Yes, I like your posts. You are intelligent and put thought into what you say. You are open to debate, and by debating as we are we are exchanging valuable information, whether or not we agree in the end. Most people want agreement, but how can people grow without assessing the information of others and discussing their own thoughts on the subject? Agreement is good for avoiding conflict, but I feel that some are able to get along without agreeing. I like your style.
And yes, I do feel that your planetary descriptions are fitting as a guide. But I also feel that one must not mistake the map for the terrain. However, I am touched that you caught that and appreciated it. I'm apologize if editing that out seemed rude.
Now yes, Aries is number one, but Mars is not a pioneer. Mars is the force of action. It sets into motion what has already been started. Mars requires direction in order to apply its force, and it requires a target. Mars can work singly or alone, but sports, ruled by Mars, are most often an act of teamwork. Even when there is no team involved, two opposing forces are required. The concepts of winning and loosing are an aspect of Mars. No matter what anybody tells a sportsman(or woman), not everybody is a winner in sports. The sun initiates the force, mars enacts it. The action must be strategic(saturn) in order to be successful(jupiter). Mars can never be a singular force. It can manifest in individualistic manners, but it needs an opposing force in order to act. It is as simple as the contraction and relaxation of a muscle. If the these two forces do not work in harmony the muscle either atrophies or locks up, both symptoms indicative of an imbalance in mars energy, one too little, and one too much. The ideal state of a planetary energy is a state of balance. Mars cannot acheive balance through singularity.
Aries is number one, yes, but it starts and ends at that. Aries is the baby of the zodiac. Aries does not create, it is the product of creation. Aries is not the sperm fertilizing the egg. It is the the newly born infant. An infant cannot create. It has yet to undergo puberty. Many Aries tend to be asocial. Not antisocial, but "asocial". Put in a different light, Aries can be so self-involved that a conversation with them can be like witnessing a monologue. Some Aries talk about the things they know, their interests, for hours on end, while others favorite subject is themselves. Nonetheless, it can be hard to get a word in edge-wise, which tends to alienate the audience. Not because they are overly social, but because they are underly social. They have yet to learn how to listen very well, or consider the words of others. That's where the head-strong part comes in.
Now the act of creation is when two become one. Two human beings make one human being. Two sets of chromosomes are passed on to the fetus to make a unique individual. The DNA is comprised of a double helix, also seen in the sign of the caduceus, AKA, the staff of Hermes. The glyph for scorpio in no way resembles the double helix. DNA is represented by a different planet, but I do not want to go into that now.
The outer planets are not exact duplicates of the inner planets. If they were, we wouldn't need them. Likewise, if the outer planets were more intense versions of the inner planets, an exaltation of an inner planet would take the same form of the corresponding outer planet, but this too is not so. The higher octave theory is only meant to be a guide. The outer planets are meant to deliver energies that the inner planets cannot inherently contain. By the same token, there is an inherent difference between a sign and it's planetary ruler. Of course they have their affinities, but only by understanding their differences is it possible to delineate their specific actions.
The planet is the energy that is manifesting, the sign is how the energy manifests, and the house is where the energy manifests. Think of it in terms of light.
Random Planet #1 is represented by candle light.
Random Planet #2 is represent by a flashlight.
And Random Planet #3 is represented by an LED flashlight.
Each are different forms of light.
Now Random Sign #1 is a red filter or lens.
Random Sign #2 is a blue filter or lens.
Randome Sign #3 is a yellow filter or lens.
The lens is placed over the light source. The light travels through the lens and appears as the color of the lens. Where the colored light falls(what it lights up, that is) is the house. Have you ever used spectro-chrome color therapy? If you haven't research Dinshah. If you've ever used the color slides, you'll notice that in some cases the light filter of a given color(say indigo, or lemon...doesn't matter) will look different under different under different types of light: try looking at halogen, flouresent, LED, natural sunlight, and full spectrum light bulbs. Under the influences of certain form of light, the color will alter, while the slide remains the same.
Saturn is more about maintenance than endings. Saturn crystalizes that which has been set into effect. It gives structure and routine. Endings are the dismantling of structure. When it is time for the structure to come to an end, Uranus comes around and disturbs Saturn's routine, by bringing something new to the table, something that Saturn cannot fit into it's closed world view. Neptune follows the Uranian break of Saturn and generates uncertainty. Up until the new planets were recently discovered, Pluto was held responsible for completing the process. It marks the death of the old and the beginning of the new(for shadowed by Uranus). Now we have new planets, which we must master in the next step of our evolution. Before Uranus was discovered, Saturn was suitable as a "maleific" to indicate endings, but now that Saturn is not the last planet, it can no longer signify such. Conveniently, Pluto indicates death and resurrection. The ressurection takes us to the new planets.
Pluto can in no way be singular, because it indicates more than one thing. It indicates a process. Pluto is a fertile interface, where death and birth meet, like topsoil. Pluto is also a leaving of one cycle and going onto the next; a cross-roads. One may be apple to apply a number to a sign, to attempt assigning a number to a planet based on the number of the sign it rules is kind of like fitting the square peg into the round hole. If numbers must be assigned to planets at all, it would be through the use of numerology. For instance, the number 5 in numerological symbolism has much in common with the planet Mars.
Neither Mars or Aries have the creative capacities of Pluto. This difference is obvious in Martian types, Aries, and Plutonian types. The Plutonian types are the most creative of the aforementioned three. Just because something can be violent or forceful, does not mean it should be confused with Mars energies. Jupiter can be violent in its expansion. Saturn can be violent in its rigidity, unbendingness, or lack of ability to comprimise. Uranus can be violent by virtue of its disruption. Neptune can be violent in its deception.
Neptune is deceptive. Deception is not the ultimate expression of feminimity, nor is it unique to feminimity. Neptune is self-delusion. Anybody is capable of self-delusion. In Neptune's highest sense(which most people are unable to master), it is enlightenment. Enlightenment is available to any sex, whether male, female, or hermaphrodite.