Lester Hendershot-inventor of fueless motor


Well-known member
I'm impressed by the depth of your studies.
It seems I was duped by what they told me in school...that's about par for that course...

I wish you good luck with having ticked off the "Hob Nail Booted Ones" , though...and I think you know of those I speak...
[need a good hide out?]


Well-known member
btw.... I had the book, written by Berlitz [sp?] read it through twice, actually...but that was some years ago and I have long since loaned [gave] the book away.

Political repercussions?
hmm? [the Triagrammatron: hmm]

You are from India, are you not, Sir?

...are THEY threatening to deport you?

About knowing more than I let on...
I've had my computer seized by DHS back in 2008...only they did it over the internet... shut me out of my own computer, froze my bank acct. I 'Ghosted' for about two weeks ...caused me all sorts of consternation.

With what all I've done since then, esp. with the mundane chart for the USA I've produced...as to picking last Nov-Dec. for an event to watch for [Sandyhook] ...for picking April 15 and 18th for events [Boston bombing and the imposing of near Martial Law in Boston].... I got flames licking at my feet too.

So, I just say

to myself...

F*** them.

May THEY all rot in Hades....

you wouldn't happen to know Ed Skrocki by any chance, would you?
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Well-known member
My memory isn't bad...but it is selective.
...but I certainly remember your demeanor, at least some things remain constant in this universe.


Well-known member
yes yes

i wondered why you PMed me with your address and asked if i would like to visit you.

Apparently at the time I was naive enough to suppose that you might be interested in the kind of Astrology I employ and all the attendant phenomena and events that came along with the process of of determining those techniques.
...there ain't much in my locale or to found among the locals hereabouts that I or anyone else could consider to be sympathetic ...much less supportive.
I guess I had hoped that what I thought to be indications of a 'Fellow Traveler' of sorts were not just some product of overly wishful thinking or a form of self delusion that had resulted from a desperate need for even the minutest bit of recognition or acknowledgement of all the effort and sacrifice that it did require...and still does.

I also went a bit over-the-top as to what I wrote...seeing as how it was basically just a letter of self introduction and ended up nothing more than some piece of sophomoric prattle.

[Did I apologize for that e-mail? I'd like to think that I did... if not, then I do so now. Funny, I've attempted two visits to "The City" this past year...both ended in some form of roadside drama. Mechanical difficulties on one attempt... a stolen wallet the other attempt.
I haven't been within' 80 miles of the Bay Area since ... I can't remember... possibly, not since 1991, when I visited my ex brother in law in Castro Valley... ]
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Well-known member
Nope, I was wrong. I went to a Bachelor Party in S.F in 1995 or 6... I was a designated driver too...so, I was quite sober, also... funny, how I forgot that.


Well-known member

i am truly sorry for any grief you have encountered but this thread has been a most enjoyable read. thank you for your efforts.
it is said that after the papers of tesla were studied,that the naval performed an experiment on magnetic invisibility around ships.
this experiment entailed loading a ship with massive generators.
what happen was the ship dissappeared and was transported a 1000 miles away, then returned.
but with phantastic after affects.
The Philadelphia Experiment :project Invisibilty(1979) is the book .

a central character is morris jessup



jessup had been working on leviataion engines and in the book there is a photogrph of a small protype flying in a lab setting.but it had to have a power line tethered to the disc shape model.
he seems to have discovered the principle of leviatation,but then like the other monumental scientific break throughs, he dies and this technology disappears.

so the capitalist have the fueless motor and a flying saucer that needs a power source.

it is no secret that million of people world wide have seen UFOs.president billy carter admitted he had.the government is silent and dismissive.

lester hendershot said his generator produce 1 horse power per 4 ounces of weight.at that time,1928, airpane motors produce 1 horse power per 4 pounds.
it seem possible that , some of these UFOs are in fact government or corporate vehicles which have merged the technology of hendershot and jessup.

the philadelphia experiment discloses information that cast the government in a nefarious role.it is well worth reading, as synopsis as wikipedia are opinionated and limited.


The Philadelphia experiment is interesting. I believe it happened and I believe that free energy exists but there are documented accounts of people inventing generators and then they disappear or die unexpectedly.

