As I have alleged cover up and conspiracy ,I will give a detailed account of why I adopted this often inflammatory viewpoint
For the first 6 year or so my post on this forum have been largely about composite charts and I stayed away from any other topics especially anything that was essentially opinions.
About 18 months ago I began to post on topics reflecting the late 70’s and specifically the assignations and drug dealing of the cia.
My father knew the head of covert cia operations in northern California from their time together I WW II at the rankin air academy in Tulare California during the early 40’s. he used to play poker wit herb rose(the head of covert cia operations in northern California at the time) at the Olympic club in san Francisco every Wednesday til my father’s death in the late 80’s. though I have never been part of this loop ,there are other family members who have worked with the agency over the years.after the assassinations of mayor moscone and Harvey milk, I left the bay area as I realized I knew too much about the affair and the cover-up being as I was just tangentially connected to the operation. But recently the corruption of that era has reached such proportions that I came out of “hiding” and decide to start telling what I knew,of course I realized that this would put myself at great risk but…………
The discovery of the mrsa conspiracy/coverup has been somewhat unexpected . after my first post about the assassinations ,I was put under scrutiny and as I had found out that the cia and mossad were using Mexican zetas to take control of the drug trade in san Francisco and further south, I was first “dosed” with mrsa about a year ago,while smoking pot with a Mexican agent working for the “agency”. Buit as I had known this individual for a number of years ,it did not dawn on me immediately that this was an attempt on my life.
I when to a ER at a northern san mateo hospital and was diagnosed with aggressive mrsa. I was given vancomycin and told to return in the morning for another IV as aggressive mrsa neede at least two injections to eradicate the bacteria was also advised to come back to the hospital immediately if the swelling continued.\i returned in a few hours as the the swelling progressed to my lower jaw.
The second doctor also concurred it was aggressive mrsa and put me on another IV. He cautioned me it was imperative that to come back for the second vanco injection in the morning.
Then the plot took an unexpected turn as another doctor traipsed in and began some very unmedical questions.
Then he asked me if I knew what Ice was. Ice is the nickname of a form of methamphetamine that is produced by genetically engineered bacteria. It is very high tech and not something your local biker can brew up in the bathtub.Ice turned up about 2000 and an aggressive form of mrsa was found in Ice. Some Methheads who used Ice came down with this new strain of mrsa. This strain would amplify and existing medical problems and turn it into a life threatening infection. paradoxically ,In a small number of cases it would improve existing problems , but by and large it brings serious life threatening complications.
This mrsa is associated with smoking ice, so my situation was unusual as I contracted it smoking pot. I later began to realize that it was not a coincidence I had acquired mrsa.
Well then the doctored asked me if I knew where Ice came from. at this point my spider senses arose as this is a dangerously loaded question. and not a medical question by any stretch.
Ice is solely distributed by the cia. It is produced in Israel and always is guarded by mossad subcontractors. Ice comes in huge blocks, 3 ft. by 3 ft and I know that one point where it is imported is in Oklahoma . the israeli airforce sends air craft repair work to a company east of Tulsa and uses this as a cover for the large containers needed to ship Ice.i
One must keep in mind that it was the mossad that brought torture into the infamous prison in irag several years ago and this fact has been cover upped up despite the prisons commanding officer making public statements to this affect.
But these facts are closely guarded and anyone who publicly makes known the cia’s and israels involvement with ice is quickly assassinated. I replied that the government claims Ice comes from Thailand but that I knew that was false but that I was not going to say where it came from if the government was not saying where it came from. this conversation came back to me later but for now I was just concerned about getting my second vanco IV.
When I returned to the hospital in the morning, the situation quickly became surreal for me. The third doctor diagnosed me with a gum infection. This was preposterous as my face was becoming more swollen by the moment. And he refused to give me the second IV of the vancomycin protocol.
he gave me a prescription for some antibiotic that I later found out was NOT to be used on mrsa infections.then he said there was nothing more he could do and go somewhere else.
As I had no medical insurance at this time I assumed that it was an economic matter. But regardless of this , his actions were illegal as I had been diagnosed with a life threatening infection and by law ERs have to treat life threatening situations.
I left but the my face continued to swrll grotesquely so I returned to the ER. Now it really turned crazy.the next doctored berated me for coming back, but I demanded that I receive the second injection of vanco as I had been repeatedly advised.
