mrsa coverup

princess valhalla

Well-known member
i may have spoken to soon as a new strain has been introduced. this begins as a cough but ,if one fends it off,
it doesn't incubate anywhere. this strain just just hangs around and makes you seems
to be a atrial fibrillation " flu". it does not act like any flu i have experienced before. it tries to affect
the heart and lungs but seems easy to fend off. the problem is that this strain is very hearty .it
is difficult to eradicate it.i expect strange infections to appear. i bring up this new strain because the night i was infected ,a strain
of flu that"acted like no flu known,about 3-4 days ago alaska airline was shut down because all the pilots
had gotten a flu that didn't act like any known flu.
that is the exact feeling i have. as i know the origin of my infection, it makes me wonder why any entire airline was infected and how.


Hi Rahu. There is some weird outbreak where I live. I thought of this immediately when I read this post. Here is a link.

"A doctor wrote prescriptions which would have cost him $200 so he decided not to fill them and let the illness run its course. The next day he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Conroe Regional Medical Center, where doctors were amazed to find his lungs filling with blood and his organs disintegrating, his mother said."

They are now saying it's H1N1 but . . . "In all of the eight cases, initial testing - called rapid diagnostic influenza test - showed negative results for influenza."

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of influenza A. Two tested negative for all known flu strains."


yea that is what i have been anticipating. genetically altered bacteria.
i know mine is from the cia/mossad.

it hasnt got a hook onme yet but itisstillhangingaoud.

thanx for the info



Hi Rahu. There is some weird outbreak where I live. I thought of this immediately when I read this post. Here is a link.

"A doctor wrote prescriptions which would have cost him $200 so he decided not to fill them and let the illness run its course. The next day he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Conroe Regional Medical Center, where doctors were amazed to find his lungs filling with blood and his organs disintegrating, his mother said."

They are now saying it's H1N1 but . . . "In all of the eight cases, initial testing - called rapid diagnostic influenza test - showed negative results for influenza."influenza A. Two tested negative for all known flu strains."

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of
two tested negative for all known flu strains.
this rings a bell becauseneither doctors or mrsa advocates have heard of the strains i have dealt with. i was finally tested for mrsa in my blood system but it was negative. i know that is wrong because of urinary symptoms and the fact that my lungs would if i don't follow my diet.

but this is exactly what i have been warning about for months.

this flu does not infect the throat and then progress to the sinus and then may be back to the throat on it's way to congest ones's lung.
this virus just hangs in your throat .and every 12 hours brings a severe coughing bout as it tries to infect you.this remiinds me of the Afib infection carried by strep throat. that strain would turn it self off every 2 days so that any test performed would show negative for mrsa.this virus has a 12 hour clock .everey 12 hours it attacks. i beleive this is a mrsa strain being carried by influenza in stead of strep throat.

and the kids organis disintergrating, that is simi,lar to one of the strains i have. it is wasting my muscle tissue. one doctor did do a test for muscle breakdown but said it was negative. again i knew that was wrong .

so i've heard all this before....i am certain it is the same mrsa strain but it is just been transferred to flu instead of strep.

the problem they have is that the mossad/cia chemist have to strip out the virus to insert the mrsa. and they have to trim down the mrsa to fit the doing so they have made these virus' impervious to pharmacueticals(after all, it is a pharmaceutical compony that is doing this)

the affect is that natural remedies can heal these aflictions.(though this current virus is very persistent)
they have weaken the natural strength of these virus/bacterias.

but the catch 22 is that the medical establishment is waiting in line to go to work for the corporations, so they will let millions of people die because they will not look at the results of herbal remedies. and of course the pharma/religio/facist won't work with anything they can not patent to insure their billions from obamacare.

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Hi Rahu. There is some weird outbreak where I live. I thought of this immediately when I read this post. Here is a link.

"A doctor wrote prescriptions which would have cost him $200 so he decided not to fill them and let the illness run its course. The next day he was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Conroe Regional Medical Center, where doctors were amazed to find his lungs filling with blood and his organs disintegrating, his mother said."

