Jesus [Yeshu'a] and you in composite.


Well-known member
I mention this empirical technique in my book.
If the birthchart I produced is truly that of the Man from Nazareth then there's no reason why it should not work...after all He has obtained 'Eternal Life'...has He not?

If you have read my book and, or, my threads on Yeshu'a/Jesus in this forum or at, in the Sabian Symbols sub-forum, then you are ready to attempt this if you care to do so.
With this post I'm attaching both my chart ant the chart I have produced for the Man from Nazareth that I, and a number of other souls, are convinced is the true birth chart of Yeshu'a/Jesus.

Take a look at my Asc.'s Sabian Symbol. [The Asc. is the "WHO" of your birth chart] Mine is the 18th degree of Scorpio.
[From Dane Rudhyars wonderful book on the Sabian symbols, "An Astrological Mandala."]


KEYNOTE: The exalted feeling of a work well done and a truly consummated life.

The person who has lived with faith the transpersonal life — the life through which spirit radiates creatively — can experience blessedness and peace, even though his or her cycle of experience nears its end. It has been a life full of seed. The seeds are hidden perhaps, yet they are filled with the power to overcome cyclic death. The soul is at peace. The clear autumnal sky silently intones the great message: "Well done, little man!"

In this third symbol of the five-fold sequence we see the smile of the youth brought to a more mature, more spiritual culmination. Human nature is a magnificent symphony of warm, rich colors, now that the strictly biological green of vegetation experiences its TRANSFIGURTION."

Rudhyar's "Keyword" in summation of this symbol is the "TRANSFIGURATION".
It is a word that was coined specifically in reference to the metamorphosis of Yeshu'a after his resurrection.

Now my I.C. is the 25th of Aquarius. It is also the the sign and degree of my natal Moon. The I.C. interpreted through Sabian Symbolic analysis is the "WHY" of a chart that is interpreted in a 'spiritually evolutionary' manner.


KEYNOTE: The capacity to develop the rational and fully conscious aspect of the mind ahead of normal evolution.

What seems implied is a kind of mutation, and more specifically the special development of whatever is symbolized by the "right side" of the organism. Here, however, the spiritual body (the butterfly) is what the Image represents. A strong process of conscious individualization is suggested, perhaps at the expense of the instinctual-emotional aspect of the personality (its "left side").

This last symbol fittingly concludes this sixty-fifth sequence, which began with "A disappointed woman . . ." The five-fold set deals with the management of human energies at the emotional level; here management means overcoming — this, on the basis of negative or ego-challenging experiences. This fifth symbol refers thus to the results of a TRANSMUTATION OF EMOTIONAL ENERGIES."

Note that Rudhyar's 'Keyword' in summation are the "TRANSMUTATION OF EMOTIONAL ENERGIES". ...a rather interesting symbol for ones' natal Moon, wouldn't you think?

Now the Moons' North Node is said to represent the destination of ones soul in spiritual progress for their present life upon this Earth...mine is in the 7th degree of Aquarius.


KEYNOTE: The emergence of new mutations according to the great rhythms of the cosmos.

The ancient symbolism of the Cosmic Egg (Hiranyagharba in Sanskrit) out of which a new universe is born can be interpreted at several levels. Here we see the appearance of a new type of human being who is not born from "Ancestors" and who therefore is free from the inertia of mankind's past. He is a new product of evolution, a mutant. [emphasis here is my own...ptv] He constitutes a fresh projection of the creative Spirit that emanates from the cosmic or planetary Whole, and not from any local culture and racial tradition.

This second stage symbol is in contrast with the preceding one. It can be said to announce the EMERGENCE OF GLOBAL MAN for the New Age. The power of the whole is focused within him in perfect freedom from ancient standards of value based on local conditions."

Note what I underlined and Italicized... Again, with the concept of 'mutation'.

Yeshu'a's[Jesus'] natal Venus is in the 7th degree of Pisces.


KEYNOTE: The spiritual blessing which strengthens individuals who, happen what may, stand uncompromisingly for their own truth.

