I am also interested in this subject beause I have recently met someone who has his Saturn conjunct (perfect conjunction) to my 7th house (Taurus) DC. His Saturn also opposite my moon, which is conjunct to my AC. My Venus (pisces) trine his Venus and his Moon (He has a Cancer Venus-Moon conjunction).
This matter interest me because after a very delightful first period he's started rejecting me very strongly. I was hurt and I had a horrrible reaction. Now we have cut all contact.
I am Aquarius and he is Leo.
Also his moon/venus trine my moon/AC and also my Jupiter, conjunct my Saturn, opposite my Mars and square my Pluto.
I didn't realy understand his reaction. We were so happy toghether... and had so many things in commun... Why did he do that to me? lack of interest? fear of commitement? he said something like he always felt he would leave his lovers because not enough good for him, they were not THE ONE (leo idealism???) and by rejecting me he respects me and my life. I found all this bullsheat! I saw it more as a insult. I am not good enough even for a temporary relationship!!! We argued and he left me.
Thank you for your comments