They are now saying it's H1N1 but . . . "In all of the eight cases, initial testing - called rapid diagnostic influenza test - showed negative results for influenza."

"Further testing showed that one patient had the H1N1 virus, a subtype of influenza A. Two tested negative for all known flu strains."

thanks for brining this to my attention as itallows me to understand what i am experiencing.
the flu i got after 6 days finally infected my lungs.the cough is gone but my lungs started to fill up.i decided to start drinking more apple vinegar and two nightd ago i was awaken throughout the night with coughing which a stopped by swigging apple viengar each time.that did it the cough has not returned but the infection in the lungs began. i noticed a strange sensation that was first brought on by the mrsa: that is at night,if i did not drink herbal teas, the cells of my body seemed to tremble. my body did not shake or tremble but i felt this strange sensation.usally the herbal teas stopped this. but the night before last this cellular trembling accompanied the coughing.each time i drank vinegar the trembling feeling would stop.i always wondered what this sensation was.after reading your post about the houston events, i think the trembling feeling was a reaction of my cells to being"disintegrated" by the mrsa. these sensations were exactly the same. so i am sure the flu mentioned above is infact a mrsa carrier.
the apple cider vinegar has thrown off the flu and the lung congestion.

as the latent mrsa epidemic is beig covered up, i wpuld expect new reports suchas the houston event willnot be picked up my the natinal media.
so if anyone hears of such medical anomalies ,please post them here.



update on this new flu/mrsa combo.
the flu factor isw very robust. i thought i had eradicated the flu bug but it came back.finally after two nights of no coughing, i think it is gone.
as i've mentioned this seems related to the mrsa strain that turned itself off every 2 days. this virus would reappear at the same place in my throat and at the same time in the morning as it's intial appearance. nit has a since of time. i would go all day with no symtoms at all and then at about 2:30 am , it would start to instigate a cough.if it does not appear this night i will assume it is finally gone.

i have since found out that this flu/mrsa is being transmitted through aresol sprays also. once asllep at spary is activated electroniocally and fills the room which a flu vapor. it has a smell of burn't juniper leaves.



update on this new flu/mrsa combo.
the flu factor isw very robust. i thought i had eradicated the flu bug but it came back.finally after two nights of no coughing, i think it is gone.
as i've mentioned this seems related to the mrsa strain that turned itself off every 2 days. this virus would reappear at the same place in my throat and at the same time in the morning as it's intial appearance. nit has a since of time. i would go all day with no symtoms at all and then at about 2:30 am , it would start to instigate a cough.if it does not appear this night i will assume it is finally gone.

i have since found out that this flu/mrsa is being transmitted through aresol sprays also. once asllep at spary is activated electroniocally and fills the room which a flu vapor. it has a smell of burn't juniper leaves.


the same technique was used with the mrsa. a vapor of mrsa was injected into the room and when one awoke, any skin surface exposed would have mrsa on it and begin to swell the tissue or itch .

the unit is very small and easily hidden in a is activated electronically. the use of this unit seems more effective with the flu virus as the mrsa is deposited deep in you lung immediately. the mrsa model infects the skin with just a small internal affect.

the mrsa smell is more subtle and just smells like some undefined chemical presence, though with proper concentrations it is not noticeable by smell.

the flu's smell is ,as i ,like burn't juniper or evergreen foliage and really hits your phenome receptors in your nose.



there are beginnnin to be many reorts of usual flu symptoms and mysterious death.the houston case posted above is still mysterious as the deat can not be found.
i case in maryland is instructive

two men dies after tending to thier mothe who died.

". They may not only have caught flu from her but the serious lung infection that she had." Rogers said. "This is a very isolated situation where you have four people in a home, in close contact. This happens not infrequently in elderly people."

the doctors are not realizing the flu brought the "serious lung infectiom"



there are beginnnin to be many reorts of usual flu symptoms and mysterious death.the houston case posted above is still mysterious as the deat can not be found.
i case in maryland is instructive

two men dies after tending to thier mothe who died.