Men who do not depend upon collective values, traditions or support but seek at any cost to be true to their individual self and destiny almost inevitably face some kind of crucifixion. They are sustained only by the power within them, to which a light above answers. The symbol tells us: "Be true to thine own self, and in the midst of the outer confusion displayed by those surrounding you, you will realize what you really are as an Individual — a son of God." [emphasis by underline and Italics are mine...ptv]

This second stage symbol presents us with a realization in polar opposition to that evoked by the preceding scene. It implies the supreme worth of a life guided by an inner voice and manifesting a high degree of SELF-ASSERTION."

Now look at the composite chart of my and Yeshu'a's natal chart and note that Jupiter is in the 7th degree of Pisces....


It works, my friends... I'll get back to this thread and develop it more later today or during the week...or ... as I'm about to suspend all posting here and at all other internet astrological forums [no later than this upcoming Jan. 1st] I may continue this at my own website which will be up and running shortly.

In the mean time I encourage those of you that find the Man from Nazareth to be your chosen Archetype to proceed with this process of technique with your own natal charts... It'll give you an understanding of Whom you are in this lifetime in service to your Lord and savior.

Yeshu'a's natal chart. ptv's natal chart. Yeshu'a and ptv's natal composite chart


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I forgot to point out the composite Asc. It is the 24th of Libra [the degree succeeding my natal 12th house cusp...the 12th house cusp symbology is your answer to the greatest challenge facing world society] Correction, November 30, 2022. My natal 12th House cusp is rather the 25th degree of Libra and thus the composite Asc. is the preceding degree. I apologize for my gaff. ptv



KEYNOTE: The ability to develop, for inner strengthening, new modes of response to basic life situations.

The butterfly is the ancient and traditional symbol of the results of the process of spiritual rebirth. If the butterfly has three wings instead of two, a special development of an aspect of the spiritual life is shown. Three is a symbol of fulfillment. Some power has been added to the normal spiritual life of the individual person. The left side usually refers to the instinctual field of the consciousness, but it is also the heart's side. A new strength is shown, perhaps as yet unrealized.

A fourth stage symbol usually refers to some kind of technique or technical achievement. What is implied here is that the contact with the revivifying Life-force (cf. the first stage symbol) can result in the appearance of a new faculty, the use of which may not as yet be consciously evaluated. Indeed it is the establishment of such a contact which constitutes a technique for ORIGINAL MUTATION."

Do you see the 'Tenor' between this composite chart and that of my own natal?
Again with symbolism of a 'Butterfly' [the shape of the soul is said to be as that like a 'Butterfly'] and the idea of a metamorphosis...a mutation.

Note the 12th house cusp of the composite is the 29th degree of Virgo.



KEYNOTE: After a crisis one should seek to realign the renewed consciousness with the primordial Revelation of the Truth of Man.

Any revolutionary movement, once it has succeeded in over- coming the inertia of the past and in toppling obsolete structures, needs to tap the most essential realities of what Man represents and signifies in the universal Order; or else it merely re-embodies in a superficially altered manner the very things it has destroyed. This is the crucial moment. In occultism the "Pattern of Man" is an archetypal Power that may be contacted. It must be sought with undeviating determination. After each revolutionary crisis this Pattern and this Power can be contacted — always the same, yet at each new cycle perceivable in a different light.

This fourth stage symbol presents us with the technique required to "reach the other shore." But each individual, and each group or racial unit, must come in its own way to the ROOT KNOWLEDGE which provides the only safe foundation for rebirth." [underlining and Italics for emphasis are mine...ptv]

This is in tenor with my natal Uranus which is in the 16th degree of Cancer.

...may I remind you all of what the title of Rudhyar's book is?

...So...whom am I to make such bold assertions?

I will now reveal.
It is said by a couple of very reputable and proven clairvoyants, [independent and unknown to one another] that I am the reincarnation of Parsifal ...and also of that of Judas.

I am humbly in the service of the Lord.

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I thought I'd might also point out that the Desc. [the "WHERE-TO"} of the composite is the 24th degree of Aries which is the same sign and degree of my natal charts' Part of Tragedy/Fatality. The symbolism of the Part of Tragedy/Fatality is how or what the world will view you as being after your demise as to what you meant to the society of Humankind.

The 24th of Aries:


KEYNOTE: Openness to the influx of spiritual energies.

