Let's share her mystary girl


Well-known member
Re: Past Lives

Lapis said:

What I'm going to say has nothing to do with you natal chart OK? I haven't looked at your chart. I just had a couple of images/emotions pop into my mind's eye while reading your post and then Aquarian Maverick's. So this may be nothing at all or it may give you something to think/feel about.

Many years ago I taught classes on how to reconnect with some of our "past life" memories etc. I also did past life regressions, so I'm slightly familiar with how to consciously reconnect with them. I'll share one really simple but effective thing you can do to help get you on-track with remembering all on you own.

Make 3 lists. On the first list I want you to write down everything that you really like, I mean deeply, without any understanding why you love them type things. Example - Old Japan and most all Japanese things, the color yellow, old ships, the smell of inscense buring, American Indian things, large earrings, tropical birds, cold weather, the Renaissance period, heavy rain, the sounds of south African drums being played, white horses, etc. etc.

List all the things that you have always loved, liked, been drawn to no matter how strange they seem to you now.

Next, make another list but this one will be of all the things that you REALLY hate, fear, can't stand, repulse you, make you angry, make you sick, scare you, etc. etc. Example - Fear of drowning, smell of burning oil, knives, swords, falling, too many people in a small space, being alone, being in the woods alone, the color red, ancient Greece, earthquakes, dark-skinned people from ???, or light-skinned people from ???, floods, etc. etc.

Again, honestly list all the things that you hate and fear no matter if they make any sense to you now.

Lastly, make a list of all the things if any, that are 'wrong' with your physical body in this life now. Example - Bad eyesight, stomach pains, heart problems, pains in the head, neck, physical scars on your body, body parts that don't work as well as they should normally, any physical abnormalities or imbalances, etc. etc.

The trick with writing these 3 separate and highly personal lists is to be brutally honest. Like I said, they may not make any sense to 'you' now, but you will usually discover a 'theme' or two running through your 3 lists! And many times just doing this work and spending time deeply focused on these issues, will begin to open parts of yourself to the other parts of yourself. Spend some time with your lists and see if you can find the connections between all 3 of them. They are there.

Now, on a totally different note......while reading your post I keep 'seeing' India of a couple hundred years ago. How do you feel about India in general around this time period? You don't have to answer this, just suggesting a location and time period for you to ponder and feel.

Also 'saw' what looked to me to be an Irish male working so hard in the fields, plowing in the blowing cold winds. Then the next image I saw was a male on a war ship out at sea. Now these images I saw may not be 'you' at all, just passing on what I did get while reading your question. Please don't let any of these things I've mentioned sway you with you lists! Good luck and I hope this helps you even though it went outside 'Astrology'.

I actually had a lot of fun making this list, and since you seem so knowledgeable about this I thought I would share my lists with you and get your opinion.

Stuff I really Like: Japanese Culture, Arts and crafts, technology, computers, video games, music, books, reading, writing, poetry, painting, drawing, art, art galleries, hiking, cats, wearing crazy colorful outfits, "dark" "gothic" stuff, LGBT community, parades, protests, tattoos, piercings
Stuff I really dislike and hate: being told what to do, rules, authority, violence, ignorance, racism, fighting, arguing, republicans, needles, large machinery, work, the "popular" crowd, conforming, serious people, authority

Health problems: Really poor eyesight, scars easily, poor circulation

Also check out my chart, tell me what you think! Thanks!


Well-known member
I'm new to this forum but I have been swept away reading this thread. It's so interesting. I have had some past life experiences (mostly faint), most recently in connection with my marriage. I saw my husband first time in a dream when I was seven. In my country little girls do a midsummer's spell where they collect flowers that they put under their pillow to dream of their future husband. It's definitely not a thing that usually works..:rolleyes:
I however had a very disturbing dream and my now husband was in it.
We're both musicians in the "underground scene" and in 2005 we almost met. He was touring here and I had been given a VIP that night to a club he played. I remember seeing him with a promoter I know and a voice inside of me said "that's your husband", but the logical voice inside of me said "Yep, that's a charismatic good-looking man and you need to keep your hormones in check. If he's THE ONE, he'll find you again! And you just lost a loved one and you're under enormous could could be unstable..." (My inner logical voice is very sarcastic...) Now I work a lot with charismatic, good looking and talented men: It doesn't really impress me, it comes with the job...;) He remembers me too. He said he got a very strong compelling feeling to come talk to me.
We finally met face to face again in 2007 in a local club on a thursday. He had been on tour and lost his passport had to stay behind. He was out with some friends that night. I was taking photographs of the Helsinki underground scene for an art paper. He saw me and knew I was his wife. I saw him and I knew who he was. We were inseparable for the 3 days he was in the country. After pretending to have just met for a couple of hours he finally said "You know it took me so long to find you. You're my wife from before too." I can see glimpses of his true soul or spiritual being sometimes in his eyes. We both have a feeling we were separated as some kind of a punishment for bad deeds and that this is our time to set it right. I don't know when we met but I have a feeling of the dark ages, maybe ancient Egypt. know...sounds like a bad soap opera plot. Why not pig farmers in Denmark I always wonder...but that's the feeling I get.
We had to work hard with outer obstacles just to be together as we lived on different continents and had obligations. People close to us thought we were nuts. We married as soon as we could and our first baby is due this march. I say first because I have been told on two chance encounters I'd marry a foreign man I'd meet at 27 and have 3 sons. His ex had told him after he returned to the states after we met that she'd been told by her psychic friend that he'd meet his wife in Finland and he'd move here because this woman will have a baby. That's my story.

My data

My husbands:


I'm pretty new to astrology, but I do know my moon on his MC should mean I represent the ideal wife to him. There's obviously a strong sexual attraction with his mars my venus conjunct in Gemini. And a "dark" side at that with the saturn mars aspects...(Run for the hills!!!!);) As for those saturn and pluto contacts we've got plenty..