". They may not only have caught flu from her but the serious lung infection that she had." Rogers said. "This is a very isolated situation where you have four people in a home, in close contact. This happens not infrequently in elderly people."

the doctors are not realizing the flu brought the "serious lung infectiom"


the way this is being handled does nothing to change my opinion that there is a medical conspiracy going on.

usually when a new strain of flu is found, it is in the news but in the houston fatality,the doctors found 2 new strains yet no mone is questioning this.
the houston mans death is still a mystery.

this is because the medical establishment wont test for mrsa. what a wnderful cover to have when one is inserting mrsa infection.

this season the young are being attacked by the flu. whereas flu usually attacks the old and young.
there are "mysterious" flu strains being reported around the country.interesting as obama care is a directly leading to poor health care for the older population. doctors are simply putting off operations until the patients die. the doctors are not giving advice to addition treatments to the elderly and stop mammograms after 70. one must know which addition services could be employed , and you must ask for the service.
it is ironic that as the health care system is ceasing perventative medical care to the elderly, the younger demographic is under siege by genetically modified virus.

one thing is certain, this flu is going to leave everyone with atrial fibrillation after they recover from this mystery strain of the flu.
the bottom line is the pharma/corporate/fascist are in it for the money and that is what this mysterious strain is all about.
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the mysterious flu deaths keep mounting.

Search for “mysterious flu deaths”.
From my experience this is in fact part of mrsa conspiracy I have been seeing.
As I previously said this flu is a combined with mrsa. This is absolutely apparent in my experience. As I previously posted ,I have had this new flu and I finally got rid of it.
But it was reintroduced into my system. After a few days absence my heart was attacked by sharp pains which were identical to the feelings I had a year ago when a mrsa causing atrial fibrillation was introduced to my system. What makes me absolutely sure is during the night I was subjected to the same wracking cough at about 2:eek:o am. This is the same sequence as last year where the mrsa infection showed up first and then later the strep virus kicked in. this time the mrsa attacked my heart and lungs first and then the flu virus attacked. It seems the mrsa immediately infects while the carrier virus, strep or flu takes bit longer to infect. And in both cases, the strep and the flu, they were easily eradicated.
I know exactly who is infecting me and it is a cia snitch as I have already said. These actions are directly related to the political post I have been making over the last 18 months.


the mysterious flu deaths in Houston still can not be explained

“People should not be extraordinarily worried about H1N1 because it isn't a new virus, said Catherine Troisi, an epidemiologist and assistant professor at the University of Texas School of Public Health in Houston.”
"But I just talked to Katie's mom last week and we both still don't know what killed our kids," Budro said. "She only knows that her daughter's brain swelling led to her death, but not what caused it to happen, And I still have no answers for my son

"It's scary to know that this there's other clusters out there like this," said Budro. "I can't help wondering if there might still be some connection there, somehow. I freak out now if my only other son, who's 16, gets a cold

these mysterious flu deaths keep coming.
This is just as I predicted, in December there would be mysterious deaths. My experience was with the strep throat virus which has been connected to a genetically altered mrsa bacteria, but the cia/mossad/medical/corporate fascist have used a influenza virus as the carrier.
I reported that the strep virus was very weak but the infecting mrsa bacteria was very strong. Here it has been reversed, the flu virus is strong but the mrsa virus is weak. I have been “dosed” with this genetically modified flu virus 3 times in the last 10 days. As I predicted , because the medical conspiracy, no one is testing for mrsa. yet the deaths are showing classic mrsa symptoms of rapidly spread congestion of the lungs leading to death. Also encephalitis (brain swelling) has also caused deaths and is a symptom I fought off 8 months ago.
Clearly this is a medical conspiracy because ,this plague is still being called mysterious. No one has named the bacteria that responsible for the lung related deaths because they purposely are not testing for mrsa, which is the bacteria killing people.
The bad news is that thousands are going to die of this conscious act of genocide by the 1%’s medical/corporate establishment.
The good news is that this genetically altered killer mrsa is easily cured. try this method before you seek medical assistance because some doctors are in collusion with thhis medical genocide.