The principle of abundance is brought to a further stage in this rather cryptic symbol. Physical fruition is shown operating at a more subtle and spiritual level. The wind (pneuma, spirit) blows through the open mind-window and brings into the house of personality a promise of more-than-material potency. Wind blows from a region of high pressure to one of low pressure. As the window curtains are blown inward, the individual consciousness represented by the house is receiving a more concentrated influx of spiritual energies, enabling this consciousness to extend the scope of its awareness and creative expression.

This message applying to this fourth stage of the five-fold sequence is that inner growth demands not just an open mind but one able to provide a container for a spiritual harvest. The cornucopian shape of the window's curtains suggests that the subtler translucent aspect of the mind (the curtains) has acquired a plastic quality enabling it to be MOLDED BY TRANSPERSONAL FORCES."


Well-known member
The composite North Node at the 26th of Sagittarius... the Galactic Center?
...or close enough?



KEYNOTE: The nobly accepted subservience of the individual to collective values and goals.

A flag symbolizes an organized collectivity of human beings, a nation or even a social class. In the old-fashioned type of battle, whoever carries the flag has to feel himself the representative of the integrity and unity of his group. His personal life and his welfare should therefore be totally submerged in and identified with the welfare of the 'greater Whole' of which every person can act as a conscious and responsible agent for mankind. In substance, the symbol asks: 'Are you ready to assume this role!'

This first stage of the fifty-fourth five-fold sequence presents a picture of what social consciousness can mean in its highest implications. The flag-bearer is unarmed, defenseless; yet he can be the rallying point for the total effort of a large collectivity. This is a symbol of CONSECRATION TO AN IDEAL."
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Of such curious note is the composite Mars in the 12th of Gemini.
My natal Mars is the 5th of Gemini, Yeshu'a's the 19th. My mothers, and Miss X's, the 10th of Gemini. Suryakant and that of the USA are both the 21st...and Suryakant and the USA both share the the 7th of Leo for the North Node of the Moon while mine is the opposite, the 7th of Aquarius.



KEYNOTE: Liberation from the ghosts of the past.

While 'newly opened lands' theoretically offer virgin fields for experience, in fact those men and women who reach them find themselves conditioned by their own past. They carry the ghosts of their former lives and the memories of collective social patterns with which they had identified their egos. Every new beginning is surrounded with ghosts (or personal and social karma). [Italics and underlining for emphasis is mine...ptv] The racial struggle for equality of opportunity must go on, even if this equality is officially guaranteed by the Law. The struggle is within and takes many forms. The Puritans brought to the theoretically 'New World' the fears, the fanaticism and the aggressiveness of their European existence, and these often grew more virulent under the conditions found in the New World. But no field of activity is ever totally 'virgin'. It has its inhabitants, and they cling to their possessions or privileges. Whoever seeks to be truly an individual must be liberated from the past.

Here at this second stage we have the usual contrasting type of symbol. The new lands are opened, but they are filled with lives, and the pioneer's mind filled with ghosts, preconceptions, and prejudices or expectations. What is needed is a total LIQUIDATION of the past; virgin minds for virgin fields."

Ah...the redeeming power of Love and forgiveness... a "Fresh start" in common bond to a mutual goal.

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Well-known member
I realized only today that the Mercury for the composite chart is I'm not one pledged to Yeshu'a in any I explain in the intro to my book...[ I found my spiritual answers through yoga and Hindu theology, and by the direct grace of Sri Rama in answer to my supplication, OM Hare Rama OM OM Hare Krishna OM] I don't dwell on this chart much. But as I am in some sort of obvious service to Him or with Him I do check the progressed every now and then. I had't looked at the natal composite for a long time and never realized [or had forgotten] this welcome attribute.
I do believe I will have something to say in parting later next I'll rarely be visiting aw has been planned for quite some time. Something to sum up what I've discovered about the Man from Nazareth through the natal chart I assert is his [imho...of course!] and what I've learned about Christianity these last 8 years of studying the religion somewhat intently for the first time in my life. OM Hare Yeshu'a OM.
OM Shanti OM
and again...Happy Holidays...ptv


Well-known member
[12/14/2013 The following is in error in that it is I.C. of the composite and not the M.C. as I had written. ..but is of small difference, regardless.]

