Astrology is divination and cannot be separated from intuition. Most Astrologers in olden days used intuition. It was not even something you needed to mention, that is how normal and accepted it was. Intuition is not a switch you turned on or off when practising Astrology. Not to derail the thread completely, I will leave this at this. Anyway.
There is a popular misconception that astrology is best defined as divination.
However, while divination is seen as a part of astrology, this term does not cover all of the many branches and practices of astrology. In fact, no astrologer nor any scholar who has studied astrology seriously would define the entire field of astrology as divination.
Astrology is not widely defined as divination by expert sources
Though standard definitions vary with astrology
defined as an art, study, practice, method, system and divination,
'study' seems to be the predominant dictionary definition. In addition, scholars and astrologers rarely label the field of astrology as divination.
== Definitions of Divination ==
Divination, the art or practice that seeks to foresee or foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge usually by the interpretation of omens or by the aid of supernatural powers. Meriam-Websters on line (2011)
Divination, n. the art or practice of divining; seeking to know the future or hidden things by supernatural means; instinctive prediction; prediction; conjecture. Divine vt, to foresee or foretell as if divinely inspired; to guess or make out; to prognosticate; to make divine (Spenser); L. divines from divus, deus a god]. Chambers Dictionary, 11th edition (2010)
Divination, n. supposed insight into the future or the unknown gained by supernatural means. Oxford Compact English Dictionary, OUP (1996)
Divination, n., the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or the unknown by supernatural means. From Latin divinare to predict. Oxford Dictionary of English, OUP (2006)
Divination, n., the ability to say what will happen in the future or the act of doing this. Longmans, Dictionary of Contemporary English, Pearson Education Ltd. (2010)
Divination , n 1. the art, practice or gift of discerning or discovering future events or unknown things, as though by supernatural powers 2. a prophecy 3. a presentiment or guess Collins English Dictionary (2010)
Divination, the art of discovering future events as though by supernatural powers. Harper Collins, Essential Dictionary and Thesaurus (2007)
What do the polls say?
When asked whether free will can modify planetary influences, 97% of 250 astrologers surveyed said yes.
Source: Moore, Marcia (1960) A Socio-Psychological Survey Astrology Today
In a survey of 783 astrologers at conferences in UK, USA, Serbia, Norway, Argentina and Brazil during 1999-2011 elicited the following responses:
56% Astrology predicts the future
87% Astrology is a language
50% Astrology is a science
42% Astrology is divination
8% Astrology is a religion
Source: Campion, Nicholas (2012) Astrology and Popular Religion in Modern West pp.175-178