Well-known member
Many thanks
I think you've got a couple of aspects that could cause mood-swings:
Mercury-Pluto (wide, but there if you feel it.)
Saturn square Neptune. (lows vs. highs)
Uranus square Mars and AC. (Do you feel like you have an invisible electric fence turned on much of the time?)
Moon semi-square Saturn. ("depressed feelings")
There is kind of an epidemic in the US of women hooked on sleeping pills. You might see if a sleep clinic can help-- and then don't use your computer or other e-device within a few hours of trying to sleep. Apparently they really negatively affect some people. Some herbal preparations like a peppermint essential oil inhaler or or a dried lavendar or hops sachet tucked into your pillow case can be helpful. A hot bath just before bedtime-- or better yet, a soak in a hot tub if this is feasible. There are mental exercises you can try, as well, to quiet the "thought gerbils" racing around.
Wesley Willis was a paranoid schizophrenic from my neighborhood in Chicago. He was a very well-known personality, achieving even some national fame for his songs that he performed, first on the streets, then in clubs, then sometimes even on tours out of town.
He was also a prolific artist, who could draw street scenes in incredible detail. His drawings were in some ways startlingly precise, including license plate numbers on cars and serial numbers on buses. No people, just vehicles and buildings and infrastructure. All of his drawings had a sort of dizzying perspective.
Here's his Wikipedia page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wesley_Willis
And here's the chart I pulled for him. I knew him personally, and can give some thoughts on his chart and how I saw some of those things manifest in his life, but I need to get caught up on some work first.
Wesley was definitely as mentally ill as people get.
Can anyone tell me what signs to look for in regards to mental illness in a natal chart? Schizophrenia, serial killers etc
Hi,This is all very interesting. I am new to astrology, but have experienced severe depression, isolation, anxiety, etc........... I'm simply curious if there is any indication of this type of psychological defect in my chart because the issues showed up at a very young age. I am 37 now. The same issues have been problems off & on for my mother and daughter so I wonder if we all have something karmic going on that shows up in our charts.
I'm including my chart here for review. I'd be interested in knowing if some placements, aspects or degrees point to mental illness.
As you will see from previous posts on this thread, as well as other similar posts much further back in the archives, what astrological symbolism constitutes 'mental illness' is questionable and argueable. Also whether such has been medically and/or psychologically diagnosed as 'a disorder' by a professional in the field that subsequently supplies a labelled definition', usually associated with some form of 'ab-normality. Most astrologers are neither practising physicans nor psychologists, so any views offered from consideration of the chart are always subject to differences in/of opinion. This is because a planetary aspect's definition is not static but can be interpreted in various ways.
At a glance, the chart provided has all the 'signs' of mental disorientation; a harshly aspected Mercury (mental thought in stone) AND to ruler Ascendant in 12th house (mental repression), a heavy 3rd house influence (the mind processes through family relationships), as well as highly volatile and irrational feelings. A North Node in Libra, a social (or anti-social) air (mentality) sign, would also add its influence.
Yet those same aspects could be interpreted as a very private and rationally-minded person, yet one who puts up a front, keeps their thoughts and feelings to themselves, whereby everything festers inside just waiting like a volcano to explode. Would such a person be considered to have a mental illness, or would perhaps the mentioned traumas from
youth, and further circumstances because of them, have had such an emotional effect that speaking out only occured in, and through, the mind?
But that's just astrology offering alternate perspectives.