by leaving his domicile in sag and will enter his major essential debility in capricorn.

So in your chart we have a jupiter in cap in his fall that soon is going to turn retrograde..that's the only thing we have to pay attention for now...but even this is not that important because your actual question wasn't:" will my son's behavior improve and when?" ( as an example if that was your question in general and not related to schools then we could have said that this jupiter soon will get worse and we can't expect improvements till jupiter leaves capricorn...etc)

basically what you asked :“I have two main questions - whether my son's behavior will improve at st john. And whether he will want to learn what they teach at st john." boils down to whether your son will adjust to this new school, if he will like it there and as such if he will be more obedient...etc.

So yes your son would love it there and as such would have been more obedient, want to participate ...etc

I was just trying to explain you the part about your son's behavior (considering his autism) i was stating the fact that your son is in his fall in cap and this won't you cant expect miracles to happen and see a totally different child...if jupiter was at the end of cap, then we could say that jupiter soon will leave his debilities and be in a better state, but this won't happen i told you back then, cause jupiter will turn retro.

Still the question you asked was not generally about your child's behavior, but related to his behavior within the schools and specifically with saint considering the context what we need to know is that jupiter being in saturn's domicile (he would love saint john, he will be more obedient).On the contrary jupiter is indifferent to mercury (his current school) and this won't change, cause jupiter wont enter in aquarius in this chart..but even if he was to enter, then again he would love more saturn compared to mercury,(domicile its stronger than triplicity..obviously i am speaking generally cause jupiter in aquarious is in mercury's triplicity in a night chart, while in saturn's domicile+ triplicity in a day chart and so forth...).

So once more the new school would have been the best choice for your child, if you want to compare it also with his current one.Not only saturn is a better school compared to mercury (better even compared to mercury from aries, cause saturn is in his domicile, triplicity, term in aquarious!!!!! while mercury at aries enters peregrine (no essential dignity..its just that leaving pisces his detriment and fall is enough to see improvements)...still a major difference between them) but the main testimony is that your son will love Saint John and he'll be willing to learn and perform better and more obedient (cause the receptions tells us whether a planet is willing to perform a certain action or not).

I repeat all the above again and again cause you have the impression from this chart that your son's behavior in general will improve when jupiter enters in dont...this wasn't the question: when/if will my son's behavior will improve?" in general....if you want to ask this, make a new chart, not this one....this chart is related to his behavior within the schools and whether he can adjust to the new please don't make generalisations.

I hope this is clearer to you Abby..:love:

ps!!! please try to use regiomontanus next suitable for horary and state always with clarity your exact question -aside the background story
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