david starling
Well-known member
Are one of them your ruling planet?
How are you currently determining "ruling planet"? Ascendant-sign ruler by itself is popular.
I start there, but then I "pinball" around the chart unless the Ascendant-sign ruler is in its domicile-sign.
It usually ends up with 2 or more planets ruling the chart in tandem. That's when aspects and transits come into play. Transits can temporarily bring a member of the chart-ruling team into greater or lesser prominence.
Aqua Moon with Mermaid* rising, means the ruler of whatever sign Uran is in, becomes a chart-ruling planet in combination with the Moon. If Uran happens to.be in Aquarius, its domicile-sign, then it's just those 2, the Moon and Uran.
Two planets in mutual reception can end up as the chart-ruling team, without even including the ruler of the Ascendant-sign as a chart-ruling planet. For example, Scorpio Ascendant ruled by Pluto in Capricorn, ruled by Saturn in Pisces, ruled by Neptune in Capricorn--then I would say the 2 chart-ruling planets are Saturn/Neptune in mutual reception, although with strong influence by the Ascendant sign-ruler Pluto, which brought the mutual reception loop into prominence.
In my own chart, the choice of chart-ruler jumps around from one planet to another, BUT, keeps looping back to the planet that rules the Ascendant-sign, Pisces. So, I go with Neptune as leader of the chart-ruling team, which also includes Venus, Uran, and Mercury.
Fortunately, they all get along well together in the natal configuration.
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