Starting with his Moon conj. Algol, @ 26°29'
, that would be a difference of 6°25' from Elena's chart for Putin @ 2°54'
So it would be about 12 hours
earlier than Elena's date of Oct 7, 1952 @ 9:30 a.m., moving it to
Oct. 6, 1952 @
around 9:30 p.m. or so, depending on the Moon's rate of transit at the time.
His Mars in Sagittarius could explain the horses.
I believe I went all the way back to the 6th at 9:30 PM David, but I'll look again tomorrow. Meanwhile, unless Frater can straighten it out, (produce a birth certificate copy?) we have this still rated DD hasn't changed since Lois Rodden rated it: Rather ambiguous? Since he has
Algorab conjunct his natal SUN, (promotes and impels one to lie ) and one
must be evolved or evolve themselves to check themself for such behaviors as lies or "exaggerations" (my mother in law was l0/7 and my husband 10/8) I know she did gossip quite a bit etc. but otherwise, a nice lady.
Hopefully I"ve encouraged him for 50 yrs best to just be a truth teller, even if its hurtful at times, (he doesn't believe in doing so at those times)
I mean should we TRUST the webmaster of Putin's fan club?? Without seeing the birth certificate? I don't think so....
Source Notes (the astrodienst link I posted - )
Matthew Quellas quotes Stef de Groot,
webmaster of the President Vladimir V. Putin website, "The time of birth was from his official Soviet birth certificate, as you inquired."
Original Message-----
From: Matthew Quellas <> To: Date: Wed, 10 May 2000 10:50:50 -0700 Subject: Re: President Putin's birth data
Dear Mr Quellas, Mr Putin was born early in the morning, at 9:30 a.m. Moscow Time, in downtown St Petersburg. I hope this is of any use to you. Kindly, Stef de Groot, webmaster of the President Vladimir V. Putin website --- end quote
These data have been challenged by several correspondents who claim that Russian birth records do not contain a time of birth, and that members of the KGB are instructed to never release personal information. They may be given an A rating as quoted from a substantial source, but may not be considered B.C. unless verified by hard copy.
Claudia von Schierstedt quotes Spiegel "archives" in Meridian March/April 2000, time unknown.
Richard Nolle quotes
Boris Izraitel in Russia for 1:00 PM, with a note that "the time is from Putin's private conversation with an unknown reporter who then passed this information to a friend, S. Klimov. Kilmov described the reporter as one of the most reliable sources in his hunt for celebrity birth data."
The first data quote is ambiguous with "archives," and the second is circuitous and questionable; the data can not be considered as confirmed.
In the ISAR online newsletter, 4/09/2000, Sergey Smelyakov gives 16.10 LT, 13.10 GMT from the rectification presented in the Russian translation of the article of J. Weiss that was initially published in the Astrologie Heute # 83, Feb/Mar 2000, Switzerland. In Apr/May 2015, Weiss continues to defend his rectification as fitting events.
Mikhael Borisovich writes on 12/19/2001 that the time of birth is doubtful as it states certificate of birth and in Russia, there are no certificates. Birth records are kept in state archives. He rectifies the time to 2:47 AM.
Starkman rectified to 09.35.52 MSK Asc 4Sco04' . Marc Penfield rectified to 4:35 pm, Asc 27Cap.
As of 2014, there are claims that Putin was born exactly two years earlier, in 1950, not in 1952. There are also claims that he was born in Metechi, Georgia, not in Russia, to a woman named Vera Putina, born 6 September 1926. Supposedly he was sent to distant relatives as foster parents, also named Putin, in St. Petersburg, in 1960.
For those who were fans of Ronald Reagan, he said, "
Trust BUT Verify"
Horoscope and astrology data of Vladimir Putin born on 7 October 1952 St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, with biography