Moon in Gemini vs. Venus in Gemini


Well-known member
For men, that is.

Geminis are known for craving variety, so naturally when it shows up in a man's chart, we might say that this native has a wandering eye. Always on the lookout for new experiences, if not new partners. I am just wondering how it will manifest differently when he has moon in Gemini vs venus in gemini.

Personally, I think that Moon in Gemini would make a man a bigger "man-whore" more than venus in gemini would. With the former, he needs constant stimulation, a constant change in sceneries in order to feel emotionally fulfilled. As for the latter, it just means that he likes women who are airy, changeable, versatile and lively.

Do you have any first-hand experiences with these placements? Maybe you can tell us what you find. I think it's interesting.


Well-known member
Doesn't Barack Obama have Moon in Gemini? He's a loyal, faithful husband & you've never heard any gossip about him cheating.

A person who cheats has no morality, no ethics...unless it's a 'one time' thing due to opportunity, drunken state, etc. That could be excusable but not a man who cheats on a regular basis. Look at Bill Clinton's chart who was known to have numerous affairs, Trump too. In fact, almost every POTUS has had a 'mistress or two' so it might be better to look at Pluto in the chart. JFK had so many women coming & going that the Secret Service could hardly keep up with the 'vetting'. He does have a Sun/Venus in Gemini, a 'man-whore' for sure!

For men, that is.

Geminis are known for craving variety, so naturally when it shows up in a man's chart, we might say that this native has a wandering eye. Always on the lookout for new experiences, if not new partners. I am just wondering how it will manifest differently when he has moon in Gemini vs venus in gemini.

Personally, I think that Moon in Gemini would make a man a bigger "man-whore" more than venus in gemini would. With the former, he needs constant stimulation, a constant change in sceneries in order to feel emotionally fulfilled. As for the latter, it just means that he likes women who are airy, changeable, versatile and lively.

Do you have any first-hand experiences with these placements? Maybe you can tell us what you find. I think it's interesting.
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Staff member
Seems to me that any Gemini placement is going to indicate some kind of need for variety. So would Sagittarius placements. But that doesn't necessarily mean a variety of sexual partners. You'd need more indicators than just Moon or Venus in Gemini for that.

Even when Moon or Venus is in Gemini--or the DC is, or the DC ruler is--that doesn't necessarily create a cheater. That could be someone who's monogamous and gets their need for variety met by having a variety of friends. Or that could be someone who practices consensual, respectful polyamory.

And people with no Gemini placements at all can be cheaters. The whole chart would give you some clues as to what would motivate a person to cheat on their partner, if they ever do it, but it doesn't tell you if they've actually done it or will.
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Well-known member
NO one position will ''make'' your entire personality or take over your psyche.

Except maybe Neptune....and even that would have to be modified with other more structured placements.
Mars represents the way you use your energy. And the impulse to work at something....which would be represented by other placements.

Venus represents what you want. Your definition of love and what is valuable.

Each of these planets is a personal planet. And these would be affected by their connection to the moon...or the Sun...or Saturn.

So no to the man whore thing. Maybe likes ''por nography'' a little too much....but even that is speculation.



Well-known member
I have a moon in Gemini and in the 7th house. I can date multiple people (without deception), I can maintain 10 live conversations simultaneously on various messaging apps. I love talking to people when I am feeling outgoing. I have never cheated on anyone. Even in relationships there will always be topics or in-jokes I have with various other people who are not my significant other. Whether that crosses any lines on "emotional cheating" or makes a romantic partner feel like an outsider depends on the relationship. If they want to know everything then they would not like the idea of their partner having lots of contact with a wide circle.

I think moon in Gemini is more about a lack of heavy feelings in day to day life and a high amount of adaptability, which is different to infidelity.

I would query venus and mars in Gemini, especially mars, which is about actions rather than words...


