Out-of-sign Conjunctions (Thoughts and experiences)


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What if we call A Mars and B Saturn? How do the 4 scenarios affect the manifestation of the conjunction?

In traditional astrology, applying aspects indicate facets of the personality or circumstances that intensify as the person ages, while separating aspects lose their intensity with time. Mars applying to Saturn would be like an athlete training for a major competition, or a soldier preparing for war. Mars separating from Saturn would be about what happens when that sports career or the war is over.

out of curiosity, I looked up some examples for the four scenarios:

1) A applies to B, same sign.

Venus Williams (rodden rating AA). Saturn conjunct Mars in Virgo in the 12th. Their ruler, Mercury is in Cancer in the 10th, Moon is in Leo conjunct Jupiter in Virgo in the 11th.

2) A separates, same sign.

Simone de Beauvoir (rodden rating A), Mars conjunct Saturn in Pisces at the IC. Moon also participates in the conjunction. Saturn rules a Sun-Mercury-Uranus conjunction in Capricorn in the 2nd house, and Mercury is ruler of the MC and DC.

3) A separates, cross sign.

Ted Knight was a WWII veteran awarded with five battle stars, who later became successful as a comedian. He had Saturn in Libra conjunct Mars in Scorpio. The chart has an A rodden rating, and the conjunction is in his second house, they receive no harsh aspect and rule no angles, etc.

Farinelli was the most famous soprano castrato singer of the 18th century. He had Saturn in Aries conjunct Mars in Taurus. Birth time is unknown. Saturn rules his Sun and Mercury in Aquarius, and his Moon is either in Capricorn or Aquarius.

4) A applies, cross sign.

Takashi Murakami (birth time unknown) has Saturn in Aquarius conjunct Mars in Capricorn, and six planets are ruled by Saturn. He is a contemporary artist known for his taste for harsh satire. He is also the founder of the postmodern "superflat" movement - where forms are flattened in an exaggerated way to express the shallowness of contemporary consumer culture.

Elvis Stojko (A rodden rating) has Saturn in Gemini conjunct Mars in Taurus. He was the first ice skater in the world to perform a quadruple jump combination, and was widely expected to become the first Canadian man to win an Olympic gold medal at Nagano. But he came down with the flu and suffered a groin injury and ended up with the silver. The Mars-Saturn conjunction is in the 11th house, and Mars rules his Sun and Mercury at the MC, while Saturn rules Jupiter in the 6th and his 7th house in Aquarius with the North Node in it.
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New member
I have an out of sign conjunction with my Sun and Mars. Aries Sun at 28° and Taurus Mars at 4°. I feel like at times Mars and Sun are acting alike,yet almost as if my "Aries" Mars is wearing a Taurus coat if that makes sense. Wanting to go fast and walk fast,but feeling my body pull me back and force us to go a bit slower and have patience. Not in an uncomfortable square way,but like supported partnership. Hope this makes sense!


Premium Member
I have an out of sign conjunction with my Sun and Mars. Aries Sun at 28° and Taurus Mars at 4°. I feel like at times Mars and Sun are acting alike,yet almost as if my "Aries" Mars is wearing a Taurus coat if that makes sense. Wanting to go fast and walk fast,but feeling my body pull me back and force us to go a bit slower and have patience. Not in an uncomfortable square way,but like supported partnership. Hope this makes sense!
Being in side-by-side signs means there is no Ptolemaic/fundamental aspect between them, and an aspect is the foundation of relationship between planets. In traditional astrology when planets are one sign apart, they are described as not being able to see each other. So out of sign conjunctions typically do not connect well energetically.

What you say does make sense though, because there is reception from Mars to the Sun. Sun is very strong, in its exaltation in Aries. But Mars does not express well in Taurus, the sign of its exile or detriment.
Mars likes Sun because of its reception, but Sun does not reciprocate with Mars, since Sun is indifferent to, derives no grounding [peregrine] the sign of Taurus.

So there is the connection between these planets that are one sign apart and close, but by reception and not by conjunction, since they are in fact described as disjunct when one sign apart. And it is more like a push/pull by reception. Of course, this may be modified or influenced by the rest of the chart.


Premium Member
I use astrodynes to determine the significance of the conjunction.
Hi, Samantha. And you use astrodynes the same for any aspect whether in sign or out of sign?
I would be interested to know more about how what astrodynes is, how it works very generally, if you are inclined to share a bit about it?


Well-known member
I count out-of-sign conjunctions, if they're have an orb below 5 degrees because the binarity of the signs in the conjunction reduce the allowed orb because it's not the same sign. However, if they're parallel to each other declinationally, then it's particularly stronger. But energetically, it is less connecting similarly and more like mixing 2 fundamentally different energies into one