On the subject of divine inspiration, a lot of Christians will tell you flat out that the entire Bible was written in this way. Not so! In fact, in some parts of the Bible it specifically states that it was written by a regular person. More info at this link
Oh yes, I know all about this...I attend two masses every Sunday because of the seperate choir groups I'm in. I find it very interesting that the New Testament was written almost entirely by ordinary people; even the Twelve Disciples (which I believe represent the twelve signs of the zodiac, by the way) were fishermen, sheepherders, etc. Many of the readings every Sunday are in the form of letters addressed to groups of people!
Ha. That's really interesting! What did you receive? Who do you think it was?
On that specific occasion, I asked for the spirit entities whose energies most closely matched my own and who best knew my intentions to make themselves known to me. My essay so to speak was actually supposed to be a lecture I was nominated to give during our annual Confirmation retreat, but as some of you may have noticed, my communication style does not lend itself well to those of my own age. I showed what I had written to my youth minister, who told me that it was truly brilliant but feared that I may alienate myself from my peers if I was to present it to them. I was not hurt in the slightest and was inclined to agree...as an Aquarius Rising, I have struggled to fit in and be accepted for most of my life.
However, I did learn a lot from the process and gained confidence in my ability to simply
listen instead of censoring the thoughts that came into my head. I may never be absolutely sure if those words were channeled from actual spiritual entities or were simply brought forth from of my own subconscious, but over time I have learned not to question the source so much as concentrate on the
message. Unfortunately, this ability does not come as easily to me now as it had in the past...but I find that if I truly need guidance, somehow I will be guided to pick up a pencil and write.
Aquarian Maverick