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Happy birthday to Marilyn Monroe, who would be 94 years old today.
Here she is doing yoga.
Here she is doing yoga.
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Aside from the obvious, the Leo ascendent, the moon/neptune opposition square Saturn that gave her talent, but caused her so much grief in her early years at home, and her insecurities.
Chiron on the midheaven, how much she suffered from her fame.
The yearning lost look on her face in the tulle photo, with the disarming unselfconscious sexual appeal.
The contradiction of the photo with the lamb of innocence, and the quote about her doing the photo reluctantly because she knew the lamb was abandoned and destined to die.
A tortured soul, who brought so much pleasure to others.
She was such an enigmatic figure, don't you think? She on the one hand had enormous public success and was envied by all, on the other she considered herself a failure and in fact wasn't able to maintain a solid intimate relationship.
The photo of Joe DiMaggio made an impression on me, a man who was so deeply in love with her, but couldn't stay in a close relationship with her.
He continued to bring roses to her grave for the rest of his life.
It makes me wonder about the karmic side of their relationship.
This is a fascinating study in Karmic love.
I've posted each of the natal charts, Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe, the synastry and the composite.
I've entered the asteroids Joseph and Marilyn.
In the natal chart for DiMaggio we see he is a Sagittarius with Sagittarius rising. His descendent is gemini, corresponding to Marilyn's sun sign.
Her sun was exactly opposite his mars, and in wide orb opposing his sun/venus conjunction.
What is remarkable is that the ruler of his 7th house of marriage is mercury.
His mercury is located in his 12th house of sorrows and restrictions, and exactly conjunct the asteroid Marilyn!
His pisces moon on the cusp of the IC is exactly conjunct Chiron, showing the pain he suffered through women.
Marilyn's chart has a Leo rising, with Aquarius on her house of marriage, conjunct her moon and the asteroid Joseph! In addition, his Jupiter is exactly conjunct this point!
Note that she also has an important contact with Chiron, conjunct Venus exactly on her midheaven.
In doing the synastry, another interesting element popped out, in Marilyn's chart the asteroid Marilyn is exactly conjunct her sun!
Looking at the composite, we see asteroid Marilyn exactly conjunct mercury, and sitting exactly on the cusp of the marriage house is Chiron.
The composite also tells us why they couldn't remain married, moon conjuncts Uranus and they oppose the composite sun, so the union was irregular and sporadic, with the strong Chiron theme.
The nodes aren't particularly involved in the charts, aside from his nodes sextile her Venus, showing a karmic love relationship.
Look at where the ruler of her 4th house (home and family) is - in the 8th house of sorrow and anguish. It is conjunct Ura - change of families, not settling in one place, she was in multiple foster homes. Saturn in the 4th house further underlines the sorrow involved.
Her 10th house ruler, Venus, in Aries - she is known and admired for her sex appeal. In fact, the Neptune aspect to Venus makes her in to a glamour girl for it. She used her sex appeal to get her men (Mars-Jup) of which she had quite a few - Jup and Moon in the 7th.
Nep at the forefront - the 1st - and aspecting many of her personal planets - addiction and drugs were her bane.
Personally my observations about Neptune have been that you would be known for your magenetism and charm via Neptune of Neptune is in the 10th or 11th houses. Even 5th. In the 10th, I know people that have have trouble settling in their careers, or they do quite a bit of social work.
In the 1st house, Neptune has to do, IMO, more with either one being very intuitive, a brilliant artist (have 2 friends) or taking to drugs or some addictive substance.
Notice that Marilyn had her Sun in the 10th moving into 11th. People and society were very into her (icon) and she focused on society. She was a complete society girl.
I think it's not so much magnetism and charm.
She was the thing dreams are made of.
You look at her, through her ascendent, and come face to face with dreamy Neptune.
And Neptune counterposes emotional moon, sigh sigh, in the public house of the 7th.
She is enigmatic, illusive, that is why she captured the imagination of so many, not only on the screen.
She is the woman who can represent everything to everyone, sexy but timid, naive but intelligent, victim and predator, unaware of her powers but capable of manipulating men.
She is as fixed as fog.
When you think you know her, a different image of her presents itself.
She is the unknowable, unattainable, and being so blatantly vulnerable she is as much of a threat as a two day old kitten.