offering an extended tarot reading for ONE person (ONE question)


Well-known member
Leave your question and I will do it some time today (in my timezone).

That's ONLY offered for one person, one question. First come first served.
Specific questions get specific answers; vague questions get -well duh- vague answers.

Sui :)


Well-known member
Oh, here I come again :happy:

I would like to ask about my relationship with my bf. We´re like 2,5 years together, have a son, not married. We knew each other a few years before we got together, in a quite Uranian fashion.

Now basically as we are living together, different issues arise, mostly having to do with his upbringing (elite family and him being the black sheep because of not conforming with it, but it still impacts his self-esteem, like he adopted the values of his family and feels he is a .... if he won´t fulfil them). Also he is quite a nervous person, cannot deal with much pressure and has a tendency to escapism (Pices/Virgo is strong in his chart) and overintelectualising everything (Aquarius Sun conj South node).
Now our son was born 10 months age and it is a huge challenge to him, feeling his responsibility to family vs. feeling this restricts his freedom.

It looks like he is all problem but not, I really love him and he has lots of positive things (but unfortunately doesn´t believe that).

So I guess I want to know how will the relationship unfold and what approach I should take toward him.



Well-known member
Alright. This isn't very specific as a question. Do you expect to be married to him or have some other goal or expectations that you wish to see through this reading?
If you leave the question as it is, you will get an equally general answer. But maybe that's what you want?
Let me know. :)


Well-known member
Yeah I know it wasn´t very specific, but I think that was my intent... Marriage as such is not that important to me.

I probably want to know more about several things so I think the best is to ask about this relationship generally, like what is its purpose, what are lessons to learn for both of us, are there any obstacles to overcome, where it will go.

Is that OK?


Well-known member
Is that OK?

Yes, that's fine!
The reason I ask if you do indeed want a general reading is because very often when I get general questions people actually expect a specific answer. As long as you know that a general reading is what you wish, your general question is fine by me. :)
I'll be back later with your cards.

Sui :)


Well-known member
Hi Yen,

I drew a 5-card horseshoe for you.
In the present position: the Moon (the past, family ties, emotional baggage)
In the position of current expectations: Queen of wands (you)
In the position of the unexpected: The Hanged Man
In the immediate future: the King of wands (your partner)
In the long-term future: Five of wands

Ok, it's pretty obvious what this is about. You (Queen of Wands) and him (King of Wands) are separated by emotional and introverted feelings and struggles. The Moon is the best symbol of your partner's past (problematic family life). The Hanged Man shows the decision that needs to be made between his wishes (to dissociate with the dysfunction of his family) and his values (to raise his son and be a good father). It's all internal work and internal struggle (five of wands). I can see a lot of passion and intensity of feelings and determination as the wands are associated with the fire signs. Just be careful to balance things off. The card indicates that something's gotta give and your partner will do what's best for his son as some degree of sacrifice and compromise is in order. You can stand by him but be aware that this is his battle to win. It's all very internal and visceral to him. Don't try to reason or appeal to his rationalizations. It's inner work he only can do.

I hope this helps a bit!
Sui :)


Well-known member
Sui, thank you very much! :love:
It certainly rings with me and my feeling about the situation. It is just maybe I am a little impatient (Aries Sun and Moon - Queen of Wands, right? :tongue:) so I would like to see some progress here but I am aware that it is him who must decide. Oh well. I will update on this.

Thanks again!