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Monthly Profections by House
Monthly profections are very easy thing.
Once you have choose the year you want to Profect you can cut the year in monthly pieces.
Lets say that I want to know the general state of my 28th burthday.
If I have Cancer Ascendant, the 28th year would come to the 5th house Scorpio and the Lord of the Year would be Mars. If that Mars is natally in 4th than we can say that the year is all about the Home, Family stuff. The native will be into the Home and Family, his Dwellings this year.
Mars rules 10th also so this year will be about the Career also: "Rearranging the Career from Home" is one of the possibilities, or "rearranging the goals and taking over the Destiny in Life".
Mars also rules 7th by Exaltation so this year will be all about partnerships and business associates too.
This is the yearly profection.
Now lets move to the Monthly Profections.
5th house Scorpio is the First Month in the year, that is from the beginning of the birthday up to the following month the same day.
So if I'm born in 23 January, then 5th House Scorpio will be my First Month up till 23 February.
Because the year is all about 5th house matters (and 4th too) primarly, we would seek for event in the following months.
We would seek for event when the Profections by Month would come to the House where the Lord of the Year is. That is in the 12th house (because 4th is 12th from 5th).
Also, important months are:
23 March through 23 April (because it is the Month of the 7th house Capricorn - exaltation of Mars).
23 June to 23 July because it is the house of Aries.
And as I said:
December to January 2013 because it is Mars who isi n the 4th house.
Monthly profections are very easy thing.
Once you have choose the year you want to Profect you can cut the year in monthly pieces.
Lets say that I want to know the general state of my 28th burthday.
If I have Cancer Ascendant, the 28th year would come to the 5th house Scorpio and the Lord of the Year would be Mars. If that Mars is natally in 4th than we can say that the year is all about the Home, Family stuff. The native will be into the Home and Family, his Dwellings this year.
Mars rules 10th also so this year will be about the Career also: "Rearranging the Career from Home" is one of the possibilities, or "rearranging the goals and taking over the Destiny in Life".
Mars also rules 7th by Exaltation so this year will be all about partnerships and business associates too.
This is the yearly profection.
Now lets move to the Monthly Profections.
5th house Scorpio is the First Month in the year, that is from the beginning of the birthday up to the following month the same day.
So if I'm born in 23 January, then 5th House Scorpio will be my First Month up till 23 February.
Because the year is all about 5th house matters (and 4th too) primarly, we would seek for event in the following months.
We would seek for event when the Profections by Month would come to the House where the Lord of the Year is. That is in the 12th house (because 4th is 12th from 5th).
Also, important months are:
23 March through 23 April (because it is the Month of the 7th house Capricorn - exaltation of Mars).
23 June to 23 July because it is the house of Aries.
And as I said:
December to January 2013 because it is Mars who isi n the 4th house.