Putin: White hat or villain?


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Russian forces continue encircling Bakhmut
moving outward from Kremenna, and pressuring Vugladar

- US President Joe Biden arrived in Kiev, Ukraine with little else but rhetoric :)

- the most recent US military assistance package to Ukraine is meager
with many items omitting the quantity being sent

- US analysts believe Russia's winter offensive already began, that it is underwhelming
and will exhaust Russian combat potential giving Ukraine better chances of success
for its own spring offensive

- More likely Russia is conducting theater-wide spoiling operations
to deny Ukraine a pause to put together significant offensive forces

- Russian General S. Surovikin prepared extensive defenses to blunt Ukraine's offensive;





Well-known member
Putin's chart does not show good or evil, no chart can

The square of his 9th-house Uranus to his 11th/12th-house Libra stellium shows that he is eccentric, erratic (possibly), unconventional, paranoid, and unpredictable. This is not a bad aspect for a spy. Putin is a fox.

Sometimes the hard Uranus aspects show mental illness or homosexual or deviant tendencies, though this may not be the case with Putin. More likely, there is a tension between a protective and conservative yet innovative religion and philosophy on one hand (Uranus in Cancer in the 9th), and a deep understanding of life lessons, what really matters, long-term relationships, politics, spycraft, statecraft, Machiavellian perfection (Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Neptune stellium in Libra in the 12th house).

david starling

Well-known member
Putin's chart does not show good or evil, no chart can

The square of his 9th-house Uranus to his 11th/12th-house Libra stellium shows that he is eccentric, erratic (possibly), unconventional, paranoid, and unpredictable. This is not a bad aspect for a spy. Putin is a fox.

Sometimes the hard Uranus aspects show mental illness or homosexual or deviant tendencies, though this may not be the case with Putin. More likely, there is a tension between a protective and conservative yet innovative religion and philosophy on one hand (Uranus in Cancer in the 9th), and a deep understanding of life lessons, what really matters, long-term relationships, politics, spycraft, statecraft, Machiavellian perfection (Sun-Mercury-Saturn-Neptune stellium in Libra in the 12th house).

I'm focused on the :uranus:/:saturn: square. It's about the changeover to the new Age of Aquarius ruled by :uranus:, which will leave the old ways :saturn:, behind.

Since it's about Earth's astrological Ages, Putin's invasion has significance to the entire world. Putin is defending the old, keeping things the same; against the new, moving beyond, into a different future. And, he's using out-and-out warfare to do that. The warfare ITSELF is of the old ways.


Well-known member
I'm focused on the :uranus:/:saturn: square. It's about the changeover to the new Age of Aquarius ruled by :uranus:, which will leave the old ways :saturn:, behind.

Since it's about Earth's astrological Ages, Putin's invasion has significance to the entire world. Putin is defending the old, keeping things the same; against the new, moving beyond, into a different future. And, he's using out-and-out warfare to do that. The warfare ITSELF is of the old ways.

That's under assumption that new is always better than the old and that age of Aquarius will be top-notch. But what if ancient Hindu Yuga cycles are correct (not modern optimistic interpretations, but prediction given as it is) and we are moving deeper and deeper into Kali Yuga (dark age) which is supposed to last 432000 years and we are about 5000 years in. If true, that would mean we will pass through several ages of Aquarius, each new one worse than previous one.

In that sense, maybe :saturn: resisting against :uranus: future of cricket eating Borg cyborgs who live in neo-feudal society of absolute control and dictatorship, while having no privacy and owning nothing (but supposedly happy) is not such bad idea.


Well-known member
I'm focused on the :uranus:/:saturn: square. It's about the changeover to the new Age of Aquarius ruled by :uranus:, which will leave the old ways :saturn:, behind.

Since it's about Earth's astrological Ages, Putin's invasion has significance to the entire world. Putin is defending the old, keeping things the same; against the new, moving beyond, into a different future. And, he's using out-and-out warfare to do that. The warfare ITSELF is of the old ways.
Interesting, I never thought about that before.

As far as I know, people with squares or oppositions between outer planets usually learn to integrate both planets within their personalities. The outer planets define generations and mini-generations. Though Putin's Saturn in Libra is the stronger one

Yes, Putin is old (born 1952), all of his top people are around his age. And Biden is what age? Pelosi is what age? Schumer? Feinstein? Schwab? Soros? Rothschild (oh wait he just died)? Kissinger? The Anglo-American complex is a gerontocracy-plutocracy. Putin will probably run again in 2024, and hopefully (for him) retire in 2030. At that time, Hillary's or Pelosi's head will be in a jar walking around on spider legs.
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Well-known member

Ukraine/Russia conflict is far from resolved
however we can already draw a few conclusions :)
1. The "..Ukraine project.." has completely failed its main objective of regime change
& destruction of the Russian economy.

2. The sanctions against Russia have not only failed to bring the Russian economy to its knees,
they have backfired on the EU and US.

3. China and Russia have reinforced their cooperation on various strategic matters.

4. The emergence of a multipolar geopolitical world has now become an irreversible process




Well-known member

Russia Stops Oil Flows to Poland and Germany via Poland.

No more Russian oil for Poland and Germany :)

Another consequense is
that Ukraine will no longer receive transit fees for Russian oil to Poland :)
Billions of dollars lost. Horrible outcome for the Ukrainian people
Russia via China at a much higher rate. Russia gets more money, Poland and Germany pay more

and Ukraine gets zilch.





Well-known member

Russia Ready to Go ALL OUT in Ukraine After Neocons Reject Peace :)

Putin showed again and again that he's a brilliant tactician





Well-known member

Russian diplomats are far more mature than Western diplomats.
Pure class
Brilliant moment, the Ukrainian diplomat looked flabbergasted :)

NATO gives the impression that nowadays genocide :saturn: is no longer a problem
as for example
with the ethnic Ukrainians in the Donbas since 2014



keep in mind
1. The U$ hasn't been at war for ONLY 17 years out of the 246 years since its foundation

2. The U$ is by far the most aggressive :mars:nation on the face of the planet
responsible for the vast majority of the conflicts :mars:after the WWII.

3. The major beneficiary of the U$ never-ending :saturn:wars :mars:is its military:mars: industrial complex.
Which is also by far the biggest war :mars:profiteer in the world.
The U$ is also the only nation to have ever used nuclear :saturn:weapons
against another country.

they dropped their nukes on the civilian population.

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david starling

Well-known member
Interesting, I never thought about that before.

As far as I know, people with squares or oppositions between outer planets usually learn to integrate both planets within their personalities. The outer planets define generations and mini-generations. Though Putin's Saturn in Libra is the stronger one

Yes, Putin is old (born 1952), all of his top people are around his age. And Biden is what age? Pelosi is what age? Schumer? Feinstein? Schwab? Soros? Rothschild (oh wait he just died)? Kissinger? The Anglo-American complex is a gerontocracy-plutocracy. Putin will probably run again in 2024, and hopefully (for him) retire in 2030. At that time, Hillary's or Pelosi's head will be in a jar walking around on spider legs.

Never heard about heads in jars on spider legs! Is that from a sci-fi movie?

You left out another oldster. He has Regulus rising just above his Ascendant in Leo, which explains his rapport with dictators such as Putin, and why he expressed admiration for China's Xi Ping making himself "President for Life"; and, jokingly(?) said maybe we should try that also. That explains his refusal to accept the 2020 election results.

According to the chart for this thread, Putin has Mars in Sagittarius trining Pluto in Leo on his M.C., which explains why he sees war as a viable alternative to persuasion and diplomacy.

Neither of them is likely to voluntarily relinquish the reins of power.
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Neocon Panic Over China's Lethal :saturn: Aid to Russia is SHAMEFUL Hypocrisy :)

not just the neocon project crumbling.
It's 500+ years long era of world-dominating European colonialism ending.
The last 30 years were only the latest façade of that system coming crashing down
the process underneath is really epic

Danny Haiphong and Margaret Kimberley discuss :mercury:the increasing hysteria
over rumors:mercury: spread by the neocons
that China is preparing to send "..lethal :saturn:aid.." to Russia in its ongoing military :mars:operation in Ukraine
Do the people in the USA government know
the Russian Federation and the PRC have a very long shared border???



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Well-known member

The panic stems from the realization
that the world can now see that

NATO does not possess the resources to fight:mars: a prolonged :saturn:war :mars:with a major military power :)

Typical US hypocrisy

hilarious if China says:
"..fine, we won't send arms to Russia - if you cancel and cease further arms sales to Taiwan..."





Well-known member

Biden The freak in chief '..I had a nurse..' :)

Lavrov, Germany humiliated. Is Putin winning?

Poroshenko strikes again

main news today in Russia is that the Zelen$ky regime began to retreat from Bakhmut
emphasizing that the commander of the Ukrainian unit "..Magyar Birds.." confirmed

in his video message, receiving an order to retreat from Bakhmut.
At the same time, Russian media :mercury:reported
that the Ukrainian military blew :mars:up almost all the bridges in Bakhmut
to slow :saturn:down the advance of Wagner PMC units.
At the same time, Prigozhin, the head of PMC Wagner, made a statement :mercury:
and called on the President of Ukraine to save the lives of the soldiers of the Bakhmut garrison

and order them all to leave the city.

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

Weak Japan is "..friends.." with Russia - again. IT NEEDS OIL!!!!

Resumes Russian oil imports

Will the US & Norway now blow up :mars: Sakhalin 2 project so Japan cannot :saturn:get oil from Russia :)

Every nation in the west AND east needs Russian oils , gas and minerals

if not
then no it’s over
no cars :mercury:
no planes :mercury:
and no life .