BTW, it was president Jimmy Carter.........Billy was his drunkard brother.

And Tesla is the most under rated scientist and inventor of the last century.
I wish life had been kinder to him.
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This man, tito torres ,aka T. Antony Torrres was an informer for the cia that “officially” confirmed that the moscone/milk assassinations were drug related. I had spoken to him days after the event and he then said it was ridiculous . but about 3 year later a met him and he confirmed that it was an drug assassination,.. the then attempted to quiz me about a couple of other people I had thought were related to this. But by this time I had leave the area and simply walked away. It seems that this ex wife had clued him in to the truth as she was part of the cia that took up Harvey milks Utah connection. To this day much of the coke and heroin comes to northern California from Utah.
This informer first gained “fame” in the early 70’s when the cia assassinated a chicano community leader in east l.a. you know how all Mexicans look the same , so this informer, who was blond haired and blue eyed(there must have been a anglo in the wood shed) walked with his arms around the victim during a parade.15 minutes later a sniper shot the chicano leader dead. Suspicion was on the cia at the time but nothing was ever proved.
In the early 70’s the cia was planning to start growing heroin in Sinaloa state in Mexico. But there was a retired Mexican army colonel who controlled the pot smuggling in the area named telesphoro torres villegas. This colonel did not want the heroin trade in Sinaloa but the cia could not get to him. The colonel’s mother was a ashkenazi jewess whose father had been an Austrian prince and controlled gold mines near Guanajuato mexico.so he was descended from the Hapsburgs which somewhat explained his powerful political connections in mexico.
Well it turns out this informer’s “step grandfather “was the brother of telesforo. Francisco torres villegas himelf had used the family connection as “informer for the powers that be in the early 20th century. He had corresponded with vadmir lenin , and became involved for Hollywood/political interests that funded pancho villa. Hollywood actually filmed villa as he was fighting against he Mexican government. This is how villa funded his revolutionary endeavors.
and Francisco was associated with a Mexican anarchist, Ricardo flores migon.
Francisco had been his speech writer.
But Francisco was a “double “ agent and conveniently missed a train rideback to mexico during which migon was pulled off a train and killed.


( a side note to this affair is that history shows that migon died in fort Leavenworth pison in 1922,and all mention of his assassination was been cleansed. In the late 60’ I was researching migon and found a book in Spanish that chronicled migons assassination after being pulled off a train in mexico. But some years later when I went back to the subject, the book was gone. And the “explanation” from an “expert” on Ricardo flores magon was that there were two Ricardo flores magons with brothers with the exact same names.it seems that Francisco had friends in high places that they were covering up his treachery. the man who died in fort Leavenworth prison, died insane, claiming he was not ricardo migon.It is said he was beaten to death

Francisco was also the mysterious individual who met with leon trotsky the night before Trotsky was killed with a pick axe to the head by ramon mercader who was a soviet agent in the entourage of trotsky’s in mexico city. Apparently Francisco gave the word for ramon to act. history notes a unidentified man meant with Trotsky for the night before he died.
So Francisco had a history of subterranean activities.
The brothers had not seen each other in37 years as Francisco had been a persona non grata in mexico. But in 1972 he and tito when to see telesphoro and lo and behold 2 months later telesphoro was murder by a nephew who was a agent for defenza national, the Spanish equivalent of the cia,fbi and department of defense.
This episode illustrates why the united states of mexico will always be a divided and failed democracy.
The identity of the country of mexico is based on the Conquest, la Conquesta, of the meso-americans. To this day the society identifies with only two classes, the conquerors and the enslaved.though I the united states of America ,the natice Americans were essentially deposed and economically enslaved, there was a feeling of arbitration as the government signed 257 treaties with “sovereign” tribes. of course every one of these treaties was broken. And to this day the only tribe that did not have treaty broken by the US government are the Seminoles of florida. This is because they never signed a treaty. The semioles just retreated in to the south eastern swamps.

in mexico there is no such “dignity” given to the enslaved.and so the resentment of the last 400 years still simmers in the populace and the arrogance of the “European “descendants of the conquistadors still divides the nation as it did in the past.