What I failed to note earlier is that the M.C. of my natal in composite with Yeshu'a is conj. the USA natal [zero hour, JUly 4, 1776, Philadelphia, Penn. chart] Pluto.
Also, my good yogi friend, Suryakant's, natal chart [which shares the same sign and degrees for the Norht/South Nodes ...on the 7th degrees of Aquar. and Leo... of the Moon and Gemini on the 21st degree] shares the same M.C. with a Yeshu'a-USA natal composite.
The Desc./Asc. of the USA/Yeshu'a composite is the M.C./I.C. of the USA natal chart! longer a Christian nation? I BEG TO DISAGREE!

USA-Yeshu'a natal composite & Suryakant natal chart [edited for privacy]


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Now note the USA/Yeshu'a progressed composite for next May ...this same chart will ...basically... be in play during the event of Uranus conj. the USA natal charts' [zero hour, July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] Part of Transformation and through the, transiting, Jupiter/Uranus in Quintile Yod to the South Node for this date in May 2013... note that the Asc. is conj. the USA natal Pluto in the 28th deg. of Cap.
I've also written some extensive notes on the chart for empirical observation.

...check it out!..


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I have been calculating Astrological Parts [both the trad. Arabic and modern, trans-Saturnian, Parts] for composite charts for some years now and have found them to be symbolically active. As to whether they are activated by transiting astro-influences needs more study by myself, they newly realized information via Edgar Cayce [that I'm also posting today in the existing thread on Edgar Cayce] that not all planets have transiting effect on everyone does seem to indicate at this time that there may be some that don't activate the Parts even if they are part of the equation. Cayce did state that the Asc. and all angles made to it are in affect for all...thus it does stand to reason that all Astrological Parts that include the Asc. are of affect and I am very nearly certain then that all points of the chart axis and any Astrological Parts that include one or more of them in an Astrological Part is also of affect. I'm rather partial to all House cusps at this time, as a matter of fact...Placidus is the system I am adhering to at this time as it has been proving itself rather well through Sabian symbology as to ones bearing on the matters of what ever particular House is in question.

That being said I wish to introduce the Hermetic Lots of my natal composite with Yeshu'a...the Hermetic Lots of Necessity, Courage and Victory and that of Eros as well.
I have a thread on the first three listed titled as "Your Emergency Preparedness Kit...". The Hermetic Lot of Necessity [Asc. + Part of Fortune {Day formula only} - Mercury] is, by the Sabian symbol, symbolically the action or attitude of extreme necessity for ones spirital dharma to be fulfilled [or at least it is for those that find themselves under pressure or attack from the mundane or by those that promote or conspire with those that the Great Antagonist.]
For my natal comp. with Yeshu'a that calculates to be 01* Capricorn 02' 58", the 2nd degree of Capricorn.. From Dane Rudhyar's book on the Sabian symbols, "An Astrological Mandala" the 2nd degree of Capricorn reads:


KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

It seems obvious that the interpretation of this symbol should refer to the disruptive consequences of war. The 'chief' who claimed power from his tribe in order to lead or save it must reckon withh the consequences of a too-impulsive use of this power in terms of violence. The integration he seeks to maintain or enhance may be partially destroyed if in his ambition he yearns to be the victorius war leader glorified by his people. A 'rose window' is not absolutely essential to a cathedral, yet it symbolizes that through which the 'light of the Spirit' enters into the edifice. Mans' soul is said to be three-fold. Which part of mans' inner trinity of principles tends to be destroyed by the use of violence? Evidently the principle of love and compassion.
This...symbol is in contrast to the preceding one because it opposes the power to destroy to the power to build. The 'capital' of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. [...and Rudhyar's 'Keyword' summation] WASTE is the opposite of group-integration."

I remind some and inform some others, at this point, that Capricorn 01* is the I.C. of the Yeshu'a natal chart. The I.C. is the "WHY" of a natal chart interpreted for 'spiritual evolution'. As the truth as to whom Yeshu'a truly was and what He was really all about has been corrupted for 2000 years it is of utmost necessity that some of what the so called churches built for Christian worship need some remodeling...IMHO [of course]... and it does even suggest that the concept of the 'Trinity' itself may be in error...but I'll leave that for the Theologians to grapple with...all I know...or to be convinced personally that there isn't one among the nearly 2000 sects of Christianity at the present that I am convinced is 100% correct and infallible. [A good many of you know me to be a supporter/believer in that the Priory of Glastonbury to be the true 'First Church'...the true and legitimate church of Yeshu'a/Jesus.], the Hermetic Lot of Courage of my composite chart with that of Yeshu'a...


