the mysterious flu deaths keep mounting.
Search for “mysterious flu deaths”.
From my experience this is in fact part of mrsa conspiracy I have been seeing.
As I previously said this flu is a combined with mrsa. This is absolutely apparent in my experience. As I previously posted ,I have had this new flu and I finally got rid of it.
But it was reintroduced into my system. After a few days absence my heart was attacked by sharp pains which were identical to the feelings I had a year ago when a mrsa causing atrial fibrillation was introduced to my system. What makes me absolutely sure is during the night I was subjected to the same wracking cough at about 2o am. This is the same sequence as last year where the mrsa infection showed up first and then later the strep virus kicked in. this time the mrsa attacked my heart and lungs first and then the flu virus attacked. It seems the mrsa immediately infects while the carrier virus, strep or flu takes bit longer to infect. And in both cases, the strep and the flu, they were easily eradicated.
I know exactly who is infecting me and it is a cia snitch as I have already said. These actions are directly related to the political post I have been making over the last 18 months.
just an update
this mrsa vapor now has a mrsa skin infection added to it. if the vapor remains on your body through the night , not only are ones lungs and heart affected but a skin infection will arise also. these seem to be fragment of mrsa genome because other without mrsa are uninfected. though a month ago, there was a variation that seemed very virulent and could infect one without a preexistent mrsa infections.but this strain was not used for long because other inhabit the condo where this is happening