Hence telesphoro was of the spirit of the conquistadors and he often made jokes about the Moreno( darki ones). The indian blooded. And so he has a newphew from his wife side of the family that had a hidden resentment of telesphoro always belittlingly himn by calling him that little Indian. So the spirit of the “little Indian” burst aflame when he was offered a position with defenza national, if he would kill his uncle ,telesphoro.
I strike to thte head at the top of a cliff gave a rise to the belief that telesphoro had an heart attack and feel down the cliff. Very princess dianish, accident cover-ups up a assassination.
But this is the modes operadi of the mossad/cia. Look for the familial divisions and have your adversary turn on hios own blood.
This is what leaves mexico weak, the schism and faults that run through the modern state are anchored in historical chains of prejudice.

From this time on the the cia started abolishing the open marijuana trade and bringing in the coke and heroin that fuels the drug cartels to this day.
On the way back to the san Francisco , they stopped in san clemente California , to report to president nixon.
Coincidentally Francisco had be a community leader in santa paula ca in the late forties and when Nixon gave a speech during the presidential elections, Francisco got up and told the campesinos that Nixon was a liar.
Well tricky dick never forgot any slight and held a grudge. As tito was inside reporting , a bullet hit the car window but missed Francisco.it was an attempt by Nixon to settle an old score.this episode was related to me by a retired army major who had been a prison interrogator during the Bosnian war and had been at the infamous abu ghraib prison in Iraq where mossad agents introduced torture to the American interrogation process and later had been at Guantanamo bay prison of current notoriety

So Francisco had a history of subterranean activities
So tito had an illustrious record as an informer before he infiltrated the gay scene In sf, in preparation for the assassination of Harvey milk.he was being groomed to replace Harvey milk as supervisor of the castro district.to protect his cover, he was and his fiancé,susan girtler, were in a remote Hawaiian island at the time the assassinations took place.
He was well rewarded as the California bar has virtually allowed him to break rules that other lawyers were disbarred for and to cover-up his untreated drug problems. He was order suspended for 5 years twice ,but never served the suspensions .he practiced law after being suspended ad nothing happened to him .when cases against him were brought against him before the bar , representatives of the bar lied for him. His record of discipline is 3 inches thick yet the public defender still put him on death penalty cases.
In the 70’s he had projected a liberal image and was associated with leftist cases. The was placed on the board of director at a federal legal aid corporation months after he passed the California bar (which took 3 attempts to pass by the way) . I was told about unnamed financial improprieties and other irregularities but the representative of the California bar would not be more specific and was reluctant to become involved what so ever .
his true nature and deceit was played out In the late 80s, in one instance a man was suing the police for harassment .tito filed the charge but did not follow up at all.5 years later the plaintiff found out the charges were going to be dropped because mr torres hadn’t moved on the case. so the police filed to have the entire case dropped, a option that develops when 5 yeas have past .this man can’t locate tito because tito has changed all is numbers, even the California bar did not have the correct numbers as is required, so this man checks the court schedule and meets tito in a court at the time scheduled. Tito acts surprised and says he will file a petition because there is a 30 period to act. But tito let the 30 days expire and filed nothing so the charges against the police were dropped. The man filed charges with the bar of California, but other than having a mark on his record tito made no restitution to this man or suffered a real rebuke by the bar.
he moved to representing police. Interestingly, one case involving a officer reporting official corruption ,was dismissed as the officer disappeared.
He often received emails with the notation that it was a federal offense for anyone to read these except to whom the email was addressed. He was not the addressee. It seems the DA would send in emails to pass on .
So his greatest achievement now revolve around poisoning me with genetically modified mrsa strains created by the mossad/cia chemists.
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but it is not isolated,that is the greed and larceny inside wall street does show up again.

who invented the television?
a few know it was philo farnsworth.but up intil the last decade or so,this question would stump 95% of the people.

