Well, I cast some more charts so as to see what the latest time was that the 5th of Scorpio remained as the I.C. and what was the earliest time that the 30th of Leo remained as the Part of Destiny.
What I came out with is 9:26:07 a.m. for the former and 9:36:09 for the latter.
So, as much as I would have liked to seen both on Her natal chart, that just wasn't to be. I knew it before I started casting charts but I had to see how close they came to one another in time, which amounts to a separation of ten minutes and two seconds in time.
Presently, I'm more partial to finding the 5th of Leo on Her natal chart than having the chart produce the 30th of Leo for a Part of Destiny.
Why? For two reasons. The first of which is, because I have seen more often than not, such configurations, matrices such as this downward pointing pentagram, to be perfectly symmetrical when it involves someone as significant a public, more of a societal figure [
and multi generational at that, as Her films live on long after her demise] influence as Marilyn was [
she might even be considered a "World Server" in some way? As for she may have laid her life on the altar, so to speak, to eventually demonstrate the evil to be found within the American political system, if she was indeed murdered, or took her own life even because of the politics, as she may have gotten herself into a fix and had no other way out?]. As the other astrological forces [
the planets and the Nodes] are all in perfect symmetry, to my experience, it stands to reason that the I.C., being the only influence occupying that point of the pentagram matrix, then would also be in such perfect symmetry. [
Recall what I wrote about perfect pentagrams revealing a perfect plot line]
In a way, it seems that the greatest role Marilyn ever played might have been that of her own self.
The second reason is that, so far in all my studies of nearly 38 years, I have only recognized the veracity of a Sabian Symbol for the Part of Destiny from two natal charts. That of my own and that of the natal chart, I produced and contend is the true natal chart, of Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth. It is one of the most daunting of Astrological Parts to recognize the validity within the Sabian Symbol found for the Sign and degree it is in for all but ones' own chart, and even then it might take nearly a lifetime to recognize it, and someone such as Jesus/Yeshu'a of Nazareth. If anyone is curious as to why I could recognize the Part of Destiny for Yeshu'a and that of my own for myself, as being verace to the Sabian Symbols found to be given for those degrees, you can read what those symbols are for yourselves, as this thread is about Marilyn Monroe, and the Part of Destiny for Yeshu'a is at 13° Capricorn 13' 17", which is the 14th degree of Capricorn [
Btw, the composite chart I have with Him produces a Part of Destiny in the degree that follows, i. e. the 15th of Cap.], and mine is at 16° Scorpio 32' 12", the 17th degree of Scorpio, [
and if you do look up mine please keep in mind that I was born and raised in the Quaker faith, that we Quakers are to believe that we are to "listen to the inner voice and recognize it as the voice of God", that I became a yogi at age 15, a Sishya of the bij {the Logos, OM}, according to Swami Sivananda of the Japa Order of Yoga, the "word of God is my only guru and my true, and only, Satguru." My Asc. also happens to be he 18th of Scorpio, btw, and I already mentioned that my M.C. and Part of Fortune are both in the 25th deg. of Leo. Sun in 17th of Taurus and Moon in 25th of Aquarius. There's some more "symmetry" for you all.]
If I'm correct about the I.C. being in the 5th of Scorpio then that produces a Part of Destiny in either the 26th or the 27th degree of Leo. I wrote earlier that I had a hard time seeing it fit to the the Sabian Symbol for the 27th of Leo, but I also just wrote admitting how difficult it has been for me to recognize the veracity of a Sabian Symbol given for a natal charts' Part of Destiny. Like the Hermetic Lot of Nemesis, aka the Part of Sudden Advancement, it may take the entire lifetime, or a good portion of it, to recognize. As for the Sabian Symbol of the Hermetic Lot being the persons nemesis, or their "sudden advancement", might only be so accurately determined at the end of that persons life.
The earliest time possible for the 5th of Scorpio as the chart I.C. was at 9:22:17 a.m. and that gives an Asc. at 11° Leo 28' 41", i.e. the 12th deg. of Leo, and the latest time that the 5th of Scorpio was still found to be the where the I.C. is placed was at 9:26:07 a.m. and the Asc. is found to be at 12° Leo 16' 05", i.e. the 13th deg. of Leo, and the Part of Fortune for either is in the 21st degree of Aries, regardless.
