Pluto , Uranus , Saturn , Chiron


New member

I took a look to your chart, and it seems to me you see only the bad things. Pluto conjunct Neptune is a generational aspect. what is interesting for you is that you will have a Pluto sextile Pluto and Pluto sextile Sun which is rather good. Pluto is in your firs house and I know by my experience it is not easy to live, but it is in the second part which means that it will help you to reconstruct on the new basis it have already created.
More, this year, in your solar return chart, you'll also have mars in good aspect with your natal Pluto and with the transiting Saturn. This could mean you'll have a lot of drive to reconstruct you ego and you'll be helped and protected to do so. You have also your natal saturn sextile your natal jupiter. That means to me you are strong enough to survive to any challange of your life. You'll always find a solution to your worst problems.

finally, Pluto sqares your natal mars and venus in your forth house also implies issues in your inner basis, your familly and roots. Maybe argues with your familly is needed to express your real YOU.

So, i think this is more your period when you'll discover and express your personality, the final stage when you create a new you. You'll need all that you create now on your inner level when Pluto will be in your second house. I've already experienced Pluto in 2nd. and at the beginning it was not easy but in the end it was really excellent, more than I expected. So you have to be strong enough to go through this transit and you have to Know who you are and on what basis you can put your feet. Till then you have somes years in front of you to create a beautiful and strong personality in order to create after a new and great financial confort and value in your life.

Good luck.