Magi Astrology: for Genuine, Sincere Questions & Learning about it ONLY


Well-known member
Um, forgive me if I'm missing something here, but didn't Magnetic7 in your quote above already say the Magi Society had come to their conclusions from the analysis of over 75,000 charts of married couples? What is it you don't understand about the role of Chiron in synastry? Sometimes in order to understand something, you must unlearn what you think you know.
Oh yes you are right.. I missed that... I would like to see some of those charts. Are they documented online somewhere... This could be an exciting breakthrough for sure...How about composite charts??? I would say they would be more valid as they are THE relationship. Synastry is fine but one person's good aspect can be another's bad..
You are suffering from heartbreak?? I would say that there are other indicators as well for that. I dont dismiss Magi but I dont think it is the be all and end all.. If you would post your chart with current transits that would be great. Anonymise of course.

The transit is called a heartbreak transit, and if you studied the information on the Magi website you would know what it means. But, for clarity's sake I will say that in my particular case, it was transiting Saturn forming an opposition to my natal Chiron in the Heliocentric chart, resulting in a very unfavorable outcome in my personal and professional life.

Thank you, but I did not come here for a chart reading. I came for information in making a crucial transit calendar for the year 2012, so I will not be posting my chart here. My question has since been answered, thankfully.

The title of the thread is clearly marked for people who have genuine and sincere questions regarding learning Magi astrology. As others have stated before me, I was hoping to find a place to discuss the Magi techniques. It is tiresome to have to defend their findings against trolls.


It's good to see people discussing this. I have been looking for a while and couldn't find many places with an active discussion on Magi Astrology.

This is just my personal opinion, but I just want to point out something about their scientific claims. If something cannot be disproven, it's actually pseudoscience. My fair sense of it is that Magi in general runs along on thin lines, which is why believers often have to face the trolls.

That said I enjoy some of their ideas such as nuclear clashes, heartbreak clashes and chiron linkages, and has helped considerably for me in understanding some of my relationships with other people.
True, but it would be hard to prove astrology with anything besides chart examples. I am willing to accept their findings based on how many charts they have examined and found similarities with, especially relationships.

I have to admit that i have not done too much research on traditional Western astrology since I come from a Vedic astrology background (The Indian government acknowledges Jyotish as a science, they even have their own ayanamsa) But can anyone prove or disprove that traditional astrology works?

I think it is silly to compare scientific validity between traditional and Magi by these terms if no one can define them.
My biggest problem so far is talking about Chiron, since traditionally speaking, almost everyone is talking about wounded healers. Few sources online speak of Chiron being linked to relations.

That is because the Magi techniques are not traditional western techniques. The Magi are not referring to wounded healers when talking about Chiron. For them "wounded healer" is not part of the symbolism at all, so it would be a mistake to think about it like that when looking at things from a Magi perspective. For them Chiron rules marriage and children (as well as other things), so any linkages or clashes regarding Chiron would show the nature of the well as other planets. The symbolism can get quite complex.

The Magi just have a different way of looking at things, but it doesn't make it wrong. I find that Jyotish is very different than either Magi or traditional Western, though I do not discount either. I use them all together to get a better picture.
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Well-known member
not a thread for debating Magi astrology


This is not a thread for debating Magi astrology. It is a thread for applying Magi astrology principles to real life situations. If you want to debate Magi astrology, please start another thread. I have deleted and will continue to delete all off-topic posts and comments.

Back on subject,

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Thanks for keeping us back on track.
I personally do not identify with wounded healers so maybe that makes me more accepting to their idea of Chiron. I don't insist and I'm all ears to understand more, but since this is the only place I can get to discuss Chiron as relations-related...

I have a question. I saw an interesting chiron-venus-saturn trine in a CAC. Been thinking about how to interpret it, since I wonder if this is a chiron or saturn grand trine. According to what I read saturn grand trines are cold and calculating?
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I have a question. I saw an interesting chiron-venus-saturn trine in a CAC. Been thinking about how to interpret it, since I wonder if this is a chiron or saturn grand trine. According to what I read saturn grand trines are cold and calculating?

Well it depends I guess on who's planets contribute to the trine. From what I understand, any enhancement angle with Saturn and another's planet creates a Saturn bond. Of course the Magi say that when a grand trine is formed by a CAC then the power of the aspects become stronger.