This mrsa.flu strain is easily stopped by ,of all things, unfiltered, raws apple cider vinegar. It does not need to be organic ,though most of these raw vinegars are organic. It must be unfiltered and unheated so that the natural “mothering” that occurs is not destroyed. This “mothering “ are strands of amino acids that stop this mrsa/flu in its tracks. But it is of utmost importantance to NOT let the virus become established. If it is established internally then the herbal treatment is a bit more complex.

First off ,one must recognize that one has the genetically modified flu. This is easy because the flu does not act like any flu you have had.
It starts with a standard coughing and irritation in the throat, but it does NOT progress to the sinus cavity as normal flus do. It instead drops down to the upper lung and directly attacks the heart, which normal flu does not do.
Ok when you feel the cough,you must immediately sip the apple cider vinegar. It is relatively caustic so you might mix 2 tablespoons with 4-6 ounces of water.sip this so that it bathes the area of the cough. Keep bathing the cough until the cough subsides, which may be 1-2 minutes. Now the cough will come back so you must be ready to sip more vinegar. each time the cough returns you MUST treat it. The cough will continue to reappears for up to 24 hours at intervals of 1-2 hours. You MUST keep sipping even through the night. Keep some vinegar by your bed and sip it every time you cough. after the cough has subsided, you need to take a swig of vinegar every 2-3 hours,even after you have not more cough. At least for another day.
This will prevent the flu from taking hold and save your life.

Now for the mrsa bacteria which is trying to invade you lungs and heart, to the same thing. You will feel a slight pain at the top of your lungs and nears your heart .when you do, sip the apple cider vinegar continuously until the discomfort stops. Sometimes this will be 10- 15 minute. But it will eventually stop the slight pain associated with the bacterias attempt to enter your lung and heart.
After the initial feeling of pain, you may begin to feel a generalized discomfort in the center of one’s chest. The best description I can give is that it feels like you inner chest area is vibrating slightly. You do not start to tremble or shake but there is this slight trembling feel in your chest. It is not painful so one may be inclined to ignore it and continue sleeping. but you MUST immediately start sipping apple cider vinegar until this sensation stops, then go ahead and crash out. But it this feeling wakes you up again, IMMEDIATELY start sipping vinegar until it is gone. This can take up to 10-15 minutes but do not stop until the sensation is gone. If you follow this protocol the flu/mrsa will be gone. it can take several hours or up to a day or two. But you will not get the flu. i repeat ,you must stop the flu/mrsa from establishing itself lungs or chest.

One word of caution, the vinegar taken straight can upset your stomach so it is advisable to mix 2 tablespoons with 4-6 ounces of water during the night because in a prone position the vinegar will tend to stray in your throat and cause irritation. During the day it is not so much of a problem because the vinegar flows to your stomach.
I swig a small amount vinegar straight for maximum affect. But if this is too toxic then dilute as specified above.

an added protection is to drink 10-20 onces of pleurisy root,nettle and rosemary teas throughout this period.this by itself stops the mrsa and flu from progressing into your internal organs but it takes longer and speed is of the essence in this disease.

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The reports of a mysterious flu like illness stopped in middle December. Now the word is this is H1N1 but is very strong. The mysterious symptoms that are killing people is not longer being mentioned.
The word was that some of the deaths are coming from pre-existent illness’s. this is how mrsa kills. It usually goes to the lungs causing pneumonia. but is also will go directly to a preexisting illness. It makes the illness more serious and brings death from pre existing illness death.
Ex major daley who walked away from the mayoralty of Chicago, after rahm Immanuel decided to step from being the presidents gatekeeper to the major of Chicago, was taken to the hospital recently with stroke-like symptoms.
One of the mrsa strains gives stroke like symptoms.
This “mysterious flu like illness” is now fully implemented, the mysterious disease is just being iognore ,it is now being applied politically..



The reports of a mysterious flu like illness stopped in middle December. Now the word is this is H1N1 but is very strong. The mysterious symptoms that are killing people are not longer being mentioned.
The word was that some of the deaths are coming from pre-existent illness’s. this is how mrsa kills. It usually goes to the lungs causing pneumonia. but is also will go directly to a preexisting illness. It makes the illness more serious and brings death from pre existing illness death.
Ex major daley who walked away from the mayoralty of Chicago, after rahm Immanuel decided to step from being the presidents gatekeeper to the major of Chicago, was taken to the hospital recently with stroke-like symptoms.

