Hi Brian,
Unfortunately, you have the ruler of your 4th houseMercury, sandwiched in between your moon and Sun in your 12th house. And as you pointed out, Saturn does inconjunct your moon.
The fouth house represents symbolically, your "innermost identity" and it's really really hard to have your own identity when both "parental symbols" are so close to your "innermost identity metaphor" ....mercury in Gemini. Granted, they are both air signs, but their manifestations are very very different. (for instance, Aquarius is very fixed and Gemini mutable, and Aquarius rules your 12, and has a whole different priority.)
For instance, symbolically, the 12th house is a 'water' house, and is naturally ruled by Neptune. All 4 planets in your 12th are therefore influenced by Neptune....the 3 in Aquarius and the Venus in Pisces. Next the 3 in Aquarius are Uranian...so now, symbolically we have Neptune and Uranus powerfully affecting 3 of your most powerful personal planets, including the ONE, Merc, which rules your most personal identity (and symbolically, your spiritual home.)
PLuto in Libra trines these, and therefore encourages you, symbolically, to BE the Sun and Moon, which means that it's almost "impossible" to separate yourself from the influence (in some way) of the parents. Saturn also rules the "father figure" and this only complicates the issues, with Saturn inconjunct the Moon and by connection, Mercury.
Neptune square Venus, so it's really hard, also, for you to be very specific about "what you want." The first step in getting what you want is to KNOW what it is. But with Saturn trine your Venus and opposition your Mars, even when you know what your want (or think you do) and then get it, something is not satisfying! This is a very strange conflict, and has a lot to do with the 12th house connection, and the fact that Saturn rules your 11th, the house of "goals." You can be successful, popular, etc, but still feel like something is missing.
And I think that you may need some sort of therapy, maybe hypnotherapy, to ascertain if you are living a totally authentic life, or if, in fact, you are living a life (no matter how outwardly successful) that has not been planned and executed by YOU...the real you...but by people around you, according to their expectations.
What you do think of what I propose above....meditate on it and let me know if you think it's possible that that is indeed what has been your experience.