Karmic Passion - Nessus Dejanira


Has anyone an idea how to interpret passion asteroids in prominent positions in the chart?:innocent:
In the past I had several problems with men, kind of funny because my twin sister never experienced things like stalking etc.
For me there seems to be a linkto our natals charts, as she is born 41 minutes later, she has none of the following aspects that are strong in my chart:
Dejanira (7066) conjunct MC <1 degr.
Nessus (157) square AC/DC exact
Heracles (5143) square AC/DC exact (opposite Nessus)

The central story about Deianira concerns the Tunic of Nessus. A wild centaur named Nessus attempted to kidnap or rape Deianira as he was ferrying her across the river Euenos, but she was rescued by Heracles, who shot the centaur with a poisoned arrow. As he lay dying, Nessus persuaded Deianira to take a sample of his blood, telling her that a potion of it mixed with olive oil would ensure that Heracles would never again be unfaithful.
Deianira believed his words and kept a little of the potion by her. Heracles fathered illegitimate children all across Greece and then fell in love with Iole (also called Omphale). When Deianira thus feared that her husband would leave her forever, she smeared some of the blood on Heracles' famous lionskin shirt. Heracles' servant, Lichas, brought him the shirt and he put it on. The centaur's toxic blood burned Heracles terribly, and eventually, he threw himself into a funeral pyre. In despair, Deianira committed suicide by hanging herself or with a sword.
(source wikipedia)
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Well-known member
Look at malefic planets overly passionate in a water sign. You can see if these asteroids have any connection there.7 or 12Houses might shows stalkers.


of course there are literally million of asteroids and it's not said that they affect us.
but coincidence or not, i have checked the chart of one kind of dramatic experience in my life more than five years ago with the surprising result that at this date transiting deja exactly conjuncted my nessus + squared my ac/dc AND transiting nessus widely conjuncted my deja + mc.
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Sweet Pea

Well-known member
Have you ever gone on the Linda Goodman forum as they have a very busy asteroid section and Nessus is one of the troublemakers that gets frequent mentions, often in conjunction with Dejanira.

Nessus is generally the bully, abuser or just plain "pushy" in something that he does. Dejanira is the victim. I'm sorry that these have played out to type in your life. There must be some (karmic?) reason why this has been your 'lot' and not your sister's.

Since you mentioned stalking, do you also have a strong Pluto in your chart, maybe associated with Mars or Sun?


thanks for your comment. my pluto in scorpio is forming a loose inconjunct (2 degr.) with my sun.
fortunately i have experienced only one single time in the past a kind of frightening stalking nevertheless it seems that i am attracting a lot of "strange guys".
maybe following aspect influence this aura:
Mars opp. Nessus (2 degr.) Moon opp. Eros (exact)
Mercury opp. Int.pol. Lilith conj. Cupido (h40) squ. MC (exact)
Aphrodite conj. IC (1 degr.)
Ishtar conj. DC (2 degr.)
Casanova conj. Orcus conj. S. Node (exact)
Koronis conj. Lilith (Ast.) conj. N. Node (exact)
Psyche conj. Sedna squ. Nodes (exact)
Juno square Nodes (1 degr.)


Well-known member
I have found Nessus and Dejanira in prominent places for my friends and family's charts before. I don't think they indicate passion so much as abuse though. In my experience, Nessus conjunct Ascendant has indicated someone is an abuser and, in one chart I looked over, Dejanira conjunct the moon of someone who had been sexually abused.

I don't agree with everything she says, but My Christian Psychic has a few posts on it. Search her blog for posts on them.


I don't agree with everything she says, but My Christian Psychic has a few posts on it. Search her blog for posts on them.

thanks for your comments. i have already read some of her articles actually.
there is a lot of interesting stuff regarding asteroids, but i am still not quite sure how a nessus square will be shown.
e.g. proserpina is also directly conjunct my ac and she states for this "a very hard rite of passage from childhood to adulthood."
of course one has to see the whole chart and not only single aspects, but as i have mentioned i concentrated on the differences to my twin sister - and the most obvious ones i have found in aspects to the angles.


Well-known member
I am on mobile and can't find it right now, but I did read on a Linda Goodman post that a Nessus square a personal planet in synastry can indicate obsessive tendencies/interest in the aspects planet. Can you post your chart, so I can see where your asteroids are?


Well-known member
sternchen, your chart's interesting. I was actually expecting Nessus to be closer to the IC, which normally could indicate an abusive homelife. My guess is that maybe you should be aware of abuse in your relationships, in both how you handle them and in how your partners treat you. I imagine Dejanira conjunct your MC would project a public image of being a victim.

Do you make dramatic/large gestures, commit sudden, impulsive actions, or have any type of "explosive" behavior? I've never noticed someone with Pholus conjunct their ascendant. I've heard it's supposed to explode whatever it touches. (A cousin of mine has it closely conjunct her Mars. It's a doozy for her lol.)

(Also, I noticed you have Orcus on your South Node. I have no idea how it would manifest, but I did find this tidbit: "For instance, one theory I've been seriously exploring is that Orcus...governs accessing and bringing forward the spiritual wealth from the core of one's being." here.)


hi astrobunny, an astrologer has given my following approaches:
dejanira conjunct mc: fateful topic of taking (men will come and grab, to have to deal with difficult men)
also shown by orcus conjunct casanova conjunct south node, kind of casanova vibes, attractiveness, men-women issues, personal reformation by this

regarding pholus: in connection to urania at my ac: researcher of the past, to get involved with lightworker energies
pholus at the ac: maybe not fully incarnated, self-sabotage/ ancestral external sabotage; feels that something essential is withhold; thinks one is forced to do sth; increases pressure
to read this discussion has been quite helpful for me (it is in german, sorry)
i think it is always difficult to analyse one's own behavior, but in contrast to my twinsister i am definitely more energetic/rousing, more in contact with people and prying. acting without thinking sometimes.