One of the mrsa strains gives stroke like symptoms.
This “mysterious flu like illness” is now fully implemented, the mysterious disease is just being iognore ,it is now being applied politically..


i when i posted on a mrsa forum about my treatment in a ER over my mrsa(threatened to "be thrown on the street") , my pc was hacked and destroyed by a virus from washigton dc. not to mention that i was dosed with new strains of mrsa. so this is in fact a conspircy as the government knows about these irregular medical dealings and is trying to silence anyone that sees the government/pharma/corporation machinations and trys to draw attention to this.


i reposted this so that thise who have read this recently will not imediately think this is another "consiracy story"
i a begnn posting politically sensitve subjects for several months before i first acquired mrsa.

but since i posted about the ER ,i have been subjected to nearly constsant attempts of reinfectin.the aent is a sibling who the cia is able to use against nme because we share te same domicile .
this topic is the one which has drawn the government lack wasps.



the doc's are still trying to figure out what is wrong with ex tammany hall major daley.
but the media is not using the rem mysterious anymore forall the continuing mysterious death to the flu.

it the same old same old H1N1 ,which they could not identify in the beginning. at least now they making the flu the cause of all these deaths.whereas intially, it was preexistant infections xausing the deaths.

they just don't know why this "same old same old "H1N1 is so virulent and deadly
theses are the reflections of the mrsa genome insert into the H1N1 genome. the genome has been altered to accomodate the mrsa, so they intially coukld not detect the H1N1. and the death is issuing from the piggy backed mrsa bacteria.

this mrsa strain has been altered so it is not going to turn up in a regular incubatuion cukture. i have mrsa in my blood yet when they tested ,there was no growth found after 5 days. of course they said it could be longer but 5 days is limit they incubate for.

but i don't think any of the doctors in the system will check for mrsa. i will take an outside forensic doctor to solve s




The medical establishment is silent about the mysteriouis deaths and they are suddenly saying that the deaths, which could not be sequenced initially, but now they say they are all H1N1.
Clearly they are suppressing this so that the mrsa/flu virus can do it’s work. First of which is to give people atrial fibrillation and secondly to eliminate opposition to the NOW.
I had to go to YouTube to find any recent information. All media releases stop ondecember18.
I have emphacized that we must watch for who gets this mysterious disease. interestingly.
Fire brand Alex Jones has near family members dying of this.
50% mortality rate.
This is the genetically altered flu carrying a genetically altered mrsa concocted by cia/mossad scientist.
This is exactly analogous to the nazi’s killing there own citizens in gas chambers before the military took the gas chambers over.
dec 28 2013



it has been reported by doctors and by dr tenpenny specifically, that the current mysterious virus is a bacterial pneumonia that grows in the space created by the mutated flu caused by vaccines. These viral mutations developed out of the medical system are the cause.
This is what I have been saying for months. A genetically altered mrsa bacteria has been inserted into a genetically altered flu virus.
But the mutation did not develop “out of the medical system” and was not caused by vaccines It has been created by cia/mossad scientist specifically to eliminate portions of the populations and specific individuals for political reason
the conspiracy reaches the highest level of federal health care as has been shown buy the Center for Disease Control's persistant falsification of the scope of the mrsa problem.the cdc claimed mrsa is no longer a concern, yet 11,000 still die of mrsa each year, more than any other antibiotic resistant bacterial infection. the cdc says only 2-3 new mrsa cases are diagnosed in hospitals each month. but this is a lie of omission because hospitals will not test fro mrsa even if one ask for it. doctors routinely lie about mrsa. this cloak of lies and silence is to keep the mechanism of the mysterious flu deaths secret and not make it known that genentic engineering is responsible for this new plague




The recent mysterious killer flu has been identified as H1N1.but the bacteria that “inserted itself into the H1N1 is unidentified.simply a bacteria. The medical establishment is not identifiying this a a mrsa infection because the medical establishment and the Center For Diseasen Control specifically has been coverup mrsa .
Alex jones ,whether you like him or not has been a focal opponent of the NWO takeover of the USA.

