Martin Schulman's book on the Moon's Nodes-anybody?


Premium Member still have the just wish to discuss it......I have started reading.....and will continue to.......

Well, just for now, I'm looking at the "Scorpio North Node - Taurus South Node section in the book.
There is a paragraph starting - "As he reaches for his Scorpio North Node..."
I will have to read this in it's context to answer....
1) "how to cut ties cleanly" - What sort of ties does he mean?

It could mean different things to different individuals.......some, it may be a spouse.....others it may be family......still others it could be friends, or any other things......dependant on your individual chart aspects.....and life differing points of your life it could be different people.......

2) "so that he does not walk into the future with both feet tied to the past"

To me this says, let go of the past......start with a new slate......for you, and your individual life, you know yourself I believe Frisiangal alluded to.....

Well I'm still haunted by some disasterous choices I made years ago.
I don't understand that line..

3) -"His biggest growth occurs when he is able to let go"

What do you feel burdened by? You don't have to answer this......just think about it.......

Let go of what?? Let go in what way?

4) " he slowly discards from his consciousness all that oppresses him"

I will do some more reading, I had a busy social event weekend, followed by a busy workweek......I picked up the book started to read, and fell asleep

This is so general I can't understand what he's referring to


Oh- And 5) ..How do I know when I'm "reaching for my North Node" ? What does this even mean??

I just can't tell you how it drives me crazy to still not be able to understand this material in a way that I get a "light bulb moment". And its been decades that I've looked into his book.

Thank you in advance for any input/comments..!!


Well-known member
WHYNOT; This is so general I can't understand what he's referring to

This is why a chart is so helpful in understanding better. General comments can be more personally applied because aspects made in the chart and house realms involved would usually suggest how a theme is playing itself out …. in this case the nodal axis across 2nd-8th houses in Taurus-Scorpio.
Would you be willing to offer a chart or complete birth data; date, place and time of birth?

I don't want to take over from Opal, yet you mentioned being a Sun in Scorpio.
If Sun is conjunct the NN it would suggest that life's intent goes very deep in order to be achieved.
A hint could be that Scorpio is a FIXED sign, and is anything but superficial of character. It holds on to everything in an emotional manner, whether slight or joy.

Taurus is also on the FIXED cross and deals with the physically tangible in life. That which is physically visible through the 5 senses; touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing.
Both signs deal with 'values'.
Maybe it's a question of realising and combining what is really of value in life to you? The colours in a ranbow can be just as beautiful as the pot of gold supposedly found at the end ot it?????



I greatly welcome your input also Frisiangal and thank you for your comment!
After such a long long time - of wishing I had more clarity - It felt like a lucky surprise to have had my post responded to so soon.
Its all about divine timing I see. ( Has to be Jupiter transiting my 9th - right?)
You're right I'm hardly superficial ..and been holding on ..unable to forgive myself.
And yes my values ..
What painful lessons..
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Premium Member
This is why a chart is so helpful in understanding better. General comments can be more personally applied because aspects made in the chart and house realms involved would usually suggest how a theme is playing itself out …. in this case the nodal axis across 2nd-8th houses in Taurus-Scorpio.
Would you be willing to offer a chart or complete birth data; date, place and time of birth?

I don't want to take over from Opal, yet you mentioned being a Sun in Scorpio.
If Sun is conjunct the NN it would suggest that life's intent goes very deep in order to be achieved.
A hint could be that Scorpio is a FIXED sign, and is anything but superficial of character. It holds on to everything in an emotional manner, whether slight or joy.

Taurus is also on the FIXED cross and deals with the physically tangible in life. That which is physically visible through the 5 senses; touch, taste, sight, smell, and hearing.
Both signs deal with 'values'.
Maybe it's a question of realising and combining what is really of value in life to you? The colours in a ranbow can be just as beautiful as the pot of gold supposedly found at the end ot it?????


I always welcome your’s about Whynot, not me......


Premium Member
Do not discount the value of the Sabian’s andPiercethevale he has a lot of knowledge and the sabians could be very useful to you pinpointing by degree your nodes......


Premium Member
No problem! :biggrin: it's all right! :biggrin:

Yes, I agree with you, but this are often only the first steps when you enter in astrology when one want to discover himself in his youth and not for them who are advanced in self-criticisme.
In every case I wouldn't say such things like Schulman suggestes in face to other people because you never know if the person in front of you is able to bear this at the time where he stays in his mind. I hope you'll understand what I mean.