IF these sanctions:saturn: continue it’s going to get really expensive

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:


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Well-known member

all these Ukrainian fighters :mars: that died :saturn:all over the place
but Zelen$ky won’t allow their bodys back to their family
so Zelen$ky won’t have to pay them pension or money for the loss:saturn: of a father, a brother or a son
Ukraine didn't really surrender the city, Wagner PMC took it.

It's Russia against NATO! And They are winning and will win! Ask Napoleon and Hitler.

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

Definitely an epic backfire for the :mars:warmongering, US owned EU.
The German people, Berliners in this case know history.
And the great grandson of Otto von Bismark paid for a truck of flowers
and said: "..I love Germany, I love Russia, my wife is Russian and I spend time there

and I also love Ukrainians. Diplomacy should be the way, not :mars:war.."

:saturn:DESTROYED:mars: Russian Tank Ploy BACKFIRES For EU :)

We live in times when the governments no longer represent the People's opinions :mercury:on matters

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

Russia's economy has bounced back in a big way :)
despite U.S. and E.U.
sanctions :saturn:fail to produce their intended results.

Russia is not a big consumer like most other Countries
when it comes to certain goods & items
since they manufacture and produce for themselves.
Unlike Western Europe
other Nations around the World are very dependant on Russia fuel, fertilizer and wheat.
They are a very blessed Country rich:jupiter: with resources

like oil gas minerals metals uranium grain gold:sun: diamonds and much more.
It's a self sufficient country with unlimited:jupiter: resources that are desired all over the planet

and the West wants to break them down and tear:mars: it apart for themselves :)

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

When Ukraine declared independence in 1991, Crimea broke away from Ukraine
and declared independence from Ukraine.
Kiev, Ukraine invaded :mars: Crimea
and crushed their government.
Crimea never wanted to be part of Ukraine and always wanted to rejoin Russia

WP - "..Catherine the Great's incorporation of the Crimea in 1783
from the defeated Ottoman Empire into the Russian Empire

increased Russia's power in the Black Sea area.."

On 28 December 1783 the Ottoman Empire signed an agreement:mercury:

negotiated by the Russian diplomat Bulgakov that recognised the loss of Crimea
and other territories that had been held by the Khanate.
Crimea went through a number of administrative :mercury:reforms after Russian annexation

first as the Taurida Oblast in 1784 but in 1796 it was divided into two counties
and attached it to the Novorossiysk Governorate,
ith a new Taurida Governorate established in 1802 with its capital at Simferopol.
In 1954, Crimea was transferred to the Ukrainian SSR as part of celebrations of

the 300th anniversary of the Treaty of Pereyaslav.."

Russia transfers troops en mass to northern Crimea :)

dig defense tranches

Remember that Putin said that it would only use nuclear weapons if Russia is threatened
- as Crimea is part of Russia

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

Global Stagflation on this scale is unprecedented :)
There is no obvious solution.
The ONLY thing that has the possibility of improving the Cost-Push inflation is the immediate ending of sanctions
Sanctions on Russia backfired massively
inflation and living costs are rising even more throughout Europe and the West
while Russia's economy and currency is stronger.
The number of people seeking debt advice had risen by more than 30 Percent
and the number of people who HAVE to go to the foodbank now exeeds 2 Million in Germany

"..We'll know our disinformation :mercury:program is complete
when everything the American public believes is false.."
-- Former CIA director, William Casey.

Russian side has established full control over the entire eastern part of Bakhmut.
- the statement of the head of PMC Wagner Prigozhin confirmed the fact of
complete control of the territory east of the Bakhmutka River, that is, over the entire eastern part of the city.
Contrary to the statements of Zelen$ky and his associates
about their intention to continue the battle :mars:for Bakhmut
the situation for the Ukrainian garrison of the city
is becoming absolutely catastrophic with every new day.
- only chance for the Bakhmut garrison to escape is
if Kyiv asks Moscow to open a humanitarian corridor
for the evacuation of the military without weapons, but

will Zelensky and his masters in Washington and London go for this? I do not think so.

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:




Well-known member

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov recently addressed a group in India
when confronted with challenges about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
inquired why the same standard
isn’t applied to the United States
’ efforts to “..defend..” itself
in Serbia, Iraq and elsewhere all over the globe.

It’s a blatant double standard

that we’re all supposed to pretend isn’t. :)

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss Lavrov’s comments

and why we don’t “..hear about..” U.S. atrocities & war crimes:mars:

I don't know why people say US spend billions when over $1 trillion in debt.
The United States is currently engaged in four wartime:mars: campaigns.
Four, not two :)
four war:mars: campaigns
and out of 4

- 3 are nuclear war :mars:countries

PUTIN TOB unverified - TRANSIT:saturn:TRINING NATAL Assembled SUN:sun: MERCURY:mercury: SATURN :saturn:
