Let's share her mystary girl
Lapis said:markus,
What I'm going to say has nothing to do with you natal chart OK? I haven't looked at your chart. I just had a couple of images/emotions pop into my mind's eye while reading your post and then Aquarian Maverick's. So this may be nothing at all or it may give you something to think/feel about.
Many years ago I taught classes on how to reconnect with some of our "past life" memories etc. I also did past life regressions, so I'm slightly familiar with how to consciously reconnect with them. I'll share one really simple but effective thing you can do to help get you on-track with remembering all on you own.
Make 3 lists. On the first list I want you to write down everything that you really like, I mean deeply, without any understanding why you love them type things. Example - Old Japan and most all Japanese things, the color yellow, old ships, the smell of inscense buring, American Indian things, large earrings, tropical birds, cold weather, the Renaissance period, heavy rain, the sounds of south African drums being played, white horses, etc. etc.
List all the things that you have always loved, liked, been drawn to no matter how strange they seem to you now.
Next, make another list but this one will be of all the things that you REALLY hate, fear, can't stand, repulse you, make you angry, make you sick, scare you, etc. etc. Example - Fear of drowning, smell of burning oil, knives, swords, falling, too many people in a small space, being alone, being in the woods alone, the color red, ancient Greece, earthquakes, dark-skinned people from ???, or light-skinned people from ???, floods, etc. etc.
Again, honestly list all the things that you hate and fear no matter if they make any sense to you now.
Lastly, make a list of all the things if any, that are 'wrong' with your physical body in this life now. Example - Bad eyesight, stomach pains, heart problems, pains in the head, neck, physical scars on your body, body parts that don't work as well as they should normally, any physical abnormalities or imbalances, etc. etc.
The trick with writing these 3 separate and highly personal lists is to be brutally honest. Like I said, they may not make any sense to 'you' now, but you will usually discover a 'theme' or two running through your 3 lists! And many times just doing this work and spending time deeply focused on these issues, will begin to open parts of yourself to the other parts of yourself. Spend some time with your lists and see if you can find the connections between all 3 of them. They are there.
Now, on a totally different note......while reading your post I keep 'seeing' India of a couple hundred years ago. How do you feel about India in general around this time period? You don't have to answer this, just suggesting a location and time period for you to ponder and feel.
Also 'saw' what looked to me to be an Irish male working so hard in the fields, plowing in the blowing cold winds. Then the next image I saw was a male on a war ship out at sea. Now these images I saw may not be 'you' at all, just passing on what I did get while reading your question. Please don't let any of these things I've mentioned sway you with you lists! Good luck and I hope this helps you even though it went outside 'Astrology'.
I attract Germans like flowers attract bees. LOL
yeah i was in frankfurt.. i didnt want to leave
in one dream i knew exactly where and how i was killed in Germany.. I woke up with a sense of a bulliet going through my back.
Same goes for Scandinavians as i noticed recently!
Really really interestng
About 5 years ago I discovered a method to literally access your physical images from past lives. You must be in a dark room, seated in front of a large mirror. Light a candle. Look deeply into the mirror. Keep your gaze above the flame of the candle and relax.
As you go deeper into a meditative state, you will begin to see faces. The faces will be of all different races, ages, sexes etc. Some you will feel closer to than others. Some may even frighten you. You will realize that you are literally observing what you looked like in previous incarnations. This is fascinating but can be frightening.
Be sure you pray first and only attempt this when you are upbeat, positive and in a good healthy physical state.