This thread is devoted to genuine and sincere questions only, and as a base for learning the materials that the Magi Society have openly published.
For sincere seekers, please submit your questions or any inquiries you may have about Magi Astrology, and I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner...
I've re-phrased all topics to question format so that nobody gets confused on whether to categorize my post as critisism or an information request. I guess it's neither, it's more a "sincere seeker attempting to learn," and Magnetic7 should feel free to reject any posts as outside this thread's confines as seen fit by the thread creator.
Hi guys, it's great to see an active thread up regarding Magi Society. It's even greater that it's free from posts bashing the Society's methods in what they lack as opposed to appreciating the methods for what they offer.
1) I've never employed one of the charts: the helio latitude. Is latitude used instead of declination because latitude is measurement of distance as opposed to measurement of surface?
2) Why does the Society not include Jupiter + Pluto <//> Sun + Saturn in their top 77 MQ's, as this would denote super success as a 'person' of control? I understand that the 77 MQ's would be altered with chiron, but that's beside the point.
3) I've discovered Saturn + Chiron frequently -apparently as a powerful enhancer- in the geo charts of Tennis champs. Not even like todays top ATP 50 or something, more like, top 50 players of all time. It frequently pairs with Mercury + Mars, Mercury + Uranus, and Mars + Uranus. These are 3 important athletic pairings, especially for tennis players who need quite an agility. Can't valid range of interpretation say that it is noteworthy control? With Chiron operating on a 'bonds, connection' level and Saturn working on a 'control' level aren't these likely to be quite a powerful, positive pairing (so long as it isn't an activation)?
P.S. Is the Magi Society going to release another book, this time with the same amount of words but more content per page?
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