Finally she said she would give me the vanco but then reversed herself after conferring with someone ion the backroom.i later figured she was in contact with some of the corporate lawyers as this hospital had recently been taken over by a multinational corporation and the new owners had threatened to shut down the ER for economic reasons.
When I refused to leave with out the vanco, she threatened to call security and “have me thrown into the street”.
As I had already been lied to by various doctors here I went to the waiting room and talked to an administrator and told her I was being refused treatment for economic reasons. So she sent me back to talk to head nurse. He went off and said they would not give me the vanco. So I talked to the patient advocate even though the nurse said it would do no good. He was right. But it was a bit of a theater.she would come up with some BS and I would counter her argument and off she went t to the backroom for 20 minutes. Then she would come back with more bs and I would counter this. This went on for 2 hours til, the doctor who had threatened to throw me on the street reappeared .i refused to talk to her because of her threats. When she denied she had issued such a threat,which she had done in a room full of witnesses, I realized I had no options. The entire ER was corrupt but I had no idea at this point of how corrupt they are.
So I used various herbs and teas and the bactrim prescription the first doctor had given me. Slowly over a week the grotesque swelling went down but a still had swelling for twomonths . I continued to use herbs and it was slowing subsiding.
My second dosing came because I had “outed” a mossad agent who was “infiltrating the local marijuana growers. My suspicions were based on the fact that in this period about 2009 the New World Order was in the process of buying san francisco and the entire peninsula to the silcon valley.which to I may add the NWO is still in the process of doing. Actually NWO is a bit of a misnomer as it is rally comprised of 90%new Yorkers and Israelis with a smattering of oligarchs from Europe and asia.
And as they buy up san Francisco and the neighboring suburbs, they place there drug dealer and whores on the streets.i had read this NWO narc as I noticed that whenever he appeared there was police surveillance in areas that had never had police surveillance.
I warned the locals and they took my advice initially and cut him off. But later the locals started becoming intimates with him again as he starting hooking up with a local girl friend. So when I noticed this I was a bit apprehensive as I was sure he had been told about my advice. and I was correct . trying to keep my “cover” I made the mistake of smoking a joint with him and immediately had another aggressive infection on my face. The original infection was now just a very small point under my nose. So I knew the new infection was from this narc. And I started to realize my initial infection was in fact calculated. again, mrsa is usually transmitted by smoking Ice, not pot.
This strain of mrsa cause atrial fibrillation.and my herbs could moderate it but up til now they would not stop it .it also was very aggressive and I was having to apply a lot of oils to keep it under control. finally I went to the ER.
The doctors there wanted to treat me for A Fib but I told them the A Fib was a function of the mrsa. which they said was impossible. I kept rejecting the A Fib drugs so we finally compromised and they gave me a drug that slowed my heart rate down to a safe level so that I could be admitted to the cardiac ward for observation. they would not treat the mrsa but said in the cardiac ward they would have to make a determination about the mrsa.
I was admitted to the cardiac ward in isolation with suspected mrsa . they swabbed me and I tested positive for mrsa. I had not drank any herbal teas since the night before as I had been in the ER for 18 hours waiting my transfer to the cardiac ward. So I was anticipating my mrsa would start to sweel and my A Fib would increase.which is what happened. As I was on a monitor, the nurse came in and asked what was the problem . I informed her my mrsa was acting up and my A fib was following suit as I had said. Another nurse came in and gave me a pill. I asked her what it was and she fumbled around and finally said it was the same drug I had been given in ER.this was a lie as it was not the same pill. I had told the doctors I did not want any drugs except what I was given by the ER until I has evaluated. So the nursed lied to me but again, I didn’t think it was important. Whatever she gave me worked and my mrsa attack subsided as did my a trib symptoms.
But now things started to get strange.
I had been x-rayed and tested in the ER and I had not repertory problems what so ever. But after dinner I had a stranger cough in my upper palate that was mucous like. I had never feel such a cough as usually this type of cough is in the lungs. and I was in isolation ,so how could I have got a cough? But I didn’t think about it. the next morning I had a cough again but now in was in my chest. This was also very strange because usually a cough or flu will go from the throat to the sinuses before it goes into the chest. again , I was in isolation so where is this coming from. this time when my temperature was taken I closely followed the nurse’s hand. When she took the probe out of my mouth, she should have immersed it in a disinfecting solution before placing it in the receptacle for it’s next use. But she made a perfunctory movement toward the disinfectant but did not disinfect the probe as I watch carefully and saw she had feinted disinfecting the probe. so it occurred to me that this is how I had caught this “bug”. But at this point I did not realize this was a calculated action to infect me.