Well-known member
The Hermetic Lot of Courage [Asc. + Part of Fortune - Mars] from the composite natal chart of mine with that of Yeshu'a calculates to be 19* Libra 04' 44', the 20th degree of Libra. This is a degree and Sabian symbol I am quite familar with as it happens to be the Part of Bankruptcy [:jupiter: + :neptune: - :uranus:] for the natal chart of the USA [zero hour, July 4, 1776, Philadelphia, Penn. chart] which happens to be 19* Libra 17' 39".
The Sabain symbol for the 20th degree of Libra is thus symbolic of that which I [in composite with Yeshu' doing any endeavor to assist the true concept and practice of Christianity] must employ or armor myself with in principle to find that greastest source of "Courage" from which to anchor and defend myself if need be...and in such endeavor the "need" is most assured.

20* LIBRA [ibid.]
KEYNOTE: The ability to draw on the power of an ancestral tradition in order to serve and inspire ones' fellow-men.

Here we see at work the constructive use of rather rigid yet effectual sociocultural and religious patterns. The energies of the collective Unconscious are challed through well-defined, age-old forms and formulas. This implies limitations and the possibility of sclerosis or inertia when confronted with new situations, yet there is beauty and wisdom in such a ritualization of behavior and of thinking.
... At this stage of the relation of man, the individual, to his community-and beyond it, the universe-is seen in stabilized and effective operation. [...and Rudhyar's 'Keyword{s}' in summation...] INHERITED WISDOM can be focused through a person who accepts its limitations."

Well, it is to my understanding that Yeshu'a/Jesus was a Rabbi or at least considered to be one by outright virtue and as I have acquired the majority percentage of my astrological knowledge from studying Kabbalistic Astrology via, both the writings of Rabbi Joel Dobin, and the birth chart of Yeshu'a, in a sense I've been doing Rabbinical work myself in these astrological endeavors...and it is said that i am one of the descendants of either Joseph of Arimathea or James, Jesus/Yeshu'a's brother...{both of the House of David as it is said that Joseph was the Virgin mothers brother by Hannah [Anne, to the Gentiles]. While I am not Jewish by 'faith' I do have the DNA.
Though, these Hermetic Lots are relatively new to my awareness and understanding, I now find that I certainly do find the necessary courage in believing that fact, I can't find any of the other 359 symbols to be of greater encouragement to persevere through despite the opposition and lack of support., The Hermetic Lot of Victory... the requisite factor to successful accomplishment of this particular part of my lifes' dharma.


Well-known member
The Hermetic Lot of Victory [Asc. + Jupiter - Part of Spirit/Soul {day formula only}] is symbolically that action or attitude [priciple, precept, 'frame of mind'] that is needed to assure "Victory" along with the hermetic Lots of Necessity and of Courage.
By calculation, my natal composite with Yeshu'a produces a Hermetic Lot of Victory at 18* Libra 58' 56", the 19th degree of Libra. When reading the 360 degrees symbolism in a 'spiritually evolutionary' manner this degree is the one following that of the composite charts Lot of Courage [...and it seems so aptly so that it would be just that!]
The Sabian symbol:


KEYNOTE: Protest against disharmonic social privilege.
[oh my, YES! ptv]

It is questionable whether the formulation of the symbol at this place is adequate, but it is kept on general principle. One might rather think of Robin Hood and his band, or early Bolsheviks in Russia robbing banks to finance the revolution. The protest against an unbalanced society with its rigid stratification into classes can be seen as a positive factor, even if it challenges the principle of order, for it reveals dynamic qualities in individuals and the will to transformation. In another sense, it is the dark shadow of the ideal of 'nonpossessiveness.' The question is: How valid and effectual is this kind of protest?

