
I need to know if my trip to Vegas is going to be financially lucrative?


  • astro_2gw_03_please_i_need_to_know_if_my_trip_to_veg.60.24079.jpg
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Well-known member
I see an astounding yes, but you shouldn't count on me :) (still be careful.)

you're Mars, and the gambling house (5th house) cusp is in Leo, making it the Sun. Mars sextiles Sun, which is a very favourable aspect, and also, I think more importantly, venus is also in the 5th house. 2nd house of money is in Taurus(Venus)
cool thx. i was thinking business wise because I an attending an industry conference there could it have to do with that or is the gain from gambling?


Well-known member
1. Don't gamble what you can't afford to lose.

2. The chart cast argues against great success. I assume this is an event chart for your arrival? The chart ruler, Mars, is in Detriment, and while it has some dignity by Triplicity, it is still debilitated. The 2nd House ruler Venus is Peregine opposite Neptune - delusions. The 5th House ruler the Sun is also Peregrine and applies to a conjuction with Saturn. The 8th House ruler (other people's money) is also Mars. Your money will most likely become other people's money. The Moon's only application in moeity is to a retrograde Mercury and it's last aspect is to a Peregrine Saturn.