akeru try to calm down .
in both charts your cat is signified by jupiter and
there's no aspect to venus as accidental sig of death (radix or turned ) neither with the natural sig of death saturn, nor will be, cause saturn will conjunct Jupiter at 0°29’ aquarious and obviously we can't pass their current retrogradation and say they will meet when they turn direct again and change sign...etc.{ ** (pod=sun) seeing jupiter separating from sun is a bit alarming but not so much, since arabic parts must be used rarely and there must be also other testimonies and we have also a loosely aspect to malefic pluto -treated as fixed star, but i am more concerned that jupiter is applying to it due to his retrogradation }
cat is retrograde and considering the context of the question , this is a testimony of returning back.Although you didn't ask when and the chart is not obligated to give us the time also,
we have a moon-jupiter aspect, we have jupiter applying to ic, or to asc.in the second chart also we see that jupiter will aspect ic and asc.and also moon as your-coruler will aspect jupiter by contrantiscion in about 2 something units.
Following i will give you some clues where you could search, either in the house and in case is not found there outside:
Jupiter is debilitated (in his fall) but you said also that your cat has health problems.still maybe this is also a clue about its whereabouts(literally in fall), but before we start searching outside the house, first check your house thoroughly.the
cat being in the 4th is a strong testimony that she mayby still in the house.you can check also the basement, near a dark place.in the first chart
jupiter has last separated from sun (could be related to hot source, heater, or related to sun as house placement also in the 8th, or sun as 11th house, or as a person).this sun by antiscion opposes saturn.Saturn in aquarius could be related also to roofs, upper parts, higher places ;outside to Hilly and uneven places, places new digged, or where quarries of Stone are..etc
about directions: by signs saturn is south, pof also in the 12th in the 1st chart south by west/in the 2nd chart west,.By houses: ic points to north, 12th(pof) to E-S-E, 1st(pof on asc) east...etc
if outside jupiter in saturn could be also related to: an Oxe-house, or Cow-house, or where Calves are kept, or Tools for Husbandry, or old Wood is laid up; Fallow grounds,barren Fields Bushy and Thorny;..etc.
i understand your agony and frustration but you see cats can hide in the strangest places and they might change their location, while you search for them.So while you cast a chart asking where is the cat, she might have moved to a totally new place.
So before you consider her moon (as in lost people or animals) let's try first with her accidental sig Jupiter.If we assign her the natural sig ( saturn) then saturn is also retrograde (testimony of returning) and dignified.
So give it a try before you conclude the worst has happened.