Hello, and thank you.
I met a woman from another country. We skyped for 5 months everyday before she and I spent almost a year together in my country and her country. We desire to be together for the long term. It has been difficult to make this happen because of visa requirements and needing to be able to work while waiting for approval. Our plans over the last 5 months have not gone accordingly to our desires and it has been tenuous. She is in her country, and I am in mine. It has been difficult, for who would really want to leave there country to come to the US when there country cares more in depth about their average citizens quality of life. There has been a lot anxiety on her part, because she is unsure about work' (when, where, and how) I have work, always, but she feels comfortable knowing that she can depend on herself if need be; I understand this....I have children here in the US and have been going through an extremely difficult time trying to see them. That adds to the anxiety. I had set up an arrangement with my children's mother so that I could skype with them every week while living overseas and then would have them during the summers when coming back from overseas. When I cam home to get them she would not let me have them for the summer. This has added anxiety. We have tried to just call it off, but we cant....Idk...We love each other very much. We understand each other and she drives me crazy sometimes, but I understand where she is coming from at this time in her life and want to be able to continue to help her through it as I desire for her to help me through my challenges. So I have just asked this question; Will we come together and become betrothed, Will I go there, or Will she come here? I see our connection in the chart, with her significator advancing towards my significator, I see the nn in the 7th but my concern is the moon. I know Lilly stated that she always performs in Pisces, but I have not studied a substantial amount of charts to formulate an answer for myself and feel comfortable with it. All I know is that I love this woman and could spend the rest of my life with her, and am willing to risk trying to work cash in hand for possibly a year so that we could be together in her country if need be. I know that I am a creator. Thank you Rafaella, for your interest and your future input.