I would say without looking at the chart that the bond between the people in the CAC can be a powerful love bond, but also one that bonds the non Saturn person to the relationship.

Also an important concept is called Enhancement Dominance. This idea states that any enhancement in a symmetrical pattern turns any clash angles into a positive angle...but since Saturn is involved in a trine, I am not sure how this would work out. To me it does not seem like such bad symmetry, and I refuse to think of Saturn as "all bad" no matter what the Magi say, being a Saturn girl myself :)


Well-known member
I have a question and if this was already answered please forgive me as there are too many posts here to read: Is the orb of 3-4 degs for chiron squares the same as for chiron oppositions? Also, what does chiron opp. pluto mean?

Thanks for the interesting thread!


Active member
I'd have to agree.

Is there anywhere else where we can discuss Magi astrology along the lines of the original thread intent?

I certainly have a lot more questions

Moderator Tim: thanks for keeping things relatively in order though

Serafin5: the magi use 3degree orbs for all geo angles - squares and oppositions included
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Active member
I have a quick question, although it's something that is - to me at least - probably one of the most fundamentally difficult concepts of magi astrology to grasp.

I've already found astrology to be challenging because of it's ability to easily slant from free-will to determinism. I know that even the Magi themselves always emphasize our free-will, but with repeatably accurate results from charts and synastry, I keep getting the feeling that things are heavily deterministic.

For example - lets say you meet someone randomly, but the day you meet them on was a 'heartbreak' day. You had no control over when you would meet them, so in a way your relationship with them already has some other force or power 'stacked against' it. But you had no control or choice on when you would meet them! I get how you can choose a good incorporation date for a business, but with a random meeting it was out of your control!

So it would seem that fate played those cards for you. And with overwhelmingly repeatable evidence that it would lead to a certain result (the Magi literature sure makes it seem definite), where's our free will here?

And, if your natal chart has a placement, and at some point in your life a planet WILL make a stressful activation for you and you alone, is that not pre-determined? How can a period in my life be pre-determined?

How can I start a new life for myself during a heavy transit if everything I start from that point forward will be influenced by that heavy transit?



I was asking myself this exact same question few months back! I had a few answers along the way and this is what I realised about it. It's one of those tough questions that does not have a definite answer. I'm still discovering it.


New member
Hi all... I just joined, so I could enter the discussion about Magi astrology. My new obsession with Magi has to do new obsession with a particular person, of course. :whistling: I've rabidly read through just about all the info pertinent to relationships available on the official Magi Astrology site, . As well, I've found to have well-presented and understandable info--often more accessible than that of the "official" site.

Those asking questions here would really do well to first slog through the info available at the Magi site, including firstly the free versions of the "Mini-books" available there. Just about all the questions I see on this thread are addressed, one way or another, by poring through the many celebrity examples on their site, though I agree that sometimes their presentation can seem bogged down and un-organized.

As well, if you go to this page at Magi Helena's site: , on the right are links to many pages for self-instruction, including a page on the various Planetary Geometry formations, as well as a nice glossary of Magi terms. I find her info to be a great supplement, efficiently and clearly summarizing the essential concepts. It appears she also has a Facebook page where she is kind enough to answer questions, as she has archived many informative Facebook Q & A's on her site.

...Just a tip for what has been helpful for me.

Also, in case there are those who still don't realize what an amazing resource Astrodienst is (, I've discovered that they offer more than enough for me to get started with Magi calculations.

Using their extensive "Extended Chart Selections" page, you can bring up a natal or synastry chart, adding any asteroids you wish. Once the chart is open, on the upper left you click the "View the Additional Tables (pdf)" button to access the declinations (for a geocentric chart) or the latitudes (for heliocentric...heliocentric charts being first accessible under the "Options" section of the "Extended Chart Selections" page.)

Also on that page, in the "Methods" section, if you click the "Pullen/Astrolog" button, you can access an "Aspect/Midpoint Grid Chart" from the drop-down menu, which appears to present all the midpoints, similar to what you'd find on Astrolog software. ...Very cool!

I also had great luck on the astrodienst website with which I was easily able to access all the information I needed to cast a chart via the magi astrology standard.

