miley has gone from bad to worse in the last few days. She had a bad reaction to a antibiotic and then the next day a hitherto undisclosed heart problem was included. Of course it is all under control and miley can return to her tour in august. …………hmmmm… may…jun,….july…. august,,,,, that seems like a long break she’s taking for something under control.
Also the epitaph “mysterious flu” is no longer being used.
This case raises a few red flags to me. First the mysterious declaration. Second the severe adverse reaction to the antibiotic . mossad/cia have developed a allicin resistant strain of mrsa. But this strain is not only immune to allicin, this strain recruits” the allicin to act against the persons immune system. Not only does allicin not kill this strain but the allicin makes the infection 510 times worse. as an example, a new infection of the Final Solutionf Mrsa Strain(as I have coined the named) on your skin can be killed in a few minutes ,if one immediately uses the various oils or allicin. If the infection is given 15 minutes,then one must treat the mrsa all night long and the infection will last less tan a day. If one allows the the mrsa a 8 hour head stsrt then you are looking at 23 weks before the mrsa is killed. I am talking aggressive genetically altered mrsa here.
Now say ,one applies allicin garlic to the infection in the first few minute and leave it for 5-10 minute. Te allicin will have increased the swelling by 5-6 times. The infection will be so entrenched that it may take a month to kill the mrsa.
The point is allicin provokes incredible destructive reaction to one’s tissue.where once alicin immediately killed mrsa ,to a genetically altered strain of mrsa, that turns the allicin into a toxic substance to your immune system could not have happened by natural selection. The speed of this new genetically altered mrsa makes it ludicrous to think random genetic mutations could bring this lethal strain into being so quickly.
So another false flag went up when mile had a severe reaction to a antibiotic.
I know this altered mrsa is now resistant to allicin which can only happened with some fundamental chemical change. I surmise that these changes were such that the existing antibiotic now caused a toxic reaction.
I surmise that the antibiotic cause a unexpected reverse reaction because the genetically altered mrsa now is immune to the antibiotic ,this is not a new thing as the big problem is that there are not antibiotics that kill some forms of mrsa.
Another false came up when the doctors brought a preexisting heart issue into the mix. Mrsa is known to make other infections much more virulent. Mrsa does not kill you but the preexisting infection kills you because of the participation of mrsa. Miley’s heart issue was not an issue until the mrsa reached the heart issue. This is all classic mrsa behavior. The conspiratorial nature of the medical establishment is obvious. They will not test for mrsa until a infection has become life threatening.and as the Center for Disease Control has said that mrsa is not a problem because hospitals are only getting 2-3 new cases a month. This is damned lie because hospitals will not test for mrsa and insurance companies will not pay for repeated mrsa treatments, so of course there is no mrsa problem if one doesn’t look for it.
Miley could be in real trouble if he doctor continue to use failing treatments on her.
I have mentioned before that this mrsa strain , FinalSolutionMrsaStrain, I s being used politically to silence and eliminate opponents to the NOW(worldwide fascism is more to the point).
Alex jones uncle, a Vietnam era helicopter pilot who taught alex the foundations to the worlds workings, was one of the first to die of this mysterious flu.
Alex jones himself got it but I haven’t hear anymore about this.
So miley most likely is a random infection.. maybe..
What could she be doing that would upset the NOW????
Miley has the sun/venus midpoint conjunct the north node. This shows her as a loving spirit.the nodal axis is square to helilth axis giving this kindness an love as he only peelings that make her whole. the nature of her recent professional personal shows ow deep the darkness has embraced her heart. Her tabloid pursiutof “partners” shows her drive for love is real.
This is a very sexual land passionate aspect, in addition to the luck it can bring.
But her….hmm ibido goes off the charts with eris square to Neptune an Uranus.
This is an insatiable sexual urge. promiscuous and decadent. Many layered and many games and deceptions. these aspects made her “spontaneous native” love an easy prey designs of the dark.
Eris tends to bring disharmony as well as affection. Jealousy and possessiveness usually shows continuing social turbulence until the passions are eased. But her the eris/Neptune/Uranus midpoints are square her sun. the child has had difficult in trusting love for good reason.
With the venus/sun /node aspect, saturn opposed to orcus becomes more sinister that its innate potential. A spirit subjected to absolute attraction and absolute rejection from her birth. The this Saturn aspect is extremely abusive as is the chion/Pluto square is. Wit the Pluto/chron midpoint conjunct to Jupiter, she was born into a social structure of abuse and hence the abusive nature of entertainment swallowed her quickly. Jupiter gives favor from those in power and the current raunchy portrayals bear witness to the nature of her “coins”.
It was written that her father lamented the success she had because it totally changed and destroyed their relationship but it seems he had prepared her for a stronger master.
His opposition of irreconcilable instincts leads to disassociation for personality. Split personalities must from for the soul to reconcile the pain of love.
Yet with such a unbreakable chain of exhilaration falling to desperation , miley still has a spirit of love with an unending searching for the magical one as her eros conjunction to psyche is also conjunct the vertex. as long as she breathes she has the inspirations of creativity and epic love. This is an impulse of a free spirit living on the search for love of life.
Her moon is conjunct her mercury giving a genuinely intelligent mind. The trine to mars shows a degree of creative dexterity as well as practical sense. But ixion is conjunct to mercury and moon exactly. Iot adds a social insightful vien to her mind , but is quick to look for faults in others .pluto is conjunct this stellium giving unconscious impulses and images to influence her conscious actions. it gives a emotional remote mother and shows her own difficulty in opening up to others. it is as if though she follows the signs of love, she also knows the connections will likely wither. with both the moon and Saturn afflicted by abusive unconscious symbols. Her hidden issues are so terrifying she can’t allow their remembrance.
Mileys recent high visibility is plainly based on societies fascination with her display of twerking,tweeking grinding carnal excess. Smiley is leaving nothing to he imagination and shows sexuality as the moving force of society. Sex, drug and whips are the accoutrements of power. And the.001% is the fountain of inspiration for wall street corruption, hollywood exploitation and sacramental approved rape.
It is possible that miley’s displaying the decadent guts of the media is too blatant. It may be a Suit simply does like her style. But ixion with mercury and the moon show that underneath the surrogate whore, she is intelligent, calculating and insightful for her own gains and advancement. It may be that she knows too much already, enough to understand where things will go from here. With the sun/Pluto midpoint conjunct her mercury/moon/ixion stellium, there is the potential for silencing her soul and spirit.
Her Jupiter/Pluto(relations with the powers above her) is at 0 scorpio54,conjunct her psyche at 0scorp55 and conjunct eros and nessus at2scorp42 and 2scorp51 respectively.
Even her most idealistic and romantic impulses are conditioned by emotional subjugation to the absolute power over her.
The midpoints of Jupiter to moon/ixion/mercury/sun/Pluto MP fall from are conjunct to nessus and eros. This seems another indication of subjugation of her creativity and souls.