New job chart


Well-known member
Hi everybody,

this is the chart for the moment I signed my new working contract. I wonder what the exact Sun(12th house and Capricorn) opposition Moon(6th house and Cancer) could mean? Anyone a gues?

btw. feel free to analyze the event, I would be thankful for some interpretation :)

Thank you for any help

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Well-known member
Hi Shuter. This isn't my area, but I find it interesting so here's a guess for what its worth.

I would read Moon in Cancer in the 6th as a sense of belonging with co-workers - a kind of family atmosphere where people work together instinctively. Perhaps the opposition to the Sun in Capricorn in the 12th is a warning that any hierarchical dynamics could be troublesome if the management fail to honour the practical wisdom of those 'on the shop floor.' But I don't know if this is relevant to your work situation. I get a sense of ambition needing to be balanced by cosy working relationships. Perhaps also a sense that managers are up for sacrifice if things go wrong. But I wouldn't take any of this too seriously. As I say, its not my area.


Well-known member
Hi Miquar,

thank you for this sugestion, I think it is very good. And I can say, that some of it is really true - the part about Moon in Cancer for sure. I had Moon in Cancer in the previous job too and it work exactly the way you write.

Thank you very much :)

dr. farr

Well-known member
Using the simple Maximus inceptional method, Moon in cardinal sign (and its domicile) indicates positive influences early on, and since the Moon is the lord of its own cardinal sign, these positive influences will continue over time throughout your association with your new employers!
Further, the 11th house from the 10th (in whole sign) is under Libra, positing an exalted Saturn: indications here are of likely long-term employment and slow but steady gains in the job (11th sign from a significator house = indications for gains, associations, etc) And lord of that 11th-from-10th house, Libra, is in the ascendant-and in mutual reception with Saturn: more + testimony.