Re-introducing tsmall


Premium Member
In light of last weekend's likely missed by most announcement of my appointment to moderator of the horary forum

And considering that there are only about a handful of members currently posting who know who I am I thought it might be a good idea to re-introduce myself. My name is Tamara, aka by some as Mrs. Small, and also known to reply in threads to Tsmail, smallt, hey you, and on occasion a few not nice terms that have largely been moderated or deleted all together. :whistling:

I joined AW in July of 2011, on the heels of an eclipse that sent a passing interest in astrology into a full-fledged passion, which in turn became an intensive study. I am a practising traditional astrolger (passion became part-time job) but don't let that fool you. Here at AW, and then out in the real world, some of my best friends and mentors are dyed in the wool modern astrologers. I may have strong opinions about a few things, but the uber Libra in me (ASC, Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, and for you modern folks Uranus as well) knows full well that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

Astrologer's Community is a wonderful place to get your feet wet, get questions answered, practice reading charts, have involved conversations that revolve sometimes around nothing more than navel gazing, learn things you never thought of, and even (in my case at least) get dropped right into the deep end of everything astrology right out of the starting gate. Debate on ideas is more encouraged here than any other place I've seen on the web, and I've seen quite a bit. For me, it's home, and astrology family.

For those who might be worried about fair and unbiased, since as far as I know I'm the first bonafied (my Mars IS exalted) traditional, no outers need apply moderator this forum has had, my only concern is that everyone follow da rules. No attacking other people. Debate ideas, yes. Be nice to others, yes. Remember that often, here, new people have absolutely no idea what they are doing with astrology, and consider them from that point of view, yes. Realize that sometimes someone will have something to say that is diametrically opposite what you believe, or think you believe, or heck even know about astrology, and let them post it anyway, yes.

Just as you do not need to attend every argument to which you are invited, you also don't need to attend to every thread posted. In my 4 1/2 years on this forum I have run the gamut from being dissed as a newb, to having my posts stalked by trolls, and yet at the end of the day this place, this forum soothes me. There are wonderful, longstanding members here who take an active interest in the passers-by, who devote their time and attention freely to answering questions even though they know that often they will go unapprieciated. Without AW, I would never have started my journey. I can only hope others will somehow do the same.

Follow the rules. We'll get along famously.



Premium Member
I for one find tsmall to be remarkably kind, intelligent, sensitive and fair. The purpose of her reintro post, like any other introductory post, was to acquaint us with her here on the forum. Like other introductory posts, it was not to initiate a popularity contest, pro or con.

I say, let us meet each other with kindness and consideration, and let the learning and the delination of charts flow!

tsmall, I welcome you with great gladness. Thank you for generously sharing your time with the forum.

Very best regards,


Well-known member
Awesome! So happy to hear that tsmall will be a mod. Very cool :joyful: I hope you'll consider lending your diplomatic skills elsewhere on the forum as well! I've always considered you very knowledgable, friendly and consistent. I can only see the forum getting better with you as a mod!

Thank you tsmall! Maybe we can change your name to TBIG now?!


Account Closed
Kitchy: that's the spirit! and I love that song....

Stillone: you are wrong in everything you said about me and my posts.

I have a dedication for you tsmall, for your thirst of knowledge:

"When we become the enfolders of those orbs, and the pleasure and knowledge of everything in them, shall we be fill'd and satisfied then?
And my spirit said: No, we but level that lift to pass and continue beyond."

Jupiter Sir, Oddity and Waybread: you can call me Lilly.


Staff member
No attacks, to All


Part of the thing that makes this a Forum where people can feel free to post their opinions is no attacking is allowed on the site. An opinion is one thing, but a direct "I don't like you" attack is NOT permitted. I have removed the direct attacks and all responses to it. As a reminder, discussing Moderating issues is more appropriately addressed here (and the "no attacking" rule still applies - focus on the problem NOT on the people):

Back to introductions,
