Dr Parashar,
rahu dasa till age 25.4 yrs approx.
saturn-rahu own capricorn 6th good for employment matters, health, overcoming competition/opponents, tends to foreignness, generally speaking, while could tend to rise and fall.
jupiter-saturn opposition could suggest missed employment opportunities owning to some miscalculations/misunderstandings possibly.
saturn-rahu 6th/9th from moon could suggest pitrudosh/shrapit dosh,
advisable to respect and serve elders in the family or otherwise grandfather/great grandfather etc. daily offer karpoor arathy
at the photograph of pitrus, perform shraddha etc sincerely, offer gift of clothings to elders, serve at old age homes, etc.
could observe fast saturday evenings.
rahu enemy of ascendant lord sun, hence rahu dasa may not be good, saturn-rahu 6th house for health, ascendant sun and significator of health again over saturnine acquarius 7th, sun-saturn-mercury conjunct in the navamsa - may be sciatica, arthritis, intestinal/gastric-toxic problems etc
saturn significator for disease own capricorn 6th and good fighting health issues successfully perhaps. rahu vargottami over capricorn in the navamsa and placed 6th house strong enough to overcome challenges in life.
currently saturn-rahu transit elevated libra 3rd house good for initiative and general progress, although 2nd transit from moon in sade-sati, the positive phase of sade-sati, being elevated over libra.
saturn-rahu could however tend to rise and fall to watch and care, saturn-rahu square natal saturn-rahu 6th coincidentally, 10th from rahu/rahu dasa again tending to rise and fall.
jupiter transits gemini 11th for gains aspecting own 5th house sagittarius for education, romance, advisory roles and good. jupiter transit 10th from moon/square hence not as effective to keep expectations of gains moderate enough, while transit 6th from rahu/rahu dasa calling for greater efforts.
natal jupiter lord 5th elevated cancer 12th tending to educational issues perhaps while tending to study away from home/distant lands/abroad. jupiter-ketu cancer 12th good for spiritual development, while may not be good for material comforts. could be prone to water accidents/drowning etc
separative node ketu transits impulsive aries 9th tending to distant lands, and could impact father's health, while transit 8th from moon, square rahu/rahu dasa. transit ketu alone hence may not much to worry.
movable aries 9th inimical for the fixed leo ascendant, stress and delays in matters of luck, higher education, fortune, etc. lord mars over the 10th taurus impacting career with stress and delay, while mars debilated-neecha in the navamsa chart.
mars being inimical/badhaka, mars taurus could perhaps suggest thyroid issues, could be anemic with low hemoglobin count perhaps, and knee issues. moon-mars-ketu conjunct navamsa perhaps suggestive of scope for surgery of lungs/heart, volatile emotions and finances, suppressed anger.
moon highest planetary degrees virgo 2nd, own cancer in the navamsa, the personality profile, aptitude for psychology/psychiatry, perfectionist attitude and critical thinking. moon 2nd generally good for finances, while being 12th lord over the 2nd could suggest earnings in foreign/distant lands perhaps and spending over the family.
gains from spouse as lord mercury over the 7th house while mercury also being lord 11th for gains.
sun-mercury acquarius could suggest mathematical, statistical abilities and oratory-teaching skills, sun 7th could also suggest administrative aptitude. sun-mercury acquarius mystique, airy/uncertain, reformist, innovative.
sun 7th suggests seeking well placed person as spouse, but sun 7th especially saturnine acquarius, while lord saturn negates into the 6th house, could suggest separative tendencies.
sun-saturn lords 1/7 over acquarius-capricorn 2/12 from each other same lord could suggest mutual neutral inclination in relationship. while sun acquarius 7th could have separative tendencies, to be aware.
mars 2nd highest planet factor for vocation,
mars 10th house taurus inclined to operations/projects management and execution; may be head of psychiatry ward etc.
mars badhaka for leo ascendant hence stress and delays in career matters, while mars debilated in navamsa and weak hence not as effective, moon own cancer navamsa, hence debilation cancelled tending to slow pace of growth, moon-mars conjunction tending to volatile emotions and finances. moon-mars-ketu cancer prone to surgery/injury, 10th navamsa hence scope for career issues/job separations-breaks.
venus pisces elevated, selfless attitude towards, moon-venus opposition artistic aptitudes, may be good voice being over the 2/8 axis, being over unfriendly opposition virgo-pisces relationship could be affected. elevated venus 8th could suggest wealth of spouse/splendor.
venus lord 9th from moon, 7th from moon, elevated pisces, luck upon marriage,
sun 7th seeking well placed person, separative tendencies same time.
jupiter aspects own pisces, venus elevated pisces.
saturn own capricorn 6th, success amidst adversity, saturn-rahu 6th able to cope with challenges of life. venus makes debilation aspect over virgo 2nd suggestive of poor bank balances perhaps. venus lord 10th over the 8th elevated, research aptitude, may be in area of human relations, medicine/alchemy, etc. may be sudden gains in career. jupiter lord 8th elevated over the 12th again success/sustaining amidst adversity.
sun asc lord, placed saturnine acqarius, could worship Surya Yantra keeping in pooja. Mangal Yantra for badhak Mars, debilated navamsa, impacting 10th house for career under stress and delays. could recite Aditya Hridayam for health, sun asc lord.
currently ketu transit 8th from moon, could daily offer white til revadi prasad during the morning prayers.
offer red flowers on tuesdays.
rahu/ketu 2/8 from asc/moon natal/transit could cause sudden issues/problems.
hope generic observations help take stock of the chart and the transits and the issues. could share feedbacks.
wishing well,