The person, that made me hesitant to respond.....was someone who I had communicated with regularly, for about three years.......I typed hers out for her, as a gift......she was not happy or ready for it.......our relationship gradually saddened me to lose her friendship.......I am now careful and hesitant even to read people's charts......I do not want to hurt them.....and going not something that most not are willing to do.......

Don't misunderstand, I can find positive things in any chart.....but, staying on the positive is unbalanced......we are both......

And then, and this is my very personal opinion, I am not favorable to detect and to impose a personality to someone so that he is feeling a stranger to himself. Astrology has to open our mind for what is being so that the person can understand and do the necessary for himself in the way of progressing his personnality. And yes, negative points are also welcome in this case. We are not flattering our narcissisme, I think so.

Two things for me are important in practicising astrology: 1) Astrology is not a machine to satisfy ones curiosity, and 2) Astrology must not be an arme how to crush someone. And finally you have always to question you, who is judging your chart, yes, that is also very important for me.

I agree with both of these statements.......although, with 1) that is where we start........

So, Opal; if you want to send me a PM, that's okay, feel free! :wink::cool:


I am not sure what you are asking? Do you own the book? Or are you looking for a summation of your Nodes?


Well-known member
Opal, I am not asking, just giving my comments. Yes, I have the book, bought it several years ago. And you are right, positive and negative are always together.


Well-known member
Do not discount the value of the Sabian’s andPiercethevale he has a lot of knowledge and the sabians could be very useful to you pinpointing by degree your nodes......

Thank you, Opal.
I just deleted all of my posts as I came to a realization that they were too long winded and shouldn't have been posted to begin with.

I had the intent of writing something brief as to what a few astrologers opinions were as to whether they effected anyone specifically or whether generally as many have claimed that the outer planets, the trans-saturnians, are the be interpreted as for a generation of which one is a part of. Yet personal experience, and experience from doing interpretations for others, have given me cause to believe that they are both. Also, how all of that is determined and that the Nodes have been assessed to be the same by most astrologers and that I too find them to be as like the outermost planets.

...and that I also have found that they give indication through the symbology for the degree the North Node is in at anytime to be indicating what the sum of all the astrological activity at that time is also ultimately contributing to...and, as sometimes happens, I find it to be difficult to keep it concise.


Thank you, Opal.
I just deleted all of my posts as I came to a realization that they were too long winded and shouldn't have been posted to begin with.

I had the intent of writing something brief as to what a few astrologers opinions were as to whether they effected anyone specifically or whether generally as many have claimed that the outer planets, the trans-saturnians, are the be interpreted as for a generation of which one is a part of. Yet personal experience, and experience from doing interpretations for others, have given me cause to believe that they are both. Also, how all of that is determined and that the Nodes have been assessed to be the same by most astrologers and that I too find them to be as like the outermost planets.

...and that I also have found that they give indication through the symbology for the degree the North Node is in at anytime to be indicating what the sum of all the astrological activity at that time is also ultimately contributing to...and, as sometimes happens, I find it to be difficult to keep it concise.

Piercethevale I do appreciate that what you had to say had merit but I just wasn't able to process it.
Now you have piqued my interest about Sabian degrees ..I never thought about it before.

My North Node ( in Scorpio & 8th house) degree is at 29 degrees , 01 minutes.
Would you kindly be able to give me your insights on it?


Well-known member
Piercethevale I do appreciate that what you had to say had merit but I just wasn't able to process it.
Now you have piqued my interest about Sabian degrees ..I never thought about it before.

My North Node ( in Scorpio & 8th house) degree is at 29 degrees , 01 minutes.
Would you kindly be able to give me your insights on it?

Interesting Sabian Symbol for a North Node and it so happens to be the Part of Destiny derived from the composite natal chart of aother member of the forum and my own.

I'm afraid however that it's one that is most difficult for me to try to put into perspective for either a chart destiny of the destiny of the Soul, as the North Node has been described to be by many an astrologer.

The Nodes of my own natal Moon are in reverse polarity from that of those in the natal chart of the USA [the "Zero Hour" chart, 12:00:01 A.M. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] and also those of my good friend and fellow yogi, Suryakant, whom was so instrumental in helping me discover and recognize the natal chart chart of a well known religious figure, of much historical note, that I wrote a book about.

