North Node Combust?! Is My Future Scorched?!

Really, I tried not to ask, but I cannot find anything to help me understand what this means.
My Sun is 29 Cancer 38'18
AND MY North Node is 1 Leo 40'30 d
(according to the thumbnail chart)

So, because they are so close together, my SUN is SCORTCHING my hopes, dreams and desires???? Is this possible? :pinched::unsure: (haha)

Does anyone have any advice or expertise on this? I'm sure it's unusual, because there is no information, that I have found, on numerous google searches. It would be a greatly appreciated eye opener on this very important aspect of my natal chart. Thanks in advance.


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princess valhalla

Well-known member
Hello! Well, your sun is on a anaretic degree (29th deg). You should explore that. It is a karmic degree. So is the sun conjunct NN. What I got from goggling is that it means you were born near a solar or lunar eclipse! It is supposed to be lucky. :sideways:

Here is a good link, keep scrolling down b/c there are several interpretations from different astrologers.

My sun is on the 29th degree of Sag and trine North node so we are sort of similar with that setup.

I don't think your NN is combust b/c it isn't a planet, it with the SN, are mathematical points.

Cafeastrology says: "Together, they form the Nodal Axis. They are not planetary bodies; rather, they are mathematical points that take into account the relationship between the Sun, Moon, and Earth at the time of our birth. More specifically, the Moon's nodes are the points where the Moon's orbit intersect the plane of the ecliptic."

I would also research about the house this conjunction is in. And remember that the sun also represents our father.

Hope this helps!

dr. farr

Well-known member
I agree that points* (such as the Lunar nodes, the various Lots, hypotheticals like Dark Moon Lilith or the oscillating lunar apogee, etc) are not combusted (note that many of our friends who follow Traditionalist doctrines, will disagree with this)
And, actually, I have a rather different concept of the ramifications and nature of combustion itself, than found in Traditional Western and Vedic astrological doctrines; in any event I would not consider the NN to be in combustion in reference to the OP's data.

*Nor do I consider that stars are susceptible to being in combustion by the Sun...
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princess valhalla

Well-known member
I am curious of your different concept of combustion (as well of the ramifications.) If you don't mind sharing your pov, I would love to hear it. Your insight is always most welcome. :biggrin:

Right now I have NN transiting right on my descendant, SN on my ascendant. I keep getting drawn to posts about the nodes!
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Well-known member
I have a wide conjunction between sun and NN at the end of scorpio. It seems that I have valued and expressed the NN theme since a child, which makes sense because the sun shows our personal attractions.

However, the sun being late in one sign and NN in the next might need some further analysis to determine implications. Does the sun really express the sign it is in, or the next?


Well-known member
I think you're supposed to inspire people. Sun on anaretic degree, like the final exam on cancer lessons and nn at 1 Leo, creative self expression, nurturing tendencies, especially with the moon in the seventh. Aspects from third house Uranus add to the creative interactions and communications you could experience. I bet you can be inspirational for your friends.


Premium Member
Really, I tried not to ask, but I cannot find anything to help me understand what this means.
My Sun is 29 Cancer 38'18
AND MY North Node is 1 Leo 40'30 d
(according to the thumbnail chart)

So, because they are so close together, my SUN is SCORTCHING my hopes, dreams and desires???? Is this possible?:pinched::unsure: (haha)

I think it is not likely.
I believe that combustion refers to the status of a planet, not a point, like the lunar nodes or the Asc, MC and so on.

princess valhalla

Well-known member
I have a wide conjunction between sun and NN at the end of scorpio. It seems that I have valued and expressed the NN theme since a child, which makes sense because the sun shows our personal attractions.

However, the sun being late in one sign and NN in the next might need some further analysis to determine implications. Does the sun really express the sign it is in, or the next?

Good question. For me, (i have sun @ 29deg Sagittarius) I feel like a total Sag. Natal Sun in Cap doesn't resonate with me at all.

For the OP, since the NN is 1deg Leo, and her sun is 29 Cancer, seems to say that she should develop solar leo characteristics (with Leo being natural ruler of the sun and NN is what she should strive for.)
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Well-known member
A lot of astrology seems to be based on astronomy, particularly the visual observation of planets.

