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The natal POF can also be used in predictive work: such as in simple symbolic progression; for example:
-Both Trump and Hillary had their natal POF's in Aquarius;
BUT PoF is an extremely sensitive point
and so
due to unreliable birth data for HRC
the location of HRCS PoF is extremely uncertain
there are in fact
MULTIPLE ALTERNATIVE TIMES OF BIRTH FOR HILLARY CLINTON https://www.astro.com/astro-databank/Clinton,_Hillary
givne the lack of a reliable time of birth for HRC that's speculativein his 70th year (2016) at the time of the election, Trump's POF had progressed into Trumps natal 10th house (of advancement, governance, etc)
-Now, Hillary's POF (at her 69th year of 2016 at the time of the election)
had ALSO progressed into HER natal 10th house;
HOWEVER, in Hillary's progression, her natal SN had progressed (by 2016) into CONJUNCTION with her NATAL POF,
so the + indications by progression of her POF were cancelled out by the - indication of SN prog to natal POF;
Trump had no such progressed condition afflicting his natal POF, so his progressed POF into his 10th house acted purely benefically.