philo's story shows the depth and greed that wracks the ring of wall street.
radio corporation of america,RCA was already usiong telsa's patents with no compensation to tesla. so when philo came around david sarnoff of rca offered a pittance for the patent rights in 1931.philo refused the offer and changed his place of employment.david sarnoff, simply kept producing television set while giving no royalitities to philo until he died.that is sarnoff and rca kept philo's claimss in court for nearly 50 years.
rca never payied a cent to philo until several years after sarnoff died in 1971.a settlement of several hundred million dollars was finally paid several years later to philo's estate.philo having died in 1971 also.
so sarnof created a heritage on fraud and theivery.
but he was inside the wallstreet ring and philo was just a farm body, who while plowing a field with mules ,realized that the back and forth rows created would work to created a image, if electronically ,a cathode ray was scaned quickly and repeatingly on a screen.

philo's life though productive as a inventor,was plagued by the continuing legal cost against sarnoff for his entire life.and when he died few knew he was the inventor of television.the sdame dynamic that crushed tesla were in action against farnsworth in the same manner.

turns out the bail out loans to wall street were paided back by monet the overnemnt gave to wall street to make loans to pichup the economy.
but what they did is pay back their loans with the money that they had be GIVEN to issue loans.

so wall street paided back the loans with money the government gave them.which the goverment said was legal.

so this corruptions is not new,it penetrates to wall street's core.


We have a rare opportunity to see the editors of history in actions. Apparently there is a play about philo farnsworth being performed in s.f., philos base. The building he made any of his discoveries is still exiatent….
(Well not sure actually as the OWD is razing s.f. so fast I don’t know if the building is still there). But the editors of history conveniently have lied and said that philo took a million for his patents of the television set. And then goes on to highlight philo’s issues ,as sarnoff kept philo in court and financial stress til they died.
Sarnoff and CBS simply kept using his patents to produce television for nearly 50 years ad paid philo nothing in his lifetime. In the late 70’s sarnoff died and philo died and a multimilllion dollar settlement was made to philo’s estate. A paltry amount for the billions sarnoff and CBS robbed from philo. That is why no one has heard of philo farnworth until the last decade or so. The editors of history wanted to keep the pristine name of sarnoff clear.
And now the editors will begin to perpetrate another fraud in history by lying about the truth of philo farnsworth life through this thespian production.
This play was to be icketed by pepole close to fansworth to educate the theater goers that this play has fundamental lies in it.



Well-known member
Neat thread, I love tinkering with power generators. One thing I've been intrigued by lately is the Vedic Vipanas, they were UFO-like craft that ancient manuscripts show having some kind of vortex power source, the Nazis supposedly ripped this tech off and built their own saucers.

I want to build one myself. In the Anastasia series of books about this wild woman who lives in the taiga of Siberia, she describes the grey aliens as having craft that are actually grown not built.

Nature displays a marvelous ability to grow fractal vortice shapes. And a marvelous ability to survive under any conditions. Fungi can survive and grow just fine in a vacuum and supposedly these grown ships were fungal. UFOs do have a marked resemblance to mushrooms.

Anyone have thoughts on this? I don't have the faintest clue how propulsion would work coming from an organically grown spacecraft, the idea sounds ridiculous but so intriguing.


hi zonark

the energy the ufo's use whether from inner or outer space is the electrical power the earth, planets and sun are creating in the rotation of their axis’ .lets assume that ufo sightings are really increased in the last decades. With cop circles and thousands of sightings, it seem that if the earth was the energy source, then their might be some electromagnetic/rotational values. and here is a interesting astrophysical anomaly right now. Or rather from 1901 the earth’s rotation is slowing down. The rotational rate has always gone positive then negative in a balanced manner. But since i901 the rotation rate is slowing and the rate of increase can not be calculate exactly but must be empirically verified.
This supports my view, with the increased drawing on the electromagnetic force of the earth by shadow sky vehicles, the slower the rotation is becoming.

Of course the standard model does not take electromagnetic force into account. No wonder the standard model can’t find the 90% of the matter/energy in the universe that is missing.
This scientific omission not innocent, it is a blindness instilled in the educated fostered to conceal the simple source of the relativistic power of the electromagnetic field of the earth . recent observations have shown that the van allen radiation belts routinely accelerate sub atomic particles to nearly the speed of light. To energize a particle to near light speed also slows time down for the particle…. Him I wonder how big a hunk of matter the van allen belt can accelerate to relativistic speed. I wonder how ufos come an go thru warps.



This thread it apropos for the newest scientific observation of the earth ,magnetic characteristics.

NASA recently discovered what appears to be a 'force field' over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested -

what appears to be a 'force field' over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested. According to Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, the electron barrier exists in the Van Allen belts, a pair of donut-shaped belts that ring the Earth teeming with protons and electrons -

First it has been determined that the Van Allen belt is accelerating atomic particles to relativistic speeds.
These high energy particles had been noted for decades. First they thought cosmic rays were imparting the relativistic speeds of the particles. It is now conclusive the particles are being accelerated in the Van Allen belt.
The second observation is that these streams of relativistic particle are being contained by a force field……………now there is a force field around the earth that has never been detected before, yet this force field can contain the relativistic energies the earth is seemingly generating.
The standard model is being marketed as complete, which it is not, the this model does not have any idea as to what or where the energy comes from.
Astrologically, it is quite obvious, if one considers the ecliptic.
A couple of decades ago, the Helios series were placed in orbit around the sun to monitor the close up the various phenomena. At one point the satellites were turned outward toward space and they recorded that the ecliptic includes a plane of iridescent light that extends out as far as can be seen from the sun equator. What is this energy? The Standard model, as usual, has no idea in the world and so the energy field is ignored.
The earth is the only planet that is coplanar with the ecliptic. The earth is always on the ecliptic. the force of this “unknown” force field is the ecliptic. This keeps the earth “locked’ on the ecliptic plane.
The earth moves up a minute of arc and then down a minute of arc, back and forth across the ecliptic. As a consequence the apparent motion of the sun across the sky is serpentine, reflecting the earths ‘up and down’ motion.
it seems plausible that it is the ecliptic which is confining the sub atomic particle, creating a giant cyclotron. The earth is a giant particle accelerator.
this is the source of the power tesla tapped into, this is the power that causes the catastrophic geological chaos of velikovsky and the source of lester hendershotts generator.
And it is the power source of the ufo’s which the government covers up.
Anyone who focuses on the rotation of the earth is hounded or killed. Lester narrowly escape a electrocution, tesla died in poverty as the corporations stole his patents or rather ignored his patents rights. Velikovsky prediction are verified by space exploration, yet these results are ignored and velikovsky is jeered at. Giordano Bruno was burned and Galileo condemned as a suspected heretic, all to keep the secret of the power of the earth’s energy fields.
This energy and knowledge is what the ufo/gods have used for thousands of years to their flights then as now.
If the earth can accelerate particles to light speeds then it should be able to accelerate a craft to light speed and who knows, travel in time.



hmmm heres a twist, now the cia claims it is responsible for half of the ufo sightings.

January 2, 2015
The Central Intelligence Agency has admitted that it was responsible for at least half of reported UFO sightings in the middle of the last century due to its secret, high-altitude reconnaissance flights.
The 1950s and ’60s was an intense period when a number of Americans reported UFO sightings and alien visitations. These sensational events lent cinematic credence to a number of Hollywood space blockbusters, including Steven Spielberg’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” and “ET,” and George Lucas’s “Star Wars.”
Now it appears the unidentified flying objects were more fact than fantasy, while the mind behind them was not quite alien.
This week, the CIA took to social media to claim responsibility for at least half of UFO sightings in the 1950s and 60s.

unless the cia really has ufo vehicles,the cia is just clouding their lies .the technology they claimed are responsible for ufo sightings, could never perform the aerial movements that ufos have exhibited.




13-Year-Old Invents Tesla Inspired Free Energy Device for Under $15

As cheesy as this sounds, from day one, on this planet that I knew I was put here for a reason,” said Max. “And that reason is to invent, to bring the future.”

His invention looks somewhat reminiscent of Tesla coil, and operates on some of the same principles described by the electric visionary. The device is rather simple, harvesting electromagnetic energy from the atmosphere, then converting it to direct current which can be used to power electrical devices.
What’s even more incredible is that Max built his free energy device out of materials he purchased for less than $15. That’s right, for the price of an average lunch, it appears that anyone can have access to free energy.
“He created an electro magnetic harvester out of a coffee can, some wire, two coils, and a spoon.” [Source]
The harvester conducts radio waves, thermal, and static energy, and turns it into electricity.
“This wire takes energy from the air.”
And the inside the coffee can,
“We turn it from AC to DC.” [Source]

Setting Free Energy Free Max’s achievement is impressive, to say the least, and the fact that works of Nikola Tesla are now inspiring the next generation of inventors is quite inspiring, although one has to wonder why Tesla’s ideas have taken some 75 years to reach the mainstream.


http://api.viglink.com/api/click?format=go&jsonp=vglnk_144425366530613&key=65 de0a53c1a689fd56c43dc2576469ce&libId=ifhbbys701001 pvr000DA7sc7h6ae&loc=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.astrologywee kly.com%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D36315%26pag e%3D9&v=1&out=http%3A%2F%2Fhumansarefree.com%2F201 4%2F12%2Fearths-quarantine-force-field.html%23more&ref=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.astrologywe ekly.com%2Fforum%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D36315%26pa ge%3D7&title=Radiation%20Watch%2C%20USA.%20-%20Page%209%20-%20Astrologers'%20Community&txt=%3CFONT%20face%3DC alibri%3E%3CFONT%20color%3D%230066cc%3Ehttp%3A%2F% 2Fhumansarefree.com%2F2014%2F12%2Fear...ield.html% 23more%3C%2FFONT%3E%3C%2FFONT%3E
NASA recently discovered what appears to be a 'force field' over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested -

what appears to be a 'force field' over Earth, fueling the fire over whether our planet has been under spiritual and physical quarantine as many have suggested. According to Daniel Baker, director of the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, the electron barrier exists in the Van Allen belts, a pair of donut-shaped belts that ring the Earth teeming with protons and electrons -

First it has been determined that the Van Allen belt is accelerating atomic particles to relativistic speeds.
These high energy particles had been noted for decades. First they thought cosmic rays were imparting the relativistic speeds of the particles. It is now conclusive the particles are being accelerated in the Van Allen belt.
The second observation is that these streams of relativistic particle are being contained by a force field……………now there is a force field around the earth that has never been detected before, yet this force field can contain the relativistic energies the earth is seemingly generating.
The standard model is being marketed as complete, which it is not, the this model does not have any idea as to what or where the energy comes from.
Astrologically, it is quite obvious, if one considers the ecliptic.
A couple of decades ago, the Helios series were placed in orbit around the sun to monitor the close up the various phenomena. At one point the satellites were turned outward toward space and they recorded that the ecliptic includes a plane of iridescent light that extends out as far as can be seen from the sun equator. What is this energy? The Standard model, as usual, has no idea in the world and so the energy field is ignored.
The earth is the only planet that is coplanar with the ecliptic. The earth is always on the ecliptic. the force of this “unknown” force field is the ecliptic. This keeps the earth “locked’ on the ecliptic plane.
The earth moves up a minute of arc and then down a minute of arc, back and forth across the ecliptic. As a consequence the apparent motion of the sun across the sky is serpentine, reflecting the earths ‘up and down’ motion.
it seems plausible that it is the ecliptic which is confining the sub atomic particle, creating a giant cyclotron. The earth is a giant particle accelerator.
this is the source of the power tesla tapped into, this is the power that causes the catastrophic geological chaos of velikovsky and the source of lester hendershotts generator.
And it is the power source of the ufo’s which the government covers up.
Anyone who focuses on the rotation of the earth is hounded or killed. Lester narrowly escape a electrocution, tesla died in poverty as the corporations stole his patents or rather ignored his patents rights. Velikovsky prediction are verified by space exploration, yet these results are ignored and velikovsky is jeered at. Giordano Bruno was burned and Galileo condemned as a suspected heretic, all to keep the secret of the power of the earth’s energy fields.
This energy and knowledge is what the ufo/gods have used for thousands of years to their flights then as now.
If the earth can accelerate particles to light speeds then it should be able to accelerate a craft to light speed and who knows, travel in