Hmm I'm a little confused. I just checked a really bad year I had a few years ago, and Venus was the lord of the year. I checked a brilliant year, probably the best year of my life, and Venus was the lord. How can she have an opposite effect? The same with Mars. Now if you use Pluto instead that changes things, but Mars for Aries and Scorpio and there's a great year and a terrible year. Are these years significant enough? These are the years that MADE me, the best things happened, and the years that BROKE me, lonely times, times when things failed and I was very afraid of outcomes. I don't get it. I have checked count from 0 and 1 and neither hit the nail.
Also, does anyone know anything about the philosophy behind it? Why does a sign come to the ascendant?
Profections are not meant to read standalone. There are lot of different variations what to do with the profections once you look at them. One of the variation which Zoler thought to his students is to take the Lord of the Year (of the profection ascendant) and find it in the Solar Return chart, where it stands and its state; from there to compare that planet and its state in the solar return to the state of that planet in the natal chart.
So, one of the possibilities is to make this mix of techniques:
1. Find the Profected Ascendant of the year and its Lord
2. See what planets do you have (if you have) in radix (natal) in that sign. wether you have malefics or benefics, or no planets at all. Then look to the Lord of the year and who is witnessing it in the radix (with which planets resides in the same sign or is in aspect). Look also if the Lord of the Ascendant in Profections, is in bad celestial state (i.e. it is in fall or detriment), this gives bad functioning of that Lord (Planet) in the particular year.
3. Look at the Solar Returns and find the state of the Lord of the Profection Ascendant in that chart.
4. Always! consider the radix state of that planet. Nothing can be delivered which is not promised in the natal chart.
This is not Profection example per se, but perefections are included in it and I will demonstrate here how the techniques can be mixed. The chart is of the famous Macedonian singer by name Tose Proeski who died in 2007 in a car accident at age of 26.
I hope that the chart would be seen here, if not the birth details are as follow:
25 January 1981
Prilep, Macedonia
11:15 AM
In 2007 Tose was in the Mercury/Mars Fridaria.
Mars - the ruler of the sub-period is the ruler of natal 12th and 7th.
The death was caused by his sleepy driver (ruler of 8th in 6th Stationary).
Marsin radix is a malefic out of sect in 10th with the Light of the Time. The ruler of the Fridaria period and subperiod are in close conjunction.
Because the both rulers of the Fridaria period are in conjunction in the radix, they came together in the Profections of the year (2007), the profected Ascendant was in Leo. Cauda Draconis and the Sun were also at the Ascendant.
The Transiting Jupiter and Moon were in natal 8th. The Sun in natal 6th.
Next, Curtis Mainwaring says:
"First we profect the ascendant at the rate of one sign per year. If the year leaves off at the sign of the prenatal lunation or the squares or diameters of these, the times are dangerous."
Valens says:
"And especially if, these things being so, Kronos should be found in the 4 declines (cadent houses) of the nativity, and the support concurring, death will follow closely thereupon and bodily weakness and bloodshed and precarious sicknesses or hidden troubles, falls and sudden dangers."
Tose's Saturn (Kronos!) was in his natal 6th (the driver - his slave or the one who works for him?!)
Lot of Crisis
Valens says of this:
"And wherever it should fall out, when Kronos (Saturn) comes to be there (by transit?) or in the squares or diameters there will be death or a precarious climateric pertaining to the body or action. And similarly also if the climaterical year should come to be in the ascending or descending place (of the Moon - nodes) or their squares."
Tose's Lot of Crisis falls in Virgo and the Transiting Saturn was then in Virgo.
Lot of Destroyer
In Tose's chart falls exactly at the place of the Sun (5 Aquarius) in direct opposition to the pre-natal lunation at Leo.
According to Critodemus,
"When the Moon sees the lot of the destroyer, it causes violent deaths, and worse if the Moon should be found in zoidia that have limbs cut off."
In Tose's chart Moon sees the Lot of Destroyer with a Partile (applying) Trine.