I also have a couple of questions...I wonder if anyone can help...
1.) I have jupiter stationary direct in virgo in the 7th house. Stationary direct???
2.) My north node is in the 7th house, but also in leo...I just find that contradicting. Any thoughts?

And my list:

Strong antipathy for maggots, sharp objects, needles, organized religions, groups, social injustice, haunted houses, st.Paul for some reason, sexism, violence, numbers, oppressive atmospheres in places and around people.
Strong instinctual liking to ancient Japan, martial arts, buddhism, western mysticism, Nietzsche, music...and actually German expressionism and the romantic movement ;) (that neptune saturn connection..and I loved the matrix) Old photographs, egyptian and greek mythology, poems, symbolism in art, the desert, old ships and stormy seas, gardens, primary colours and for some reason I can carve wood very well....
Bodily nuisances:Pains in bones when the airpressure changes, bad eyesight, low bloodpressure, a serious case of scatterbrains. Used to have chronic larynxitis, and often times inflammation of the upper respitory tracts before pregnancy. Also had trouble breathing for some years after taking yoga classes ten years ago with singinglessons.

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New member
Hello to u all.

My name's John and Im from the sunny Greece. Im huge fan of astrology and I've been studing natal & horary astrology for the last 6 years. I find out about this Community thru a friend who also happens to be fan of Astrology.
I thing that we're going to exchange so much knowledge with u guys in topics that involve natal and horary stuff.

Recently i came up interesting in Karma Astrology. I tried to find out about past lifes and how they marked on the present's life natal chart. The information i found wasnt that much. So, i direct my questions on you seeking for a bit of help.

Looking to my chart u'll find , a serius amount of retrogate planets. Mars , Saturn , Uranus , Neptune and Pluto parade backwards.
In the 12th house there's Pluto strong connected to the whole chart.
Retrogate Neptune with strong aspect to Sun and Moon.
North Node in 6th in Aries (creatin a Tsquare with Mars and Mercury's opposition) and S. Node in 12th in Libra.

Well u can get the whole idea by viewing my chart below... Any clue about past life incarnation would be helpfull !!!



  • Νέα εικόνα.jpg
    Νέα εικόνα.jpg
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Hi! I'm pretty into learning what my past life might be, but I'm not sure how to get an accurate reading. Can someone help me figure out who I was in my past life. I was born on 5/17/91 at 8:05pm in Washington DC.
Regarding Karmic Astrology can anyone give me a clue about a opposition of my Saturn in Gemini 0 Degrees Retrograde to Neptune at 04 degrees of Sagittarius, houses 3 and 9, well maybe thats why i never finished my studies and when i try always something happens...and then i get depressed and on and on...a therapist told me some years ago that i suffered from a karmic depression...:crying:


Ok guys I have 6 planets in retrograde in my natal chart. What does that say about my past lives? Is it bad? My info is 30/04/82 4:20pm Fort St John, bc, Canada. Thanks for any thoughts


I was a solder in my recent past life and previous to that I was a tibetan monk. My astrology teacher uses her intuition when she teaches.


Well-known member
PTV, here you go, attached is your relocation chart for Glastonbury.

It uses your birth time but Glastonbury as a birth place.


  • relocation PTV Glastonbury.gif
    relocation PTV Glastonbury.gif
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Well-known member
Pierce, Cadbury Castle I've heard is where Camelot was. There's a lot of different theories. If you light a fire on the summit at Cadbury you can see it at the Tor.


Well-known member
I attract Germans like flowers attract bees. LOL
yeah i was in frankfurt.. i didnt want to leave
in one dream i knew exactly where and how i was killed in Germany.. I woke up with a sense of a bulliet going through my back.

Same goes for Scandinavians as i noticed recently!

Really really interestng


In Michael Newtons "Journey of Souls" he says that souls usually reincarnate in areas they are familiar with.

And just wanted to add my Grandma was born in Frankfurt :)


My move east at the age of 3 placed the degree of my natal Part of Fortune almost onto my relocated ascendant. My later move (at 23) moved it to within one degree. My newer Part of Fortune, although it lands on a "the end of the matter" degree, conjuncts my Node and Vertex. Somehow I think there's something to that. Something about "when one door closes ... '

As for past life karma in general, I always thought we should first look to our Halloween costumes. So many new role models now - kids rarely revert to the past. The children today -- they're moving so fast. So many coming back to squeeze into a time for living out their karma. There must be an outer planet (generational) influence somewhere.
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Well-known member
About 5 years ago I discovered a method to literally access your physical images from past lives. You must be in a dark room, seated in front of a large mirror. Light a candle. Look deeply into the mirror. Keep your gaze above the flame of the candle and relax.
As you go deeper into a meditative state, you will begin to see faces. The faces will be of all different races, ages, sexes etc. Some you will feel closer to than others. Some may even frighten you. You will realize that you are literally observing what you looked like in previous incarnations. This is fascinating but can be frightening.
Be sure you pray first and only attempt this when you are upbeat, positive and in a good healthy physical state.




Well-known member
About 5 years ago I discovered a method to literally access your physical images from past lives. You must be in a dark room, seated in front of a large mirror. Light a candle. Look deeply into the mirror. Keep your gaze above the flame of the candle and relax.
As you go deeper into a meditative state, you will begin to see faces. The faces will be of all different races, ages, sexes etc. Some you will feel closer to than others. Some may even frighten you. You will realize that you are literally observing what you looked like in previous incarnations. This is fascinating but can be frightening.
Be sure you pray first and only attempt this when you are upbeat, positive and in a good healthy physical state.



I will have to try this. Thanks for sharing.