As for her having the 30th of Leo as her Part of Destiny the earliest time was at 9:36:09 a.m. and the latest was at 9:40:41 a.m.
For the earliest time that gives an Asc. at 14° Leo 26' 20", i.e. the 15th deg. of Leo, the I.C. at 07° Scorp. 43' 00", and a Part of Fortune at 23° Aries 09' 16", i.e. the 24th of Aries.
For the latest possible time to still have the Part of Destiny in the 30th deg. of Leo, that gives us an Asc. at 15° Leo 16' 14", i.e. the 16th deg. of Leo, the I.C. at 08° Scorp. 45' 07", with a Part of Fortune at 24° Aries 01' 23", which is the 25th deg. of Aries. But I have to think that a time as late as anything past 9:38 or 9:39, definitely if it was after 9:40, that her recorded birth time would've been given in approximation as 9:45.
As you can see by the above demonstrations that even as little as a second or two in recorded time can make a difference as to what is to be found in a natal chart. Thus demonstrating why Astrologers, until recently, didn't know what many of the Astrological Parts truly are, or have any certainty as to what degree any of them were to be found in in a natal chart. Given that their estimations of latitude and longitude were likely just as bad as their estimations of the accurate time exacerbated the problem all the more for the worse. All together being a reason why one should forget about what Paulus Alexandrus, the Abbasid Arabs, Bonatti, Lilly, even Pythagoras wrote concerning astrology. We can thank them for being scribes that preserved some of the knowledge of astrology as it was once a recognized, and a legitimate science in a time of great antiquity. In such a time astrology was very likely recognized as the "Mother of All Science", as Dane Rudhyar predicted it will one day be once again. We even have to toss aside what, our own contemporary, Robert Zoeller wrote about, the so called, Arabic Parts, as it is merely a compendium of what the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, and the Italians before him all wrote and as for what the rest of that book goes on about, please let me know if anyone ever does figure that out. I do remember finding some things in that book to have redeeming qualities but, even for the life of me, I can't remember what they were at present... and, please do away with the nonsense of reversing formulae for night births. That is so wrong. What should one do if the person is born at exactly Sunset, as like my self, when the Sun is half above and half below the horizon... not to even begin to get into the phenomena caused by refraction when the Sun still appears to be above the horizon even though it is below after it has set or is about to rise. Though refraction in ordinary atmospheric conditions will produce a sighting that is about a half degree off, the Novaya Zemla effect can produce sightings as much as even five degrees off being also evident why the ancients that came up with the idea that some formulae needed to be reversed at Sunrise and Sunset, should be, for the best, forgotten about.
We just recently came into the age where precise GPS location and precise time of day can be utilized in casting natal charts. Think for yourselves and ignore the chastisement of the "Traditionalists" and others that attempt to get you to stick with wrongful practices, they are already a dying breed, and some haven't even woke up to the fact yet. [
Talk about "Woke"?. That's really "Woke"] As I have been demonstrating the validity of the Sabian Symbols for the last 17 years, a little more that 13 of them here at this forum, and that Astrological Parts are symbolically significant, when the Sabian Symbols are utilized in conjunction with them, should be enough to convince some that the Sabian Symbols are the ultimate tool for rectification.
So, that's what all I can contribute to this thread at this time. There's quite a list of possibilities to be found for all the different possibilities regarding what degree for the Asc., and Desc., the same for the M.C. and I.C., the various degree the Parts might be found in, and the Sabian Symbolism that could be involved, and all of that in just a span of about 16 minutes.
You could spend a lot of time sorting it all out, or you might get lucky and "see it" immediately, but I will wager dollars to donuts
[a phrase I began using back when donuts were about 10 cents. Which isn't relevant anymore...but I still like using the expression.] that the exact time isn't precisely 9:30 a.m., as even a few seconds one way or the other can make a significant difference as to understanding the person in question.
Well, the sun is up, it's past 7 a.m. here and I've, once again, spent the entire night at this keyboard. It's been a slice, but it's time for me to get some Z's