The fourth stage in a five-fold sequence of symbols and phases usually presents us with at least a hint of technique. What can this mean at this level? Perhaps the fact that any effective resistance to the momentum of crystallized institutions should be organized if it is to be effective. Individuals alone are impotent in producing actual changes in social consciousness. A 'group' must be formed. The Keywords are GROUP PROTEST."

It should be quite obvious to a great number of you all that this is the VICTORY being sought after by this work i do in allegiance with, and to, Yeshu'a/Jesus]. The false doctrines and dogma promulgated by the multitude of imperfect Christian sects of belief is one thing...but ultimately what it all boils down to is an imbalance of imbalance that must come to an end. the Hermetic Lot of Eros.


Well-known member
The Hermetic Lot of Eros [Asc. + Venus - Part of Spirit {day formula only}] is said to be indicative of those with whom we truly wish [whether or not consciously] to be most closely associated with as our fellow travelers...our compatriots...our in contemporary slang, ones' 'posse'... ones' 'Homeboys'.

Yeshu'a's Hermetic Lot of Eros is the 25th of Leo...that is my M.C. [My "HOW" of my natal chart and it is also my Part of Fortune'] The 25th of Leo is by Sabian symbol [ibid.] "A LARGE CAMEL IS SEEN CROSSING A VAST AND FORBIDDING DESERT". It is a symbol of self reliance, self sufficiency, self learning/instruction. If I may quote from the Bible: "A voice cries: 'Even in the desert a path to God!' ...and what animal other than a camel is that most likely to find and traverse that "PATH"? These are the men that Yeshu'a needed and found that became his 'disciples'...of all whom it is said that I am one...being that of Judas, in a past life 2000 years ago. That I was born with this degree and symbolism as my "HOW" and as my Part of Fortune [also a "HOW" in addition to ones M.C., "HOW", as that which produces the most FORTUNE-ATE circumstances facilitating the accomplishing of the "HOW" symbolized by the M.C. of ones birth chart.]
For my composite natal chart with Yeshu'a's that Hermetic Lot of Eros calculates to be at 08* Scorpio 37' 11", the 9th degree of Scorpio.


KEYNOTE: Overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings."

When seen in the light of the previous three Hermetic Lots in composite with Yeshu'a i just produced and covered at length...I don't think anyone will have any trouble understanding what is being said here.
Fire up the x-ray machine...get them drills and picks sharpened...those gold and silver fillings at the ready...prepare to extract what is rotted...make bridge work and straighten if needed...and look forward to that final polish and how all will react when thay see a beautiful new smile...
Truly what any 'Bourne-a-grin' Christian will need for their proof of membership ...and as their 'umbrella' for the inevitable storms acoming.

...I hope that I've reached at least the fewest of you all that know or feel strongly that 'you have been called' to blaze a new "path" if necessary.
...just remember to keep a song in your heart, a smile on your face...and build something beautiful in place of what will be torn down or discarded.
Know your Hermetic Lots of Necessity, Courage and Victory for your natal chart and in composite with this Yeshu'a natal chart if you are convinced of and believe in it as I do...and don't forget that Lot of Eros ...know who your spiritual compatriots are... not that one has to lose their old familiar friends and associates but know with who you should be working with...devoting your energy and effort towards your spiritual goals should be done in unison or harmony with.
...and I am compelled to say that, all of the aforesaid is only IMHO...of course! [but I do believe in it well beyond any doubt that might hesitate me from assuming the karma due if I be wrong... which shouldn't be necessary for me to state...but I so do, just so that their be no doubt among you.]


Well-known member
It's been awhile since I've addressed this thread... about time i gave it a little love and attention.

For those of you that follow any of mine or Phoenix Venus' threads these last 6 mos. or more all should know by now how much endeavor I have been giving the study of mundane charts for the USA and P.V. and I have this "thing" for the Man from Nazareth and the two of us have had an interesting time of it using composite charts with Him...[we even did a three-way, composite,...which I was surprised to know existed but more surprised at the results. Astrodienst has the app. as an option.]