Since the nodes are 'shadow planets' that don't have bodies, it makes sense to me that they can't be afflicted by combustion. Combustion is a phenomenon where planets become invisible, obscured by rising with the Sun. The nodes are never visible anyway.

It seems sensible to me that the nodes afflict the lights, rather than the other way around. Hence colloquial names for Rahu and Ketu like 'sun eater' and 'moon troubler'.
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Hello, ALL! Thanks for the quick responses and sincerity in helping me with this very important part of my chart. Before I replied, I did research and correlations on this from the info shared with me. (Sorry, Virgo Rising) So, it has taken me a few days to reply back.

While reading you will find that I have also shared numerous links that I found to be useful while searching the advice given to me on this thread. Not one to receive and not give back, I have included information that I hope all find useful, and accept it as my way of saying thank you for taking the time to write in regards to my dilemma.

Sorry for the long post, I broke it up for easy readability and color coded that main ideas for a faster read. A lot of it is revealing to my personal nature, but I felt that it was appropriate for learning, which is what we are all here for!

First off, THANK GOD it isn't combustible! lol. Thank you Princess Valhalla for sharing with me that I am not alone in this aspect. IleneK, Dr Farr, and the unanimous reasoning from the responders to the thread are correct that combustible refers only to the planets, and not nodes. Awesome for me! Lol. I really liked the way Moog pointed out the “colloquial names for Rahu and Ketu like 'sun eater' and 'moon troubler.”
The first stop in my research, was, the link that Princess Valhalla posed. I’ll tell everyone here, I highly recommend you check it out! It’s is AWESOME information.

I also found this link to calculate exact aspects and degrees! check out this nifty link, I’m sure it’ll make it to your fast click toolbar!
P.Valhalla is correct in saying that I should strive for more Leo to accomplish my “passing of the final exam” as Metaphysica coined it. Really this has to do with a coming out of my shell and really just fiercely going after my creative and intellectual aspirations without worrying about what people think, or failing in my endeavors.

The NORTH NODE IN LEO illuminates my future gateway with resonances such as:Basking in your own glow. Developing a radiant presence. Being unafraid to shine. Resisting the urge to deflect attention from yourself. Letting people hear you roar. Becoming comfortable when all eyes are on you. This is the leadership that gen6k mentioned The site shared is also excellent anf a great read for all. Thanks again, gen6k! Additional research was found at:

NORTH NODE IN 12TH HOUSE THE HOUSE OF KARMA, has to do with my spiritual search. The sun, as !4C mentioned, draws me into the realms of spirituality, which has always intrested me since childhood. (ya, I guess I was a bit weird, lol)
The sun illuminates things hidden in the 13th house, becoming the guiding light into my life lessons that inevitable keep me seeking the hidden truth in all things, especially as I live through consequences and hardships in this life, due to Karmic debt an being pushed along to this North Node destiny. But, now I am “new age” and seek truth without jurisdiction.

Great site to learn more about nodes in the houses
P.V. saying that my goal is to become more Leo like is correct. I found out that the challenges of being a Cancer, is a big part of coming out of the shell and sticking the neck out of a comfortable safe spot is the tender question of “Am I secure enough now?” “Can I think about living out my dream now? Or should I wait until things are more stable.” Of course, more stable is subjective, and as many people experience, growing income=growing responsibilities and expense. So, really, secure enough never really comes to a noticeable surface in the mind of a soft spineless crab who never takes projects head on. They prefer and expect a sideways approach to life and getting what they truly desire,. Actually, this does work, but takes a long time Lol

If a natal planet is found at 29 degrees of any sign, also known as the Anaretic degree, there can be some real issues with decision-making in that part of the personality represented by the energies of the planet. The native may evaluate and re-evaluate situations before making a move one day, and the next day, jump into the action without listening to himself or herself! For example, if Mars is at 29 degrees, the native may devise many plans of actions, worry excessively about the possible actions and different routes to take, and then execute a spontaneous action that is contrary to the decision!

Also, as suggested by P.V., I did look into the The Anaretic degree is explained here: I also found out that this aspect that I have with the sun and the North Node also means, that Metaphysica is correct in saying that this NN/Sun combined with a Uranus aspect allows me the influence to inspire people with my communication and general creative, eccentric existence in this “final exam of Cancer.” Lol. I like that.

P.V is also correct in saying that I was born around the time of an eclipse, It was a Total solar eclipse on July 31, 1981. Here is a video of it, with lots of cool links to other eclipse related specifics.
Upon further research, I discovered that the degrees mean something totally different. I researched sabian symbols and found a wealth of info! When I first looking at the list of these symbols, they seemed like fragments of sentences. But, actually, they do correlate to the whole scheme message of the chart. It's like a tarot reading for your life?!

Again, I would like to give back to the community by sharing some useful sites:
This are lists of sabian symbols
This is a calculator where you can get the symbol for a degree, or use the symbols like gematra by typing in a word of phrase, and the correlations populate. Very cool, if you ask me because it's like finding underlying meanings to phrases or names, even!

Another awesome website that I liked, because it gave more detailed explanations of the symbols is:

As far as the grand trine goes, as gen6k, points out, the trines and configurations are holding me up in my chart understanding it. I wish I could just see the chart without all the other lines??? I have tried to find a custom chart maker, where I could put in the info and one see what I want, but I cannot. I’ll open another thread asking about chart generators, and software? Or maybe there is a paper method I haven’t figured out? IDK.
My chart also is read by Donna Cunningham in the latest Dell Horoscope Magazine, April 2013. It really gave me some valuable insight on my chart, and she talks about the T-square I have happening with Mars, Moon, and a Saturn/Jupiter Conjunct. So this configuration lesson still continues.
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princess valhalla

Well-known member
SunmoonStars, Thanks for the feedback and the additional links!

If you are interested in degrees (you mentioned sabian symbols.) There is discussions under "other astrology, degree symbols" on this site, you might post there to learn more about your particular sabian symbols.

Also on degrees, there is pages on astrologyweekly of individual degrees. it says 29 degree cancer is the: degree of the avid collector.

Also there is a good sticky from dr. farr, called elevated and pitted degrees.
It's a good read. :biggrin:
Well, that pitted degree stuff certainly adds a new something-something- to the mix doesn’t it?! (This is so cool!) lol.

Wow, it would have taken me so much longer to locate this info on my own, thank you Princess V! You seem to have a radar for finding all the great reads! I am glad my post captured your attention. :D

I am a “collector” of sorts. Not like nick-knacks, but I am a beauty whore, I love spa stuff too. I collect articles, and information, mostly. I like to have 3-4 of everything. Pot and pan sets, all the colored peppers, lol, and clothes and accessories. I have multiple colors of the same item usually. I like practicality, so I don’t get like, statues, or collectors’ items anything. I am sure that differentiation somewhere in my cart, too. Lol.

This North Node has more to it than I thought. I really like Vedic Astrology, and I am not sure if it calculates more accurately than Western Astrology, or if it's just more developed and more socially accepted, therefore practiced more often, but as a beginner, between the language barrier and the newness of it all, I found it hard to get a grasp of, especially with the styles of charts and translating. But, I have learned a lot about astrology and Vedic astrology from this YouTube channel, and I hope other astrology enthusiasts can, too.

However, I do think this North Node aspect is particularly important for me, being that I am A Sun sign Cancer/Leo Cusp, with this North Node conjunct the sun. So, Thank you, Gen6k for sharing with me these varying interpretations.
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princess valhalla

Well-known member
Yes, vedic astrology can be daunting with the terminology. That's what has prevented me from delving into it more. I'll take a look at your link. Thanks! From what I've heard, it is more accurate for predictive purposes than western astrology! You are right that it is more integrated into their culture with their religious and medical practices (ayurveda) than it is here. I love their culture. And I love henna tattoos! :sideways:

I do love their views on Rahu, Dragon's Head/Ketu, Dragon's Tail as well. There is a Vedic Astrology section on here if you are interested.
This is a good vedic astrology site with plenty of info.


Well-known member
If your delving into the Sabian Symbols, I have to recommend the book 'An Astrological Mandala' by Dane Rudhyar, 'The Sabian Symbols in Astrology', by Dr. Marc Edmund Jones, the creator of the Sabian Symbols.
My copy of the mandala is in pieces I've used it so much! I call it my bible.
Check them out!:happy:
well, I most certainly need to take a look at that! Thanks for the info. I am getting into e-books, so maybe that will serve to preserve the book? But, then again, a loved book cannot be replaced. :)