Well-known member
I know several Cancer Suns with Venus in Gemini and they're the opposite of opportunistic in love. If anything, they frustrate partners because they expect the same soft Cancerian love but instead get something more inconsistent and not intimate. I know another Taurus Sun with Venus in Gemini who also fits this description.

The Moon in Gemini I know are mostly Fire/Air Signs so they're a very different lot. Definitely more opportunistic.


Well-known member
I am Venus in gemini and Aries sun. I am rarely attracted to people,but when I am it is usually to do with their intellect. I can also get bored but my capricorn moon also likes stability in relationships


Well-known member
One of my closest friends is a Mars in Gemini, and even though she's been with her boyfriend for 4 years, there's always someone else she's infatuated with. She doesn't cheat on her boyfriend per se, but she does flirt like mad and hang out with those guys that are her interest at that time before getting bored and moving on to the next one.

Lol! I am a little like her and I have my Mars in Gemini, too.


Staff member
Also, think about the synastry.

Gemini is an air sign. It is mental, even intellectual. If a man has moon-Venus in Gemini, he'd probably love a partner with synastry match-ups involving Gemini, Libra, or Aquarius. Or possibly Leo or Aries.

A gal with her own moon-Venus in Gemini would probably be a live wire. She'd keep him guessing.

(p. s. Synastry goes by degrees, however, not just 30-degree signs.)
For men, that is.

Geminis are known for craving variety, so naturally when it shows up in a man's chart, we might say that this native has a wandering eye. Always on the lookout for new experiences, if not new partners. I am just wondering how it will manifest differently when he has moon in Gemini vs venus in gemini.

Personally, I think that Moon in Gemini would make a man a bigger "man-whore" more than venus in gemini would. With the former, he needs constant stimulation, a constant change in sceneries in order to feel emotionally fulfilled. As for the latter, it just means that he likes women who are airy, changeable, versatile and lively.

Do you have any first-hand experiences with these placements? Maybe you can tell us what you find. I think it's interesting.

moon is about the emotional self - what one needs to feel emotionally sated. venus is about the desire self, what one looks for to please the self.

moon in gemini is about feeling emotionally sated through varied stimulation. this has nothing to do with a partner. venus in gemini looks outwards at what is stimulating, different and changing to please itself.

my mother has moon in gemini - she likes to go on the internet and talk to her friends and family, get on the phone and talk to friends and family, send and receive videos and memes. she also soothes herself by doing things like sewing, knitting and cooking - all things that involve dexterity/gemini.

i have a male friend with venus in gemini - he has all kinds of different female friends. none of them are the same. he enjoys talking to and learning from a variety of different women - and they are not all love interests.

i dont think that either of these placements indicate "manwhorishness" unless indicated by other placements.
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Well-known member
I think the answer is here in all the great posts regarding personal planets in Gemini.

Variety in all things is desirable. But at heart it is Mercurial....not necessarily sexual or physical....except that it does rule dexterity.

In order to connect it to rampant sexuality there would have to be connections to more physical and water signs....possibly the 8th and 5th houses.

For purposes of THIS thread which has to do with both Moon and Venus in Gemini, it would be interesting to note people who have this combination AND Venus and Mars in other signs.

Like Waybread, I have strong Mercurial traits in my chart, including Moon and 2 other planets in Gemini. Venus and Jupiter are in Cancer! So I have had to discriminate between which physical contacts would be supported by my Cancerian needs (security and safety) vs my need for ''variety.''
So I have expanded my mind with intellectual variety....unending variety...because lets face it, sex is like a drug. Eventually it will either become redundant or dangerous.

But feeding the mind? THAT just gets better with use.

AND by the way, having the Moon in Gemini is not the same as Venus in Gemini...except that they both need ''modifiers'' in order to have strong definition.
Moon represents the past, the feelings, the mother, habits and patterns from childhood or the distant past thru genetics.
Venus represents desires, wants, the desire for connection with another person....and not necessarily a sexual connection. It represents our definition of love, fiscal soundness, beauty, and a realistic idealism...among other things both physical and aesthetically.

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