Random Thoughts, strictly Text


Well-known member
Oh yes, being awake at 2:30am due to extra coffee is certainly not sustainable. Sleep is amazing and a lack of sleep is horrid.

I’m sensitive to caffeine but like the comfort of a hot drink throughout the day, but like yourself, also feel the need for caffeine to stay motivated.

So, to seek a solution, whenever I needed a hot drink but could do without the caffeine, I now make a chai tea from a teabag, finding a good make takes time tho, as the branded chai teas are too weak and watery, whereas I get the supermarket one that is stronger in flavour.

And then for focus, you may want to try ‘Lion’s Mane’ mushroom tea. It helps with focus, and also anxiety, depression, ADHD. All sorts. It is a mild, pleasant taste, and no caffeine. You want to go for the purest, natural beat filtered kind you can get, which can get more expensive.

To help with sleep, Reishi mushroom tea is meant to be good, also good for calming. The taste is pretty bitter though.

Personally, I’ve found experimenting with hot drinks a good way to add pleasure to life, helps you get out of bed or through the day when you have a nice new hot drink to try.

david starling

Well-known member
Why isn't "depression" called "pression"? For example, "decompression" means LESS "compression".

"I was pressed, but now that things have gotten better, I'm depressed."

Antipressants relieve pression and that can cause "depression", meaning a feeling of being LESS pressed.


Well-known member
Do you think maybe it’s because depression is meant to be like an emptiness, so it is a lack of pressure? A lot of times, depression can feel like a lot of pressure to people, like a mental anguish, which is basically like a battle with your ego. Whereas the true meaning of depression, is a hopelessness.

david starling

Well-known member
Do you think maybe it’s because depression is meant to be like an emptiness, so it is a lack of pressure? A lot of times, depression can feel like a lot of pressure to people, like a mental anguish, which is basically like a battle with your ego. Whereas the true meaning of depression, is a hopelessness.

Destressed means feeling more relaxed, because there is less stress.

I see what you mean though, because some people thrive under pressure, and can feel lost when there's nothing to push back against.

david starling

Well-known member
Small doses of psychedelic substances are being used to treat depression, mostly psilocybin. It's sort of illegal, but psychologists are finding ways to get around the prohibitions.


Well-known member
It's decriminalised in some places, but they can't advertise it.

Apparently, in the U.K., you have to be part of a "study" by psychologists.

A friend of mine found a place where she was part of a study and they prescribe medicinal cannabis to her.

You know those mushroom teas I mentioned to you the other day? When I started following their business pages on instagram, I got a friend request from a guy who sells illegal mushrooms :lol: they are a class A drug in the UK though. Although, I think micro dosing sounds interesting.


Well-known member
😹😹😹 ohh David…I’ve just noticed actually, the politics have calmed down on this forum now. At one point, the hatred for Trump was permeating all corners.

david starling

Well-known member
😹😹😹 ohh David…I’ve just noticed actually, the politics have calmed down on this forum now. At one point, the hatred for Trump was permeating all corners.

So was the love. A total dichotomy! Now, there's hatred for both Trump and Biden, but Oddity is a calming influence. Still much love for Trump but hardly any for Biden.

Is Boris being missed?


Well-known member
In what way is Oddity a calming influence? If you could explain it in simple terms. Like, does he see both sides of the situation type thing?

I never even read the politics threads. Although, earlier today, I did click on one of them out of boredom, and I read a beautiful phase you wrote to somebody about how rivers crash and oceans roll. I thought about it for a few seconds before realising the beauty of it. I took it to mean that age happens to us all and our physical bodies can feel old, but our souls stay young inside. Actually, there could be multiple meanings, about how horrible things happen but life goes on. It’s really nice though.