My latest progressed composite with Yeshu'a has a chart axis horizon, i.e. Asc./Desc. @ 21* :aquarius:/:leo: 18' 38" , Chiron @ 24* :aquarius: 12' 00" rx and :venus: @ 20* :leo: 16' 00"

My Natal :moon: is @ 24* :aquarius: 03' 08" My M.C./I.C. @ 24* :leo: 20' 46" ...conj. the progressed composite Chiron... {about time I got some spiritual/emotional healing too.}

My Natal :pluto: is @ 20* :leo: 48' 07" ...that is conj. the progressed composite :venus:... {about time... it's been one heck of a ride with Pluto all my life... some Love and Appreciation is just what the doctor ordered ...sheeesh, my own personal phys. told me twenty years ago ...[he was nearing 60 then... old timey, full of country wisdom, sharp as a tack, kinda country, kinda city, M.D. that talked straight] "Dave, what you need is a bottle, a b**** and a room." ...Straight up...! :lol:}

Prog. comp. N. Node is conj. my Part of Basis @ 01* :taurus: 43' 13'
" " Moon is just past my two Parts that are, of Divination @ 11* :taurus: 06' and of Faithfulness aka Stability @ 11* :taurus: 30' and approaching my Part of Influence @ 13* :taurus: 43'

...those are all excellent signs... wonderful ...

Prog. comp. :uranus: @ 10 :gemini: 03' and :jupiter: @ 11* :gemini: 55'

While well enough past my natal mars in the 5th deg. I have natal Part of Advancement aka Part of Father @ 11* :gemini: 08' {Asc. + :sun: - :jupiter:}
and Part of Treachery @ 11* :gemini: 19' 47" {Asc. + :neptune: - :sun:}

I like that "Advancement" thing... but "Treachery"? ...hmmm?

Prog. comp. :mars: @ 24* :cancer: 35'
The USA natal :mercury: [the "Zero Hour Chart" 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] is @ 24* :cancer: 30' 36".
My natal Part of Popularity, which Phoenix Venus recently demonstrated is really more appropriately titled as the 'Part of Transformation of Other Peoples Minds', is @ 24* :cancer: 19' 18" {ain't THAT a gas!?!} and my natal Part of Ancestral Heritage {Asc. + :moon: - Cusp 8th ... an untested Part, that I've yet to study} @ 24* :cancer: 28'

Prog. comp. :sun: @ 27* :leo: 18' 13" is conj. the USA natal Part of Hidden or Subtle Changes @ 26* :leo: 39' 02" {Asc. + :pluto: - :neptune: , which I've not studied extensively, but the Sabian Symbol for mine makes sense in that respect...may be that Part would make a good next thread.} and also conj to the Part of Sudden Parting @ 27* :leo: 23' 31" ...President Nixon's natal Part of Sudden Parting was conj. his progressed I.C. the day he resigned.]

Prog. comp. :mercury: @ 03* :virgo: 37' 06"
The USA's natal Part of Change is @ 02* :virgo: 49' 43" {' already starting to add all up!}

Pro. comp. :pluto: @ 18* :virgo: 34' 38" conj. my Part of Individuality @ 18* :virgo: 05' 59".
The USA's natal of Soul/Spirit is @ 17* :virgo: 18' 24"

I'll get to the rest tomorrow..

here's the natal progressed composite chart


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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
That's interesting, ptv. i'm having some fun looking at mine.

ic@ 2.33 taurus conj part of nobility/honor @ 2.30 taurus. i like that symbol "natural steps lead to a lawn of clover in bloom" :) ...i wonder what will happen when ic reaches 7 taur
... maybe i will have to look into that chart at some point...

Chiron @ 14.03 taurus conj positive & helpful change @ 14.32 taurus (which i also remember being involved in those charts i emailed you about)

The pof is conj my part of sickness/distress @ 17 leo... when i looked up the symbol, keyword "togetherness" it made sense for some stuff going on w me(Don't always dig the crowds much, always been more of a loner)

Venus @ 22.23 scorp conj that part pluto-sun @ 22.31 scorp

Lol... with lil at3.03 libra just moving away from my sn @ 2.44 libra

and neptune @ 19.44 sag conj my part of victory @ 19.20 sag...