The 7th degree of Leo and Aquarius also happen to be the M.C. and I.C. of the same fellow member of the forum I mentioned as to having a shared Part of Destiny in the 30th of Scorpio.

My North Node is in the 7th of Aquarius and that of the U.S.A. and my friend, Suryakant, in the 7th of Leo.

Briefly, as for the purpose of introduction to the understanding here, I'll give the description of the Sabian Symbols for those two degrees along with the "Keynote" synopsis and the "Keyword" as written by Dane Rudhyar in his book "An Astrological Mandala"

The power of basic spiritual values which refer to man's common humanity and to all enduring archetypes.
", "The Keyword here is PERMANENCE

The emergence of new mutations according to the great rhythms of the cosmos." And Rudhyar's "Keywords": "It can be said to announce the EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age. The power of the whole is focused within him in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions.

Thus, perhaps you can see in the two symbols above that Aquarius 7*represents from where the origins of the nation arose from. It was from the efforts of such "Global Men and Women" and as for the very reason following their particular spiritual paths, for the most part, as they were being repressed in Europe.

I'd like to interject here that while Aquarius 7* is my particular destination for my own Soul it isn't for my nation as that is to reverse that polarity. I can easily see the description of the New World Order in the 7th of Aquarius and I certainly don't believe in that political rhetoric.

Now, as to your own natal chart and the Moons' Nodes, you'l have to decide for yourself how they describe the context in which is your own Souls' destiny. I'm sorry that I can't be of anymore help.[ibid.]


The periodic outlets society furnishes within traditional limits to still-immature energies.

In the symbol for the first degree of Scorpio we see individuals beginning to be involved in the collective life of a large city. This leads them to a great diversity of experience which stimulates their sense of belonging to a vaster whole; or it may stimulate their rebellious instincts. Some of the latter in most cases cannot be completely overcome, but society has built in several ways of allowing them to operate under ritualistic procedures that are sufficiently safe to the collectivity. Wherever this symbol is found, the need for such outlets is shown to exist. But the rules of the game have to be obeyed.

This is the last symbol referring to Scene Sixteen of the great ritual of cyclic being. It tells us that in any feeling experience of collective living and inter-human relationships one has to deal with unregenerated and centrifugal elements. These should be carefully managed. They can also be controlled by the power of mind – the Sagitarrian way. The symbol points to an imaginative

As I wrote it would be a tough call for me to make how and what it means to you.

Here is what Dane gave for the 30th of Leo [and note that it is the Sabian Symbol for my Part of Astrology and it also happens to be president Trumps Asc. As for my Part of Astrology I find it to be indicative of my sharing of all my for the president, well, some people think that He says anything that just happens to be on his mind...] [ibid.]


The realization by the individual that all thoughts and all messages are inevitably to be shared with all men.

Coming as it does as the end of this tenth scene and linked with the last degree of the zodiacal sign, Leo, this symbol seems at first quite puzzling; when it has been thought of as an isolated symbol, its essential meaning has not been apparent. The fact that a letter is unsealed does not imply a trust that other people will not read its contents, but rather the idea that the contents are for all men to read. The letter contains a public message in the sense that when man has reached the stage of true mental repolarization and development — which we see in the very first symbol for Leo — he has actually become a participant in the One Mind of humanity. Nothing can really be hidden, except superficially and for a brief time. What any man thinks and deeply realizes becomes the property of all men. Nothing is more senseless than possessiveness in the realm of ideas. If God speaks to a man, Man hears the word. Nothing can remain permanently 'sealed'.

As this thirtieth sequence of five symbols ends, it is made clear to us, and particularly to the inherently proud Leo type, that all that takes form within the mind of a man belongs to all men. Communication and
SHARING must always prevail over the will to glorify oneself by claiming sole possession of ideas and information."

Again, my apologies for being so presumptuous, earlier, and I thank you for your understanding and your interest in the Sabian Symbols.


Well-known member
Also, in addition, don't take it at all personally as to what Dane wrote "Immature entities', AS MOST ALL OF THE SYMBOLS HAVE SOME SORT OF SIMILAR DESCRIPTION GIVEN TO IT QUITE OFTEN... or in other words, as far as the Creator is concerned we are all but still immature children in the Creators' eyes. ...or at least that is my take on it.
I pleased to hear that you have interest in learning more about the Sabian Symbols as they apply to astrology. I believe it is essential to a complete understanding of astrology.
May God bless.