So the next afternoon, in bounces the doctor. She says” we are going to start you on atrial fibrillation medication.” I objected and pointed out that last night my A Fib had been managed with antibiotics as well as my mrsa. So this showed that I was correct, my mrsa infection was causing my A Fib symptoms. Her reply was ,well we’ll treat your mrsa will ointment and put you on A Fib medication anyway. As this was the only course she was going to follow, I told her I was not going to take a medication for a condition i did not have and was checking myself out of the hospital. This really pissed her off. Then furthermore she told the nurse to purge all my records. i did not realize the ramification of this action(which every other doctor I have told this to have called highly unusual) but from this point on there was no record of my being mrsa positive or have being admitted to cardiac or most importantly ,the ekg records that proved the mrsa was causing my A Fib disappeared and I was once again confronted by doctors telling me mrsa can not cause Atrial Fibrillation.
Okay now it becomes surreal and it finally dawns on me that “we have a problem, houston”.
I return home ,still with A Fib, though not at a life threatening level. Since my herbs and oils have managed my a fib , I decide to apply these more rigorously. but at 11PM, that suspect cough I acquired in the hospital became a throbbing pain in my chest. Si I redoubled my efforts and used herbs, oils and teas for the next 5 hours as I knew that mrsa is highly opportunistic and it must be treated immediately and aggressively. I was not going to go to sleep and wait for the morning. so after 5 hours the cough disappeared. The next day it reappeared about 1 in the afternoon but only took about 3 hours to “eradicate this time. next day everything seemed fine but for a small tickle in the site of the original cough. But this seemed simply a after affect .was I wrong. The next day I was hot by a severe case of Atrial Fibrillation. This was a new strain as my original strain was managed by my herbal teas but this new strain was NOT. I had to use massive amounts of oils applied over my heart to bring the a fib down to a level that permitted me to go to sleep. this continue until the next afternoon and then the next day everything ,I thought was over. The following day I acquired a severe strep throat as the small tickle of the previous day had been infact a small nodule .the suddenness and severity of the strep infection was very worrisome but to my utter surprise I simply sucked on a clove of raw garlic and the strep disappeared in 15 minutes was thinking how could an infection this severe just disappear with a bit of garlic?
But what struck me most was that this infection would strike every 2 days and then go dormant for a day. It was not natural and I started thinking about the fact I acquired this I in a hospital. so I decided to go back to the hospital to have this diagnosed before iot struck me again.
Well the doctor said it was impossible that the infection would go dormant every 2 days. He had been around me the week before when I was admitted to the cardiac ward, so he immediately but me on a EKG for 3 hours. He then said I had no signature what so ever a Atrial Fibrillation. This is exactly what I had told the doctors the previous week. I informed I had acquired the new infection in the hospital and described the faulty sanitation of the nurse who took my temperature. He seemed concerned but when on to tell me ,there was nothing wrong with me. I objected that I had strep infection and he told me I did not. As the cardiac doctor had erased my positive mrsa test , I asked for another. He refused and repeated there was nothing=g wrong with me. i finally got him to at least do a swap of my throat because it was obviously inflamed in spite of his telling me there was nothing wrong with me. well the nurse comes in an proceeds to gag me with a q tip…….as she did not even come close to touching the point of inflammation, I expected her to take another swab. In fact they always take two swaps in case one does not touch the correct area. Well, she didn’t take another swap. She returns in fifteen minutes and says, “it is negative, there is nothing wrong with you.” I said look at my throat, it is inflamed, to which she responded, ”oh she it is a little red”. End of conversation.
But when I looked at my discharge folio, the doctor wrote I had a strep infection in my throat yet he told me to my face there was nothing wrong with me. further more, we wrote that there was no evidence of mrsa. Well of course there was no evidence ,he refused to test for mrsa yet he prescribed a cream used specifically for mrsa.
Now I was beginning to see my experiences with some of these doctors as a series of deceit and lies.
So I went home and waited for the next round atrial fibrillation and it arrived exactly on I spent a night fighting off a heart attack.then a day of peace and then another round of atrial fibrillation. After these 2 days I was worn out I did not know if I would survive another bout as my heart was beating at 150 when I was at “rest”. I also realized I had no options. If I when back to the hospital they would say “see you have atrial fibrillation” and would only give me meds for a fib, which I was sure would probably kill me. they would not even begin to treat me for my mrsa infection because the doctor had said there was no evidence of mrsa. Totally catch 22.
It then dawned on me they were trying to kill me.
I had first thought my situation was simply because I had been uninsured and the corporate take over of the heath care system is full of examples of treatment being withheld ,illegally, because of the suits up stairs.
But I had medical coverage at this point so I thought again about the strange conversation about Ice I had the first night in the ER.
Also when I went to the er about my a fib, I talked to several doctors about my mrsa and brought out all my paper work showing I had a unconfirmed diagnosis of mrsa by two doctors. I told these doctors about the with holding of treatment etc. well later when I checked my paper work, one document was missing.
After it was decided that I would be admitted to the cardiac ward, the er nurse said it would be a hour a they had to prepare a room for my isolation. This was about 8 pm. Then he comes in and says it will be a bit longer because another emergency case had come in etc…well finally he stopped coming in with excuses and it was about 7 the next morning that he reappeared ad said” oh we just missed getting you in and will have to wait for the next shift” this was obviously b.s. I had been there for 14 hours and I was the only person in the I realized that they waited until they had “their” nurse on duty who would infect me with the mrsa virus
Clearly I had been infected with a lethal strain of mrsa , a strain that was genetically modified. The mrsa had been combined with a strep infection as a means to enter my system. The strep obviously had to have been “hollowed” out to accommodate the mrsa and this was why the strp ,though seemingly virulent was in fact weak.the same with the mrsa. It when straight to my heart but after it could not infect my heart , it became rather benign and infected other areas that were already infected.
This strain also had the prert f going dormant every two days . clearly this was genetically engineered so that the bacteria would not be detected if it did cause problems.
While in the ER the nurse was almost a saleman for A Fib medication telling me that A fib is easily corrected by meds. Of course if they have a bacteria that caused Atrial Fibrillation then the medical corporations will make billions. This is precisely what the drug industry is doing wit mrsa. Patients are being advised that they must remain on these medications for life.
But they are also using mrsa t eliminate those who know about the mossad/cia/medical corporations involvement in dealing Ice.
As my environment became increasing “hot” I had no recourse financially but to jump from the pan into the fire and moved in with family members who have continued to dose me with new strains of mrsa, being as one member as an active interest in the “company”
As far as I can tell ,the idea to to infect mw with enough mrsa so that I have to return to the hospital, where I have already been “attacked”. A host of question may arise but I cannot go into the complications of this situation now.
I first “acquired a strain that eats ones tissue, ears , skin etc. I neutralized this strain but then acquired a strain that infected my lower faces and ears. I neutralized this strain and then acquired a strain that turned my skin on my chest to leather. I neutralized his strain and then acquired a strain that tried to cause a heart attack. This strain n identified the connection to the mossad/cia/hospital infection because it was accompanied by a throat virus. So these were all a function of my initially revelation about the cia and drug dealing/assassinations. It seems there are two variants one causes atrial fibrillation and the other variation tries to induce a heart attack .
garlic has a chemical named allicin that kills the mrsa through immersion in a bath. This was the main way I kept recovering , but then I acquired a new strain that is immune to garlic. So I had to rely on herbal oils which take longer but will ill the mrsa.
but he final strain I have been dosed with, is genetically engineered to resist everything I use and I am sure all the drugs known to attack mrsa. This genetically modified strain was was administered to me the day after I started the Node and Reality thread. Currently I am slipping behind as everything in my quarters is contaminated and frankly I don’t now how much longer my immune system will hold out.
The point of this thread is to warn the general populous that The New World Order is set to kill millions of people with mrsa. The 1% behind their red ring is preparing to slaughter the entire middle classes of the world.
The NWO is taking over the SF bay area from san Francisco down to silicon valley because it is easy defend. The oligarchs from around the world are centering I san fancisco because he entire urban environment In Europe and elsewhere is about o degenerate into full scale rioting in the near next year .