You have a very interesting chart with ceres/sun inconj pluto and merc and pof conj mc
The venus placement is also artistic.
Okay, so the first thing I’ll look at in relation to past lives is the nodes. I notice venus is square the nodes and that means that maybe past lives had to do with love/relationships in some way.
Symbols from dane rudhyar’s “An Astrological Mandala”
South node at 9.01 gemini:
KEYNOTE: A superior ability to challenge nature and play with danger.
Through the controlled use of mental powers man is able to challenge the most basic force in nature: gravitation. He enjoys playing with it as a lion tamer with his violent animals. But what he challenges is within himself as well as outside. Gravitation is the universal binding force of the material world. By challenging it man prepares himself to pierce beyond the physical and to reach higher realms of existence. He may lose the struggle, but that prospect makes the effort more exciting. He might gain "immortality."
This is the final stage of the fourteenth sequence. The symbol for it has a strong sense of finality. No possibility of half measures exist. Man is committed irrevocably to success or failure — at least as a conscious and self-reliant mind. The alternatives are clear-cut. One may describe it as MIND vs. MATTER, or as Man's will against the fate that gravitation so aptly symbolizes. "
Interesting symbol and I will note it has some relation to astrology by talking about the invisible binding forces of the world. This shows that you were dedicated towards true knowledge in your past life. IT also shows that you were someone who had a fearless attitude towards pursuing your goals.
I also have to point out your natal mercury here at 15.50 (pic is wont magnify I can‘t read it very well?) Aries:
KEYNOTE: Attunement to the potency of invisible forces, of nature.
In the light of personal fulfillment (symbol of sunset and wisdom) man may be able to establish a life-giving contact with natural forces. These are active any time growth processes take place, but man's individualized mind is usually too focused on working for consciously set goals to be able to realize concretely the presence of invisible (or "occult") forces in operation. These forces constitute a specific realm of any planetary life. They are inherent in all "biospheres," on whatever planet. They are non-individualized and un-free energies forming in the substratum of all life processes - thus of the process of integration at the level of the planet-as-a-whole, i.e. the planet as an organism with its automatic systems of growth, maintenance and organic multiplication. In this planetary organism those nature forces act as guiding and balancing-harmonizing factors - somewhat as the endocrine system does in a human body, and behind this system the more occult web of chakra energies related to prana - the solar energy. It is when this energy becomes less dominant - thus symbolically at sunset - or when the body energy is weakened by illness, fasting or sensory deprivation, that it becomes easier to perceive these "nature spirits" and to give them forms that symbolize the character of their activities. These forms differ with the cultural imagery of each human collectivity, retaining nevertheless some basically similar characteristics.
When this Sabian symbol reaches into the consciousness of a man seeking meaning, it should be seen as an invitation to open his mind to the possibility of approaching life in a holistic and nonrational, intuitive manner.
This is the first stage of the fourth five-fold sequence of cyclic phases. It implies a call to REPOTENTIALIZATION. What this means also is the process of "becoming like a little child." "
And your POF at 19.10 (?) aries;
A YOUNG GIRL FEEDING BIRDS IN WINTER. KEYNOTE: Overcoming crises through compassion.
Nature's seasonal rhythms imply an oscillation between living and dying. Through creative imagination man can "fly over" the cycle, and discover means not only to escape from the fatality of seasonal decay or deprivation, but to assist other living entities to survive through crises. Migrating birds fly south (cf. symbol of Aries 12°), but by establishing a partnership with other creatures unable to escape wintry deprivation or death, man can maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds) steady through all crises if, like a "young girl," he is widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy.
At this fifth stage of the symbolic sequence we witness human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency. Life potency in nature spirits reaches a higher level in the human being. The theme is THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.
So you might be able to see that your karmic lessons deal with enlightening your own mind through commitment towards truth in love.
The square to venus shows that your karmic lessons will be closely tied with others.
Venus @ 10.1? Pisces
KEYNOTE: The capacity inherent in every individual to seek at whatever cost entrance to a transcendent realm of reality.
This refers to the ancient and eternal symbol of the Path of Discipleship. The greatness of man is that he can always be greater; and the belief — deeply rooted in men's inner nature — that if he fulfills the necessary conditions he can find "Elder Brothers" who have already attained a higher level of consciousness and will transfer their attainment and light to him. The Path is always open to the pure in heart, the mentally aware, the conqueror of emotions and the spiritually self-mobilized.
This symbol opens the sixty-ninth five-fold sequence and a new level of consciousness. Man is always in the making and remaking. He can always go further, reach beyond. But he has to take the first step. Someone can show him the Path, but he alone can do the walking. Thus the Zen injunction: WALK ON. "
Wow. You have shown dedication in your life towards truth and light. thus it is part of your current journey to find those who can offer to walk by your side. Mutual care and sharing of assets and understanding will allow both you and them to step further towards love.
still have a couple points to address, namely the parts of current life and past incarnation. Coming shortly