Depression is an illness that cannot be taken lightly...know that you are not alone in this, even if you feel disconnected, isolated or dysfunctional. Saturn opposing the Sun depicts a disconnect or lack within yourself that serves to separate you from others. The Sun represents your Identity, or personal sense of self, which is molded in the past [childhood conditioning] especially relating to the father. Do you feel he has been a strict authoritarian with you? Has he undermined your confidence or self-worth in some way? Perhaps he was distant or emotionally cold towards you. Therein lies the source of your inner discomfort which serves to distort your overall view in life. Venus in your chart shows a tendency towards insecurity and low self-esteem. We find Pluto at the cusp of the 4th H relating to your past and the parental influencing; there is likely a genetic component to your experiencing of depression...this also tells us that you need to purge the negative emotions connected with the past, by transforming your views of it. This will be a long and enduring phase of healing for you, but once you learn the tools of overcoming the past, you will be able to regain an accurate sense of self that is not conditioned by others. From a psychological perspective, depression shows the need for creating an anchor of faith and trust in life, since the lifeline has at some time been severed. Your elemental balance shows that you are very much introverted and shy; probably highly sensitive; experiencing social anxiety because of your distorted view of self. Your burdens in life seem endless to you, but this is a false perception. In order to change your external experiences, you first must become familiarized with your inner landscape [the psyche]...and to do so you must have courage, self-honesty and the willingness to be accountable have to have a really deep look at what is going on inside of you, for that is what creates your difficulties in the outside world. And you must never give up. Should you wish help in further assessing your birth chart, I am available, via PM.