I bought the magi software, but in order to get the heliocentric add on to their software, it was an extra $110 (too many things to pay for right now that buying helio from the magi society is a luxury) I'm still counting on to calculate the helio latitudes.

There is so much free information online via the sites you mentioned that you could study and learn all that for free a few months at least.

Best to you and your studies.
For example - lets say you meet someone randomly, but the day you meet them on was a 'heartbreak' day. You had no control over when you would meet them, so in a way your relationship with them already has some other force or power 'stacked against' it.

But you had no control or choice on when you would meet them! I get how you can choose a good incorporation date for a business, but with a random meeting it was out of your control!

So it would seem that fate played those cards for you. And with overwhelmingly repeatable evidence that it would lead to a certain result (the Magi literature sure makes it seem definite), where's our free will here?

How can I start a new life for myself during a heavy transit if everything I start from that point forward will be influenced by that heavy transit?


The dork in me has spent many a night awake in bed pondering this as well LOL. The Hindus pray to Shani (Saturn) and do puja (offerings) to alleviate the hardship of a Saturn transit, or you can choose to see the brighter side of things when life "goes south" The magi society would probably not tell you to perform Shani puja though LOL.

As for meeting people, yeah...we are pretty much in the lurch there unable to control when we meet people. I suppose you could avoid bars and parties during heartbreak transits, though I've usually met my boyfriends randomly.

Perhaps what you can do if you meet someone you like, cast their chart immediately to see what's going on. Then make your choice whether to pursue a relationship or not based on this knowledge. In this way you are taking more of a free-will stance :)

Lord knows that's what I'd be doing if I were looking for someone.


Well-known member
So what if the natal chart of a man shows an inconjunt with saturn, but the aspects of chiron with a prospective girl doesn't show anything with
saturn but shows a natal inconjunt with the girls Jupiter and a trine to mars.
To add to this current transiting Jupiter is going conjunt on both peoples
chirons in Taurus.
This relationship is just starting, and other things in the normal
reading show potential, so does that natal incjnt in the helio man's
chart, mean he is always destined to create or experience heartbreak?
Or does that only apply if it aspects the intended person's chart?
Maybe it is just career or father heartbreak?
I'm not looking for a free reading, just trying to clarify the natal
aspect to chiron and the synastry aspects and if the synastry
can overcome the natal. thanks


I have a quick question, although it's something that is - to me at least - probably one of the most fundamentally difficult concepts of magi astrology to grasp.

I've already found astrology to be challenging because of it's ability to easily slant from free-will to determinism. I know that even the Magi themselves always emphasize our free-will, but with repeatably accurate results from charts and synastry, I keep getting the feeling that things are heavily deterministic.

For example - lets say you meet someone randomly, but the day you meet them on was a 'heartbreak' day. You had no control over when you would meet them, so in a way your relationship with them already has some other force or power 'stacked against' it. But you had no control or choice on when you would meet them! I get how you can choose a good incorporation date for a business, but with a random meeting it was out of your control!

So it would seem that fate played those cards for you. And with overwhelmingly repeatable evidence that it would lead to a certain result (the Magi literature sure makes it seem definite), where's our free will here?

And, if your natal chart has a placement, and at some point in your life a planet WILL make a stressful activation for you and you alone, is that not pre-determined? How can a period in my life be pre-determined?

How can I start a new life for myself during a heavy transit if everything I start from that point forward will be influenced by that heavy transit?


Isn't a large part of life and love all about "luck" anyway? Nothing is certain. I believe the Magi subscribe to 77-Type rule. Hey, it does give them a convenient out, but don't we all want one? ;)

From Magi Helena's site:

77-TYPE RULES: Most principles of the Magi Astrology of love work about 77% of the time. Not 100%, but very few things work 100% of the time. Though not 100% accurate, these research-tested discoveries can still help us enormously to find our soulmate and avoid heartbreak.


Well-known member
Can anyone give me a nutshell overview of what Magi astrology is, and how it differs from other modern variants and traditional/vedic astrologies?


Active member
hi people~ Do you think 20° 5'54" N and 21°36' 0" S should be considered a contraparallel aspect according magi orbs? I didnt fully understand the concept. One of the above posts some of our friends has written that the orb is 1°20'' or something. So I am confused because there is symbol ' before "

Hope you could understand and will post your comments

Thanks you :rightful: