I always thought the Moon was more important in Vedic Astrology then the Sun.
I fold.I raise you one,
Aslan became my favorite character in the Chronicles of Narnia series, that I read with my youngest niece some years ago. In the story, he's actually an incarnation of Jesus Christ, a figure that I don't worship, but whose messages are quite beautiful at times. The character had me thinking about Leo and it's ruler the Sun (or the Son?).
That aside, I think the series is great for children.
I think they use both.
Like what?Very strange.
We posted at EXACTLY the same moment, both talking about royalty.
Maybe there's a lesson there to be learned for peeps.
Keep those BIG moon egos in check!
Or else what?
Oh, yes, and I forgot to mention, Leo Moon applies to trine Jupiter in Sag. I suppose that is why Leo Moon is so nice for me.I love my Leo Moon [no pun intended, you know, "love" my Leo Moon?]. But I do.
It is the brightest, shiniest, most supportive appreciative part of my chart, even being peregrine, between Mars and Saturn in the 12th, and squaring the Sun.
The best part of Leo Moon is not the appreciation I receive, which often is generous, but the heartfelt unfettered expression of appreciation that I have available to offer out into the world. It is free and easy flowing quite a bit of time. It is my natural, genuine fallback position. It is a joy and I am grateful!
Offering that appreciation inwardly, given Moon's condition, is my life work, awakening to the truth of our inherent goodness. It is joyous life work, even when it is not going so well...
LOL!I raise you one,