...oh! And can't forget nn conj part of spiritual service @ 1 gemini!

regarding the part pluto - nep, Yeshua's is "a revolutionary activist spreading his ideals" and i think it makes sense for that title.. :)
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member

Prog. comp. :mars: @ 24* :cancer: 35'
The USA natal :mercury: [the "Zero Hour Chart" 12:00:01 a.m. July 4, 1776 Philadelphia, Penn.] is @ 24* :cancer: 30' 36".
My natal Part of Popularity, which Phoenix Venus recently demonstrated is really more appropriately titled as the 'Part of Transformation of Other Peoples Minds', is @ 24* :cancer: 19' 18" {ain't THAT a gas!?!} and my natal Part of Ancestral Heritage {Asc. + :moon: - Cusp 8th ... an untested Part, that I've yet to study} @ 24* :cancer: 28'

Oh hey.. I was just calculating those comp parts that you mentioned so far in the thread (necessity, courage, etc.)

My comp w/ Yeshua part of eros is cancer 24.26. I also have my natal lot of courage somewhere in that same degree.

You might find this interesting, too... since my natal asteroid "psyche" is conjunct my composite w/ Y ascendant, i plugged that into the comp chart to see.... it's at 25.05 leo conj wald at 25.45 leo. (it's not really doing much in the progressed comp but conj prog comp osc lil and a very very loose conj my natal mars/ sn...) *curious*..... oh man.... in our comp, asteroid psyche is at 0.26 scorp conj my natal venus!

i'd look up the asteroid eros in regards to these charts but uhh... man.. curiosity killed the cat soooo.... nahh... :tongue:

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
oh hey... my composite w/ Y lot of Necessity is cap 16.06, which happens to be the POF of that chart i cast a couple days ago about that project i'm working on...

KEYNOTE: The escape from bondage to social inhibitions and a reliance upon the wisdom of the body.

hmm... :andy: "a welcome protest against the depressing and neurosis-generating puritanism of the past. " ... that makes sense.. :smile:

Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
oh, you will find this interesting, ptv.... i've been lookin at Yeshua's natal progressed chart... (i plugged it in to 12/25... just for... gits and shiggles i guess... )

the 12th house cusp is 24.43 aqua...:smile:

jupiter at 10.28 gemini and uranus at 1.36 taurus

a couple of other interesting things going on too..


Well-known member
oh, you will find this interesting, ptv.... i've been lookin at Yeshua's natal progressed chart... (i plugged it in to 12/25... just for... gits and shiggles i guess... )

the 12th house cusp is 24.43 aqua...:smile:

jupiter at 10.28 gemini and uranus at 1.36 taurus

a couple of other interesting things going on too..



Well-known member
To make claims as to ones allegiances and purpose is all fine and dandy.. but when charts can be produced in these manners... especially as to in the interplay between us, the purpose, the ideals and all the rest... it's irrefutable...imho... unless you just don't believe in composite and, or, progressed composite charts.
...or just don't believe in astrology at all... but then what would anyone that didn't believe in Astrology be reading this thread for to begin with?

I'll have to get to the rest of my chart later... it's not of so much importance to me, though.

I'm trying to get those that consider themselves to be followers of the "Man from Nazareth" to at least check this tech out and see what they might discover of their own. As I have said many a time, I'm not a 'Christian' in that sense of the word that infers I belong to any church or organized religion, I am a yogi and have been one since 1968 and personally had no use for the Jewish Carpenter, never did...I found my spiritual identity and truths though the use of various forms of yoga, Hindu/Vedic knowledge and theology and by the grace of Sri Rama.
OM Namah Sri Prabhu Ram Layla ParBramhnay Namah Sharanam OM
I am in service to Him indirectly at present... from what I understand... sort of like being re-assigned to a different branch of the same military...
No charge, no obligation and no salesman will call... free sample, free of charge. unlimited trial period ... no call to make ... no operators standing by ... offer doesn't expire.
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Phoenix Venus

Well-known member
There is no doubt in my mind. Too much astrological evidence that is all so fitting.

I think looking at the chart axis of the comp and progressed comp is probably the most beneficial for people searching for a spiritual purpose and direction.

My Comp w/ Y MC symbol is "a preist performing a marriage ceremony." This one has had me stumped since I read it the first time.... it will come out in time, when it's supposed to....

Om Prema Nam Om
Om Sat Nam Om
Thank God
(how would you say that...?)