Random Thoughts, strictly Text


Well-known member
A useful timing technique I use for the solar return chart is to move your SR Moon 13° ahead and see whether it makes any hard aspects to your SR or natal planets. For example, if the SR Moon squares natal Mercury in 4°, an event related to your natal Mercury placement will occur in 4 months. A transit at the same time is usually required to trigger it.


Well-known member
A useful timing technique I use for the solar return chart is to move your SR Moon 13° ahead and see whether it makes any hard aspects to your SR or natal planets. For example, if the SR Moon squares natal Mercury in 4°, an event related to your natal Mercury placement will occur in 4 months. A transit at the same time is usually required to trigger it.
One can get the same effect by progressing the SR chart using Secondary/Major progressions.
If The MC/Sun phase angle is applied to the transiting Sun, it advances the MC & Asc angles 360 degrees in the year (ie advances the angles essentially the same as Standard Quotidian progressed angles).
That combination can time events to the day in many cases.
This also has the advantage of being the actual motion of the Moon (and planets), rather than the mean motion (which of the Moon is 13:11 per year or 1:06 per month).
In addition to aspects by the SR progressed Moon, aspects by the SR Sun and planets can also perfect or aspect the progressed angles.


Staff member
A useful timing technique I use for the solar return chart is to move your SR Moon 13° ahead and see whether it makes any hard aspects to your SR or natal planets. For example, if the SR Moon squares natal Mercury in 4°, an event related to your natal Mercury placement will occur in 4 months. A transit at the same time is usually required to trigger it.

Great technique! I'm going to try it!

I actually have a lot of Moon activity in my solar return chart. Lunar return on the same day, and a Jupiter/Mars conjunction opposing my Moon, and Saturn squaring my Moon.

There's also a lot of activity around my SR MC. An astrologer friend looked at my solar return chart and told me a male foreigner would be coming into my life this year and would teach me a lot.

Said friend is male and from another country, and we study astrology together, informally. Neither of us is the teacher or the student, we're just astrology geek friends talking astrology... but I pointed out he could be describing himself.

Still, that's every transit I know of that's key in a new romantic partner relationship happening (Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, and MC activity to signify a change in social status), so we'll see....


Well-known member
Before the beginning of my new solar return I was naively thinking that the exact Venus / Jupiter conjunction would have brought me an "easy" year. I've compared my occidental solar return chart with the vedic one ( varshapal chart ) and I found more significance in the vedic one ( Muntha point in 8th house, moon in 8th house ) . Opposite to the moon, I still have Venus/Jupiter in the 2nd house, along with Sun but don't know what it means. I just get by financially and only doom and gloom for this year so far