He know has this mysterious flu. I have said repeatly to watch out who gets this flu as it is being used to kill opponents of the NOW.
I know this because I have been repeatedly infected with the precursors’ of this infection for over a years. I was infected because I posted what I knew about the moscone/milk assassinations in 1978. These were carried out by the cia to corner the drug trafficking market.
The first infection was in july 2012.this was a standard mrsa infection which I received partial treatment for.the second infection was by a mossad agent who was taking over the marijuana trade from the locals in northern daly city.the third infection was given to me in the hospitals while I was in the cardiac ward for observation. It was after I realized I had been dosed in the hospital .this strain caused atrial fibrillation and was clearly genetically modified because it would be virulently active for 2 days then go dormant for a day and then return for 2 days. Doctors told me this was impossible. But I had this strain.i realized that this was a strains intended t to cause atrial fibrillation so that I would have to start a atrial fibrillation drugs. Interestingly ,advertisements for drugs to counter atrial fibrillation are now rampant. The pharmaceutical corporatiopmns in league with mossad and the cia have this in place. I am waiting to see how many people come up with atrial fibrillation after they get this mystery flu
that I realized death angels were trying to kill me . the reason? Because some emergency rooms are dealing mossad methamphetamines in san mateo and I assume elsewhere.
I had to move from san mateo because I was under surveillance and an
attempts’ to my life. But I had to relocate to the family domicile which involved being with a brother who is a cia associate. He has continued to dose me.
After using allicin baths to almost heal my mrsa he dosed me with a strain of mrsa infections. Some were mrsa bacteria inserted into strep virus’s. this is exactly analogous to the current infections being inserted into a flu virus.i was infected with a mrsa strain that ate the skin on my face and my ear lobes, then a strain that caused mrsa liguid to spew from my ears,then a strain that turned my skin ionto leather, then a strain that infected my muscles and caused my muscles to wither,then a strain that began to eat into my bones , then a strain that attempted to give e a heart attack . as I have posted last may a strasin that contained 3 different strains got me. This strain was enclosed in “chemicals” that made it impervious to bleach or even boiling water. It can be applied to any surface and is clear. But the slightest touch to human skin and virulent infection starts. this strain could be place in water pipes and contaminate all the water coming through. If one washes infected clothes, the strain is not killed but contaminates the other clothes.
This is truly the work of demonic personalities behind the cia and mossad paharmacuetical corporations.
I was even dosed with the current mysterious flu as I posted above.
The only reason I am alive is that by genetically “hollowing “ the viris’s out, the virus was weakened so that herbal remedies kill the virus and bacteria. But the medical conspiracy continues because the medical establishment will not even look into the positive results of herbal antidotes.
Separately I have been dosed with drugs that are meant to stop my heart. Through lucky circumstances these drugs have only weaken my heart but I receive anymore of this drug….. I don’t know what will happen.
Then I was given a stroke drug during the Saturn node conjunction a while back but I knew that a mortal that would be likely so I survived that encounter.
Recently bad transits lead me to leave my present location and return to the north peninsula where I idiotically made contact with past mafia connections. The result of which was a was dosed with a combination of mrsa to attack my heart and lungs , and drug to stop my heart with a bit of a drug to cause a stroke.again by lucky circumstance I did not have enough of these drugs to be fatal but it was touch and go for several hours as my heart nearly stopped. ironically I was within view of the hospital; where all this began. At one point I was concerned that my might have to go to a hospital as I could not stand up without passing out. But thru anti oxidizing herbs I was able to recover in a hour or so. It was clear that “they” were observing me because as I thought about the consequences of being taken to this hospital, some one in a car stopped and yelled out ”does anyone know where Seton Medical Center is” so “they “ were trying to get me into the hospital from where I would die.this has seemed to be the idea behind repeated dosing.. to get me into a hospital so my death would be ruledf a heart attack or stroke. But it is clear that I more direct means to silence my alarm is now being considered.
I post this hoping that someone in the health care establishment will start to see this new mysterious flu for what it is… a conscious attempt to kill a large part of the population.
